Chapter 47

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*Grace's P.O.V*

"Hey babe," Daddy says, coming up to us as he kisses Mommy on the lips, making me look away. It was gross how kissy and lovey dovey they were. Did they not get bored of always kissing and stuff? I know I did and I wasn't even the one doing it. So clearly they had to get bored of it sooner or later. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

"What happened to you making sure Grace drank water by setting a good example and also drinking your water?" Mommy asks as she pulls back, making Daddy freeze in place. Oh he knew he was in trouble now.

"Oh... that thing you asked me to do... the thing is," Daddy says as he smiles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as he tries to come up with an excuse. I knew it wouldn't work because it never did. You would think he would know that after so long of living with Mommy. I mean they were always together so I don't know why he thought he would start getting away with stuff now.

"The thing I told you several times to do so that you don't end up passing out...again," Mommy says dryly, making me press my lips together as I look between them.

"You're in big big big trouble, daddy," I whisper to Daddy, earning a small glance in my direction. I don't say anything else as I pull the cap off of my bug juice, taking a sip of it as I swing my legs slightly.

"Yes, yes he is," Mommy agrees, making Daddy gulp. He looks around for a moment before pointing at me.

"Shouldn't you be focusing all of your attention on Grace? She clearly needs it," Daddy says, making me huff as I stare at him with wide eyes.

"I do not need or want mommy's attention," I argue with him, crossing my arms over my chest. My sucker kind of hits my arm and I squeal at the stickiness on my skin, quickly uncrossing my arms as I look at the patch of stickiness on my arm.

"Gross," I say as I reach over to wipe my arm on Daddy's shirt.

"Don't do that," Daddy warns as he steps back and I nearly fall off the tailgate when I try to keep leaning.

"Grace, do you need a napkin?" Mommy asks, making me shake my head as she reaches over and pushes me back to my sitting position so that my butt is fully on the tailgate and I'm not halfway falling off anymore.

"No thank you," I say as I put my sucker back in my mouth, biting down on it and nearly cracking my tooth. It's still so hard and I huff slightly as I bite the sucker again to try and break it in half. I finally manage to do it, almost immediately regretting it when the sucker breaks off into little shards of apple and caramel.

"Grace," Mommy sighs so I give her my best innocent look. I glance at the dock, hoping that Elena will come and take her attention off of me. I see her coming up the dock, probably hoping that Mommy has already forgotten that she still needs to wear sunscreen.

"Do you have to go potty?" Mommy asks as I chew on the little bit of sucker that is left on the stick, trying to get it all off. I nearly choke at her words, feeling embarrassment run through me as my face heats up. Why would she ask me that? I would know if I needed to go potty!

"No, I do not!" I deny vehemently as I frown at her, not believing that she would ask me that question in front of Daddy and with Elena potentially in ear shot too. It was so embarrassing! It's like she liked embarrassing me or something. That had to be the only reason she kept doing stuff like this.

"Has she gone potty since you arrived, Matias?" Mommy asks daddy and I can't believe she is continuing this conversation! I already told her no!

"Um... no. She has not... unless she is wet then maybe? Is she in a pullup?" Daddy asks, making this conversation a thousand times worse. Glancing over to Elena, I breathe a sigh of relief seeing her distracted with what looks like her trying to take a picture of something.

"No... Grace is in her big girl undies so you would know if she is wet. I told you to remind her after you arrived. I'm glad to see all my requests are still going over your head and forgotten about..." Mommy says with an annoyed eye roll before glancing back at me. I'm still looking over at Elena so I can't help put yelp in surprise when mommy picks me up by the armpits and sets me down so I'm standing now.

Now that I am standing, I move my legs to try and confirm if the feeling is real and it definitely is. I most definitely would have realized that without her question, eventually, so it didn't matter that she just so happened to be right about me having to go potty.

"I know that look. Come on baby, before we get the classic Grace potty dance," Mommy says as she holds out her hand. I shake my head as I set my bug juice down, glancing in Elena's direction. She was much closer now, almost to the truck so I definitely didn't want her to hear what Mommy was saying.

"I can go by myself," I say, although I don't really want to. I was just saying it so that Elena didn't know that Mommy was treating me like a baby.

"Let me come with you sweetheart. I want to bandage up your knee and get it cleaned better. Besides I have to go potty too," Mommy says right as Elena comes up to the truck.

"Matias, while Grace and I are gone, perhaps you could convince Elena to put on her sunscreen,"Mommy suggests to Daddy as she grabs my hand, tugging me to come along with her. I reluctantly follow her, leaving my bug juice on the tailgate of the pickup.

I follow after her, dragging my feet while doing so, glancing back at Elena who Daddy is giving a very stern look to. On second thought, it was much better to follow after Mommy and not listen to Daddy's lecture. I follow after her just because I don't want to listen to the lecture and not at all because I really have to go potty. I mean I could go on my own if I had to go potty that bad but that isn't any fun. Plus Mommy said she was going to bandage up my knee, that was the only reason that I was letting her come.

And yes, I was letting her come. It wasn't because I couldn't tell her no or anything. Cause I definitely could tell her no... I did it all the time in fact! This time however, I chose not to say no since Mommy clearly had to use the bathroom much more than me! Yep, that was the only reason.

"Grace, you're dragging your feet. Hurry up," Mommy says softly and I do speed up, realizing how badly I have to go potty now that she mentions it.

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