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Remus POV

I climbed up the astronomy stairs as quietly as I could so I wouldn't get caught. My hands are clenching the tray I'm holding with every step I climb.

This is a stupid idea Remus! Why are you doing this?

She upset, that's why. Your friends hurt her and your gonna fix this.

But why do we care about her?

That's actually a good question.

Remus snapped out of his thoughts when her reached the door to the top of the tower. It was slightly opened and he could hear muffled cries but couldn't see much.

Slowly pushing the door open with my side, I poked my head round the door to make sure it was still Freya up here and not someone else.

Surely enough it was still Freya. She was sitting on the railing and holding on with one of her small, delicate hands  with her legs dangling over the edge. It looked beautiful. With the orangey yellow grow from the few lanters around the room reflecting off her hair

Wait Remus, rewind for a second. Her legs where dangling over the edge of the railing and the only thing that is stopping her from falling is her skinny, tiny hand.

Within seconds I dropped the tray of cookies and hot chocolate onto a nearby table and was wrapping my arms around her tiny torso. "He didn't mean it. I'm sorry. Don't do it" I kept mumbling as I tried to pull her off the railing slowly.

She let go pretty easily and I slowly brought her to the floor,  our backs pressed against the wall. She turned away from me and tried to wipe the tears off her face but had no luck as more continued to roll down her flushed cheeks.

"Shit Freya, I didn't know, we didn't know. Im so sorry" I continued to mumble on. "It's fine Lupin. I wasn't going to jump and you don't actually care so just shut up and move on" She sobbed quietly.

Hey eyes where red a puffy and her eye sight was probably blurry due to the tears gathered in her eyelashes. Her cheeks are flushed a bright red and her fa e is stained with tears. My heart broke as I observed the smaller girl and realized how much me and my friends hurt her.

"I'm not leaving you Freya" I told her. "Me and my friends have been nothing but mean to you. We bully you. And I never thought about how it could affect you because your face is just so plain of any emotion. And I'm just so very sorry." Words just tumbled out of my mouth.

"Please forgive me Freya. Your a wonderful person and you never asked for any of this. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. Please forgive, even if it's just for tonight"

"Your apology needs to  be as loud as the disrespect was" Freya let out between shaky breaths. "If you give me the chance you'll have the loudest apology ever" I told her.

She seemed to think it over for a minute. Questioning if my words where true or not, which they where. Her whole body was rocking backwards and forwards and she had her head resting on her knees. He hands shock slightly with each breath she took so I gently grabbed one.

They where freezing. Why didn't I think of that."I have hot chocolate and a thew cookies if you want some. You seem pretty cold." All she did was nod. She didn't talk much at all the whole time she ate her cookies. We where just drinking our hot chocolate in an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry" I told her again "stop apologizing" she told me with a stern look "Ok, your hair looks really nice in this lighting. Makes it look like it's glowing" I told her, hoping to start up a conversation. She mumbled a quick and quiet thank you.

She started humming a tune that I didn't recognize, maybe it's one of her own. It's probably got so etching to do about is then.

Freya had calmed down a lot now but she was still shivering slightly. "Come here" I told her as I started to take of my cloak.

She gave me a questioning look but did end up shuffling closer to me so we where now shoulder to shoulder. I draped my robe over her shoulders like a blanket and rubbed her shoulders slightly. She snuggled closer to me slightly, loving the warmth my body swam in due to my condition.

We stayed like this till we finished all the cookies, I ate most of them but Freya still nibbled on a few, and we finished our hot chocolate. By then it was near 2:00 and it was time for us to part ways.

"Here's your robe, Lupin" Freya offered me it back. The thing dragged along the floor slightly when she wore it and the arms we a thew inches to long.

"Return it to me tomorrow morning" I smirked at her as she scowled at me. "We are not friends, Lupin" she exclaimed as I started to walk the opposite direction of her.

"We're not friends yet, Freya. Not yet" I replied as I turned around to watch where I was going. I heard her let out a frustrated groan as she started to walk away "see you tomorrow Freya." And with that I left to go to my dorm.

Ok so it's a short chapter but I already posted twice this week so don't kill me for it.

Should I continue to write in third person pov or from Freyas?

Our Little Hufflepuff (A Poly Marauders Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora