Midnight Snacks

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⚠️ *mentions of suicide*⚠️

"Freya can I read your essay from potions?"

"Just don't copy it Dani" Freya said as she finished the last thew lines of her DADA essay. They had formed a late night study group in the common room so they could get all their work done before the weekend.

"Why does Jupiter mater. Can someone just blow it up" Kate asked as she chucked her quill back down after Pandora pointed out another mistake in her astronomy assignment.

"Jupiter means good fortune, growth, and healing, doesn't it" Louis responded as he wrote something down for Arithmancy. Katelyn flipped through her text book before she found what she was looking for.

"Yes. Merlin Louis your a genius. What does Venus mean?" She asked as she started to scribble down what he just told her. "Love, romance, beauty, and money I think" he said as he looked up from his parchment to watch her write what he said down, a smile on his lips

"Alright and what happens if they are in line or whatever?" She asked "something about expanding your social circle. It's a great time to make new friends" Louis told her before he turned back to his parchment.

"I'm bored" Daniel said as he tossed himself backwards onto the floor. "I'm feeling slightly hungry" Pandora said from her spot on the couch.

She had joined them after dinner because she didn't want to go back to her common room. She had already finished her homework, proving that she was a true Ravenclaw, and had started reading one of the girls books from their dorm.

"We could go get a snack or something" Louis suggested as he put his quill down. "We should back cookies or something!" Katelyn said excitedly as she shoved her work into her bag. "Kate you don't know how to cook" Daniel told her as he neatly put his work away. "Ya but Freya and Louis do, their families are muggles" Katelyn said as she jumped up, pulling Freya up with her.

"Fine! But I get to decide what we are making" Freya told her friends as they all made their way out of the common room.


"Louis, would you rather only be able to grab stuff with your feet or with your mouth?" Dani asked as he dipped one of his cookies into his hot chocolate.

"My mouth" Louis answered simply. "That makes sense, I would hate grabbing things with my feet" Pandora said as she grabbed another cookie. "Alright Freya, would you rather date one of the marauders or fight a lion?" Katelyn asked, taking a long sip oh her hot chocolate.

"Definitely the loin. I would rather kill my self then date a marauder." "You would be doing everyone a favour if you did that. "

All five heads whipped round to the door at the sound of a new voice. Well of course they just had to be here.

"Just leave her alone" Dani told the four boys. "Seriously Sirius, this is something your mother would love, you bullying a muggle born" Pandora said with a small smirk knowing the boy had a complicated family life and was against all his families beliefs.

"Well Pandora, nice to know my lovely brother tells you everything" Sirius said, trying to cover up the fact that he was truly hurt by his family with lots of sarcasm and jokes.

"Hey little yellow eyes, nice to see you actually eat" James said changing the subject. "Keep it up, maybe one day you'll way more then a feather" Sirius said while Peter chuckled slightly.

"You know it's really weird that you make fun of Freyas health, considering Lupin over there is sick every month" Louis said, waving his cookie around.

The four boys went silent and looked at each over, as if they where talking through their eyes. Freya watched them closely, and even though it was only for a split second, she swore she saw fear in their eyes.

"Re-Remus doesn't chose to to be sick" Peter stuttered. He's always stuttering.

"You piece of shi-" Katelyn started but Louis grabbed her and placed a hand over her mouth before she said something she would regret.

"You think I chose this" Freya asked the boys in a hushed tone. "You think I chose to look in the mirror and see this. That it's my choice that I feel sick and guilty whenever I eat. You think I chose this life?"

"Oh shut up, your making it sound like your life is difficult" Sirius snapped "it is" "no it's not. Your life is easy compared to others" "do you even know what's going on in my life?" Freya snapped, furious that Sirius thought he had the right to tell her her life was easy.

"I'm not saying my life is more difficult then yours, Merlin no. Your family is a mess. But mine definitely isn't all sunshine and rainbows."

"Go kill yourself Ross. Thinking you can compare your problems to my family." Sirius spat back bitterly.

The thought has crossed her mind. It's crossed her mind a thew times before. The world would be so much better without me in it. No one would probably even realize I was gone. My friends would get over it quickly. Those where all things she told herself. And while she has never taken an attempt on her own life, she still sits at the top of the astronomy tower debating if she should jump or not. Just thinking over all her life choices.

In fact that's where she was heading now as she pushed pass the marauders. In the background she heard her friends yelling something behind her and she whipped a single tear from her cheek and casting the disillusionment charm over herself.

"Now look what you've done, you stupid, stuck up pricks. Bullying someone because their different from you, or because they don't like you. Honestly how can you view yourself as a fucking hero when your hurting innocent people." Katelyn spat at the group of four boys from the restraints of Louis.

"And before you go on and say something about how she hasn't experienced a harsh life yet, she has. Her life is shit right now but that's her story to tell and not ours" Daniel added.

"Their just words guys chill out" Sirius chuckled but nobody joined him this time.

"Come on guys, let's go find her" Pandora told her friends as they all made their way out of the kitchen, the cookies and hot chocolate left in the table.

"They are so childish. There just words" Sirius complained as the group sat down in the spots that used to be filled.

"No there not" Remus mumbled. He didn't care if the boys heard it or not but Sirius did. "Do you have something to say moony?" "Ya actually. That was disgusting. Your behaviour was unacceptable and harsh " Remus said as he nibbled on a chocolate chip cookie.

"He's got a point pads. Telling her to go off herself was a little far" James said as moved his hand across his throat as if it where a knife. Sirius looked at Peter to see what he had to say but he had his mouth full with cookies so he just rolled his eyes.

Remus pulled the map from his back pocket and read over it for a few minutes before he found the name he was looking for and got up.

"Where ar-are you going Remus?" Peter asked with a full mouth. "To find Ross" was all he said as he grabbed the tray of cookies and put two cups of hot chocolate on it as he left.

Next chapter should have a cute little moment between Remus and Freya. THAT DOESN'T MEAN SHE HAS FORGIVEN HIM!

I know this question isn't about Freya or the marauders but who should Katelyns soulmate be?

See you next chapter!

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