43: Get Well Soon

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Day one without Jasmine. I swear that for some reason, unbeknownst to me, the universe just does not want us to be together. Every time things are going well between us, something crazy happens! First Angel crashing her halloween party that caused us to take time apart from each other, then there's Angel's threats, the truth about Ralph, Jasmine's father hating me, and now a fucking explosion! It is like Lady Luck gave us a one percent survival chance and sent us on our way. I was so scared yesterday that Jasmine was about to break up with me out of fear of losing me completely. Although she is right about me putting her life before my own, and honestly if the roles were reversed and I knew us being apart would keep her safe I would without question have made the same decision she has. But that fact does not make our situation any easier.

Nick has assigned two officers who take shifts sitting outside of my hospital room on guard, and only those who my mom permitted are allowed to come in. I know Jasmine won't be paying me any visits for the time being, and I know she is probably dealing with her own struggles at home. I just hope it is going well for her. I should be out of this place in the next day or so, according to the doctor.

Bianca stopped by earlier, baring gifts, balloons, and a get well basket herself, Kelly and Jasmine put together. I was surprised that Kelly helped out after I sort of beat up her boyfriend. The two of us have not gotten the chance to talk since things went down, but I know I should apologize to her for what happened, I wasn't myself that day and I need her to know that. We were once almost as close as Jasmine and I, but over time, we drifted apart while her and Jasmine became closer. In the end, she is still my friend, and I care about her, so I know I should mend things between us.

A knock sounds at my door, and the officer placed there to watch over me steps inside followed by none other than Ben. He is the last person I thought would be paying me a visit.

"This guy says he knows you?" Officer Brandon raises a questioning brow at me.

"We go to school together." My answer causes Ben to wince, and for a moment, I feel bad. His face looks to already be healing, though no thanks to me. All he has is a slight black eye.

"I'll be just outside." Brandon leaves the two of us alone to bask in the awkward silence and tension in the room.

Ben walks over to look at my get well cards Bianca had strategically placed on the windowsill. Apparently, they must be very interesting because he takes his sweet time reading them all. After he has finished, I become annoyed when he turns his attention to my balloons instead of just getting to the point of why he is here.

"You're trying my patience, Ben."

His eyes flicker to me momentarily. "Sorry." He says nervously, shoving his hands into his pockets. "How are you?"

I shrug nonchalantly. "I'm alright. You?"

"I've just been taking it one day at a time." I nod, and we go back into silence.

I really do not want to ask it, but I feel like I should, especially after everything that has happened. "How is Ralph?"

His face falls at the mention of Ralph. He runs a hand through his hair while letting out a heavy sigh.

"He's honestly not doing so good, Carter." Ben crosses the room and comes to sit in the chair beside my bed. "He is really depressed man. He lost everything after the truth came out, and I'm not saying what he did is right because it isn't. But I am scared he might go and do something stupid because of how guilty he is feeling. His mom is no comfort at all. With her, he has to relive his mistake on a daily basis while she reminds him how worthless she thinks he is."

I shut my eyes, taking in what Ben has just told me. The last thing I ever want is for someone to feel so bad about themselves that they end up feeling like the world would be better off without them. And from the sound of Ben's words, that is most likely exactly how Ralph is feeling.

"I was so angry that day, man." I shake my head, "he was pleading with me, but I made him say it out loud. I never should have done that."

"Your anger was understandable, Carter." Ben begins. "If it was Kelly, I honestly would have reacted the same way. And I know it isn't an excuse, but I showed those guys the video the same day it got sent to everyone. After I saw how mad you were about it, I got rid of it, and I told them to do the same, but I guess they didn't."

If I had known all of this before, I probably would not have gone off on him that day. But then again, if I had not, the truth of who sent the video would most likely not have come out. I should have just listened to Jasmine when she told me to talk things over with him, but I didn't, so now this is the result.

"And also," Ben starts, "not that it makes it any better, but Ralph never watched the video to... you know."

I raise my eyebrows at him. "He never?"

Ben shakes his head. "It was his plan to, but after it got leaked and after he saw how angry you were and how much it hurt Jas, he got rid of it. He knows what he did was wrong, and he wants to apologize to both you and Jas, but he is afraid to."

I run a stressful hand down my face. Why does everything have to be so complicated all of the damn time.

"Tell him that I already accept his apology. I obviously don't like what he did, but I also don't want him to let it define him. He made a mistake, and it is time we all moved on from it."

Ben gives me a half smile. "I'll tell him." He hesitates for a moment, "and I'm sorry for what I said about Jasmine. It was disrespectful of me."

"Thank you." I sigh, "I'm sorry for messing up your pretty boy face."

He laughs, shaking his head at me. "It will take a lot more than a few punches to mess up this gorgeous face."

"Bro the fuck?" We both laugh together. "How does Kelly put up with you?"

"Man, you have no idea." He grabs hold of his hair like a mad man. "She has me going crazy bro like fuck I hate this vulnerable side she has me on. I feel like such a fucking simp."

"Welcome to the club."

"Right!" He laughs. "These girls, man."

"I know." I laugh lightly while glancing at my former best friend, glad that we are finally getting past all of the mess that surrounded us these past weeks. I was sure we would never be able to get back to what we were before, but maybe I am wrong. Maybe we can. At least something good has come out of me being in the hospital. I just hope the universe does not plan on throwing any more obstacles my way.



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