Chapter 33

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*Fami's P.O.V*

With Matias now holding Grace on his lap, I can finally sit the way I want and not worry about her being comfortable first. It kind of feels weird not to have her but I can't keep Grace to myself all the time. I remind myself that she needs her daddy time despite how much I want to steal her back. Matias and Grace look happy though and that's all that really matters.

"Matias, leave the poor girl alone. She just wants to get comfortable and you keep shifting to touch her. Either actually help her or get still already." I say to him. I swear he acts like a brand new father sometimes, especially around Grace. At least he is finally learning what is the proper way to act around her.

Going back to when I found her... where did I leave off in our story? Oh yeah...

I walked around that room for a while. I wanted to make sure Grace was comfortable before I did anything else. I tried repeatedly to get her to stop sucking her thumb but it would always immediately just pop right back in. Giving up, I waited until someone finally came back to give me her files.

"Mrs. Santini, her files are..." I hear said before I cut her off.

"Shhh... can't you see she is asleep? Are you trying to wake her?" I whisper at her in annoyance.

"I'm sorry... of course not. Grace's file is quite large so we left it in the meeting room. You can read it there until Elena joins you. She is currently finishing her meal but shouldn't be much longer.

"If it is dinner time, why isn't Grace eating?" I ask her.

"I'm not sure... maybe she planned to eat later. I presume Elena is eating now so it gives her more time with you later. Unless there is a medical reason, we don't usually monitor when and how much a child is eating, especially with teenagers." She tells me, confusing me.

"Grace... is a teenager? This Grace? Are you sure you aren't confused with another Grace?" I ask. If Grace is a teenager, something is seriously wrong here.

"Yes..? She is 12... almost 13. Did she not tell you that? Did she lie about her age? I mean, it's not uncommon for kids to say they are younger to try to get adopted. It never works out for them but kids will be kids." The woman whispers to me, confused by my question. I don't understand her confusion... I mean, does Grace look almost 13 to her?

"No... she told the truth, apparently. It just surprises me, is all. Anyway, can I get a pacifier for her? I'm tired of her sucking her thumb and I can't get her to stop so I need something to replace it." I ask and explain, following behind this woman to the room they set aside for me.

"No, afraid not. We don't give pacifiers to teenagers. I find it weird you even asked... she's almost 13 years old, not almost 13 months, after all. I've heard it's a constant problem with her. She just won't act her proper age. Don't even get me started on her constant accidents..." the woman says to me and I don't know what to say to her in return.

"I see no problems with her behavior, if that was your way of asking me. She isn't hurting anyone to act this way and it makes her happy. What's so wrong with that? Are you saying it's wrong for her to try to be happy? And if she is truly having these accidents then they are accidents and out of her control. Instead of complaining and belittling her, how about helping her deal with it? You are here to take care of her, are you not? You make it sound like she should be in some protection but I feel no protection on her..." I tell her, not liking how she is talking about my little girl.

"Mrs. Santini... she is 12! 12! And you are talking like it's normal to put a 12 year old in a diaper! She has no reason to still be wetting herself like she does. It's one of the reasons she can't get..." she starts to say but I've had enough of her at this point so cut her off.

"Enough! Not another word. She will be adopted... as far as I'm concerned she is already adopted! She is adopted by me! She is my daughter and I don't appreciate you talking about her like this. I also don't understand why you think her age matters. I'm talking about what she needs... Needs. This shouldn't be up for debate. I'm asking for things she should already have and you are just giving excuses on why you aren't doing your job!" I snap at her.

"They aren't her needs! No 12 year old needs those things! They are the needs of a baby, not a teenager!" She snaps back.

"They are needs of someone who needs them. It's that simple. I don't care how you need to justify these things to yourself, but you will keep those thoughts to yourself. She will get what she needs and you of all people should be supporting her and encouraging her to do what she needs. It's literally your job to do those things... to give these children what they need. It is why you are being paid to be here!" I snap back at her, clutching onto Grace in a very protective manner.

"She doesn't NEED those things! You WANT her to use those things! First you carry her around everywhere, then you encourage her to suck her thumb and for her to use a pacifier, now you want a diaper for her! You are acting like she is a baby! News flash, she's not a baby. She's a fucking teenager and I should report you for the way you are trying to treat this child!" She shouts in a righteous tone.

"I'm warning you now, try to report me and it's you who will be investigated, not me for the way she has been treated. I will make sure they turn over every single pebble in that investigation too. Now leave me and both my daughters alone. If I find out you so much as thought about them, I will have your career ended before you can even finish that thought. That's not a threat but a promise. A promise I so very much hope you decide to test. Now get out of my sight!" I hiss at her, pure venom in my tone. She just glares at me before she throws her hands up in a dramatic fashion.

"Whatever. I'm not paid enough to deal with you and what you think I should be doing. Your room is that one over there. Do whatever you want because I have better things to do right now." She declares before storming off. Agreeing that this argument isn't worth my time, I let her go.

Finding the room she was talking about, I see Grace's file sitting on the table. Sitting down, I make sure Grace stays comfortable and more importantly, asleep. Surprisingly, she actually slept through that argument with the staff member I had. She either is a really deep sleeper or really needed this nap. Watching her adjust herself and get comfortable, she eventually finds a comfortable spot and settles into me. Not able to help myself, I lean down to her and kiss the top of her head, earning the cutest annoyed pout I've ever heard.

Chuckling to myself, I get comfortable as I pull Grace's folder of files over and start reading. From the very first file, I'm not happy and that was just from her current basic information section. I am furious when I start reading her adoption history. Someone will answer for this obvious lack of care. This shouldn't be happening to her... or any child. Especially not to one of my girls...

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