05: Guy Time

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I keep checking my phone. I haven't heard from Jasmine in hours, and it is dark outside now. I click my phone on again and see the picture of the two of us light up on my phone. I smile at how happy she looks. That was the time I went on vacation with her and her family to Mexico. Jasmine had too much to drink and admitted to crushing on me when we were in the 5th grade. The next day, she didn't remember any of it. But I did, and that was enough for me.

I feel like I am living in a delusion when I think that Jasmine would actually want to he with me. Because if I'm being completely honest with myself, she is too perfect for me. In every way imaginable. Her body is a complete work of art. I catch myself thinking of the things I would love to do to her. But then I feel like a dick for thinking of her in that way.

And I don't know what it is, but I love it when her hair is in all of those braids. She looks just like a princess. But then again, I love her natural curls, too. And her soft brown skin. And how she always smells so yummy. Damn.

I sigh, thinking about the time she fell asleep on my chest when we were having a horror movie marathon at her house. It was one of those times when her parents left her home alone. She had driven all the way over to my house at two in the morning just to pick me up and take me to her house after she had watched The Nun on her own. She was so scared all she wanted me to do was hold her. And I didn't mind at all. I loved it when she started using me as her cuddle buddy. Of course, for her, it was platonic. I wonder if she knew my feelings, and I mean my deep feelings for her. Would she even still want me around?

It is probably best to just keep them from her forever. I know she will never feel the way for me that I do for her. So, in all reality, I am keeping myself from getting hurt. And besides, with that Angel guy around, I definitely don't stand a chance. The guy looks like a Calvin Klein underwear model with tattoos and a bad guy reputation. Yeah, he's an asshole, but that doesn't stop him from getting every girl he wants. Including my Jasmine.

A pillow is thrown at my face, and I hear Ralph's snorting laughter as him and Ben stare at me.

"If you're going to jerk off to Jasmine, at least take it to your bathroom." Ben says, causing more snorts of laughter to come out of Ralph.

"I'm not jerking off dumbass." I shut my phone off and put it on my nightstand. Since Jasmine had other plans tonight, I ended up inviting my friends over to watch anime and play video games. I am now regretting having their annoying asses here.

"Do you think Bianca would ever give me a chance?"

Ben and I share a glance before we both turn our attention to Ralph as he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Ralph, even in the multiverse, you don't stand a chance with Bianca." Ben laughs, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I thought as much." Ralph hangs his head while Ben continues laughing like the dick he can be sometimes.

I get off of my bed and punch him hard in his arm. Before he can retaliate, I gesture towards a forlorn looking Ralph, and Ben gets the hint. He rolls his eyes.

"I was just messing with you, man. But remember, I had eyes on Bianca first, so you pick someone else."

"I mean, I still do like Jas-"

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