Already Done

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I'm already done with school. First week back and I've got homework up to my knees.

I've been doing homework for hours by now. We started after dinner, me, Katelyn, Dani, and Louis.

"Why the fuck do we study star alignment and other soulmate things when we literally get told our soulmates." Kate huffed out in annoyance as she chucked her quill down.

She's just a little annoyed because Jupiter didn't match up. She's been stuck in the same question for about half an hour. None of us really understood the question so we just made up an answer but she wants hers to make sense.

I moved on to transfiguration homework. Well it's technically not homework right now because all we are doing is review work. I just got bored of homework so I snuck into the restricted section of the library early and took a book.

So now I'm learning a spell that I'll probably never actually use in my life but it's just fun knowing stuff you're not supposed to. Currently I'm learning a spell that turns plant lines into unbreakable chains.

"You should probably finish your homework Fray" Dani tells me from behind a stack of textbooks.

"I'll do my homework when miss perfect can get the right answers for me to copy. Until then I'm done." I declare while trying the spell on a small plant I've placed in front of me.

The leaves turned a shiny metallic silver and then slowly faded back into a soft green as I looked farther down the vine. Dang it! So close.

Maybe I'm not pronouncing it right. Or I might have the hand motion slightly off. I flip to the spell movement page in the book but it's looking pretty good.

"We're hungry" came three little voices from the top of the stairs followed by the sound of someone jumping down them.

"It's past your curfew, you can't go out now" Dani told them as he put his own book down with his positions essay half completed.

"But we can't sleep we're so hungry" Ivory complained as she collapsed on the couch next to me. Now that I think of it I'm kinda hungry to. I skipped dinner to work on a song so it's kinda my own fault.

"Why don't one of you guys sneak out and get us something" Ashton suggests.

"Fine, I'll go but only because you need to get to sleep. I'm not doing this again" I told them in a fake strict voice which caused them to giggle.

"Yes mother Freya" they all responded as the jumped into the couch and climbed under the covers.

The halls were empty and quit when I stepped out of the Hufflepuff common room. I'm so thankful that the kitchen is near our common room, unlike poor Ravenclaw.

I tickle the pear and walk into the kitchen and I'm instantly surrounded bye noise. "How may us house elf's help ms Ross?" Several elf's squeak as they crowed around me.

"Could I possibly get some chocolate chip cookies and 4 hot chocolates" I asked the kind little house elf's.

"Certainly ms Ross. Blinky will do that right now" responded one of the little elf's before they all dashed off to continue on with their kitchen duties.

I walked over to a table and took a seat as I watched the elf's scurry around the kitchen. They really are interesting creatures.

One walks over to me with cup of hot chocolate in its hand claiming I should have a drink while I wait. They are so polite and sweet.

"Oh shut up moony, it's a brilliant idea."

"How else are we supposed to fund our soulmate?"

Brilliant, just brilliant. The fucking marauders just have to show up and wreck my peaceful evening.

"Acrio Transfiguration book" I say with a flick of my wand. If I'm going to be here with them I might as well have something to do. I take a little table center peace and move it closer to me.

"FLYING BOOK!" I hear James yell as they all stumble through the door and my book lands in front of me.

"So graceful, aren't you Potter" I say sarcastically as he gets up off the floor and dusts off himself.

"Back to Potter then I see Freya" he says back while Remus asks a house elf for some chocolate.

I completely ignore him as I go back to my book. What happened over the summer was completely inconvenient. The boys at school and different from the ones I met in the summer.

I the boys I met in the summer were playful and fun without a care in the world. I don't think they realize the slight change when at school. They no longer do stuff for pure enjoyment, they crave other peoples attention. It's kinda sad.

"So what did you learn about your soulmate" Remus asks as he sit down beside me. That it's you, all of you. The thought crosses my mind but I don't dare to say it.

"They are in my year, all four of them. Good night boys" I say as I take my tray of food from the house elf thanking him before leaving the boys.

As I leave the kitchen the last thing I hear before I'm able to kick the door closed is Sirius talking "I guess everyone is just getting four soulmates this year" Merlin he is so clueless, they all are.

IM IN LOS VAGAS!! It's amazing here. I was kind a stuck righting this but I think my writers block is leaving. Any ideas about what to write about for the next few chapters. The more ideas I get the quicker this block will leave hopefully. Love you all and stay safe.

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