Shopping Spree

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Life at the Lupins was pretty good. I woke up every morning to the smell of bacon and freshed cooked pancakes most mornings.

I usally beat Remus to the table in the mornings. Not by much, by about 15 minutes, and boy was it a shocker that first morning. When Remus walked down the stairs with messy morning hair and the light beaming down on his beautiful, lean body I nearly choked on my food. I knew he went to sleep without a shirt on but it was dark that night.

Now in the glowing morning light I could easily see all the thick white scars spread across his toned body. My eyes travelled down his abs and followed down to a perfectly painted v line before my eyes snapped back towards the window I previously stared out of.

Remus silently grabbed his own breakfast before taking the seat in front of me with a smirk "like the view?" "Shut up"


It was finally Sunday and I would be able to wear some clothes that actually fit. Not that there was anything wrong with Remus clothes, I would probably still keep some if the clothes he lent me anyways, I just wanted something that was actually mine.

I mean sure I had a package come through the mail with all my school supplies, a pair or leggings, a shirt 3 sizes to small, and some undergarments but it still didn't give me much choice. I still had to wear Remus shirts, but not anymore.

We where currently in a shop looking around the clothes section while the parents where off somewhere off. "This top is kinda cute" Peter said as he held up a brown crop top.

It was a cute top, but it was brown. I usually only wore my house colours but the boys kept suggesting different colours. "I think I already have it in yellow though" I replied

"All your clothes are yellow. It's either yellow or black. Can we get a new colour" James asked as he carries a thew tops and a pair of pants in his arms that I didn't want but he thought I should get.

"Just one thing, please. I think you should get this shirt. It's baggy and comfortable" Remus told me while holding up a shirt. Sirius wasn't complaining much but that's probably because most of the clothes he suggested where black.

A leather jacket, a black skirt, a black party dress. He for once wasn't being much of a problem and his taste in clothing was pretty good. The others kept throwing all sorts of colours at me.

"What about this. You each go of and find me a complete outfit. Top, jacket, pants, the whole thing and then meet me here in half an hour. Sound good?" I asked to boys and they all nodded before leave me to myself.

As the boys scattered throughout the store, I took my time browsing through the racks of clothes. It was refreshing to have some freedom in choosing my own outfits without the boys hovering over my shoulder . I started with the tops, looking for something that would make me feel confident and comfortable.

After a few minutes, I stumbled upon a pale blue blouse that caught my eye. It had delicate lace detailing on the sleeves, and I could already imagine how it would pair perfectly with the jeans James had shoved me earlier. And while I thought I was going crazy for contemplating a different colour I decided to keep it in mind and continued my search.

Next, I moved on to the jackets. I knew I wanted something that would add a touch of edginess to my look. As I scanned the racks, my eyes landed on a sleek, black leather jacket. It had just the right amount of zippers and studs to give it that rebellious vibe. I couldn't resist trying it on, and as soon as I slipped it on, I felt an instant boost of confidence.

With the top and jacket sorted, I made my way to the pants section. I wanted something that would complement the rest of my outfit without overpowering it. I sifted through the array of options, from jeans to trousers, until I stumbled upon a pair of high-waisted, black skinny jeans. They were simple yet stylish, and I knew they would complete the look perfectly.

As I gathered my chosen items, I couldn't help but feel excited about the outfit I was putting together. I made my way back to the designated meeting spot, eager to see what they had picked out for me.

One by one, the boys returned, each holding a complete outfit in their hands. Peter was the first to present his selection, a flowy, floral dress with a light cardigan. It was a sweet and feminine choice, and I appreciated his thoughtfulness.

"My cousin wears something similar some times and I think it might look good on you" Peter told me as he fidgeted in his spot. "I love it Peter, thanks"

James followed suit, presenting a more casual ensemble consisting of a tight fitted top, a loose brown knitted sweater, a pair of beige cargo pants, and brown converse. It was a laid-back look that I could easily see myself wearing on a lazy Sunday.

Remus came next, holding up a bohemian-inspired outfit. It consisted of a loose-fitting peasant top, a suede vest, a pair of wide-legged pants, and some basic white sneakers. It was a unique and free-spirited choice that I found intriguing.

Finally, Sirius stepped forward. He had chosen a black rumpled dress that would fall very short on me. He also had a pair of black stilettos. I needed a new party outfit and leave it to Sirius to deliver.

Stepping out the store with the boys carrying my bags behind me, I realized the stress and anxiety I had been waking around with.

The lupins house didn't feel like home, it just felt like I was visiting, but now with my clothes hung up in my closet, books stacked beside my bed, and my school trunk tucked in the corner it was starting to feel like my space, my room, my home.

I actually really like you chapter, what do you think?

I messed up my loop jump at practice yesterday and injured my back. Idk when I'll be able to skate again but I'm hoping I'll be fine by the end of the weekend but it might mean the next chapter will actually come out on time for once.

Should the next chapter be a back to school one or should I do one more summer one?

Enjoy your weekend :)

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