Lights, camera -- movie!

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Hello my lovely readers. Thanks for your beautiful comments and votes!! As I have said before many times, it means a lot for me.. A good news for y'all, my story has been ranked #14th in story telling, and its all because of you guys! So thank you very very much! and please suggest me some good plots if you have any, I will surely take note of it. And an apology too for posting such a small chapter since I have been engaged in lots of other business too lately. And I am finishing off the lovey dovey scenes....since I need a turn of events now! Soon! so heads up for that! and please read and comment! Enjoy!

The Cinema hall wasn't pitch dark, but it was darkly illuminated, which is obvious. But for Arjun it was kind of scary and cold ( mind you the AC). He thinks its a probable threat for the girls by some mystical force that wants to hurt them. He even suggested them to immediately leave as the lights goes off in the theatre at the starting of the movie. The other audiences nearby were extremely irritated by this mad stranger who has no clue of the customs of cinema halls.

 After a lot of persuasion by the girls he calms his nerves that this is normal. The tickets that Archana held gave her the full rights to decide the seats for each of them. She picked Preeti to sit next to her and pushed Sakshi to sit next to Preeti, leaving Arjun to sit on the other end, next to Sakshi. Sakshi was glaring at her best friends for plotting such lame plan to tease her and Arjun. Preeti giggled when Arjun playfully threatened Archana that he knew exactly what her plan is. 

"Kuch adhik chalak nehi ban rahi hai ap, Archana ji?" 

"Aree ap please movie dekho!" Archana shrugs covering her face behind Preeti to avoid Arjun's playful glare. 

Archana and preeti sat together sharing their mutant bucket of pop corn, while they occasionally reek their necks to check on the new emerging lovebirds.

 However, after the little fiasco in the trial room, Arjun was controlling all his desires to not hinder his willpower in staying away from Sakshi. He could tell Sakshi has some soft corners for him. Which is a reason that he felt so drawn to her. And he is very happy for that. But if they don't have a future together then what is the point? His train of thoughts disrupts as the blaring sound of the gunshots echoes around the cinema hall, from the movie, precisely.

He looks at Sakshi, alarmed.

"Yeh is chal chitra ka kamal hai! fight scenes... I mean, ufff... Ap sirf dekhiye!" She groans to the heavens as she turns his face to the screen. He calms his nerves down and oggles at the screen; trying to pay attention. He was happy the movie is dubbed in hindi so it wasn't that hard for him to understand the plot.
Coincidentally he couldn't tell exactly when he actually got caught by the plot of the movie. Since it is all about thriller elements, beautiful cars chasing and modern weapons his interest got caught into the cinema in no time. He is a boy after all. He even loved the savory of the salted buttery popcorn while watching the movie. Sakshi thinks it is really cute of him to cherish this moment without giving much of a thought. He is cute Sakshi, admit it! Okay her preteen mind needs to shut up now!

At times he would ask few questions here and there, since he is not accustomed to the whole process of modern technology, otherwise he was growing invested into the movie; until one moment. 

One particularly embarrassing moment when our James Bond engrossed into an intimate scene with his co-actress.

Arjun felt uncomfortable, actually he was going all red, it was the first time he is seeing something like this. Sakshi looked from the corner of her  eyes to see his expression. She hoped the scene to end soon since she would do a horrible job of explaining that to him, if he idiotically asked her to translate. She could feel her best friends snickering at the corner at Arjun's rigid expression. She was mentally abusing them for this.

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