24: Partners in Crime 🔞

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The heart monitor on my mother's machine lets out its momentary beep every few seconds, reminding me that she is still alive. Her hospice nurse gave her her usual pain medication that always makes her fall asleep. I prefer it when she is sleeping. The silence of just sitting with her and watching her rest, knowing that for a little while, she is not in pain. I hold her frail hand in mine that just a few months ago was strong and able to hold mine back. That was until the cancer decided to spread from her breasts into her lungs. We knew it had the ability to spread, but we just did not think it would be this soon. She had not even been in remission a full two years yet. And we were told at the least it would be five years before the chances of it returning again.

At least this time, it isn't only the two of us fighting this together. We have her boyfriend Paul, who has been paying for all of her medical needs. If my mother knew how I had gone about getting her medications in the past, that insurance would not cover for us, I know she would be disappointed with me. But because of the state she was in and getting little to no help from the government, I had to do what I needed to for her to survive.

I have accepted the fact that she is most likely not going to beat it this time, and I have already begun to prepare myself for it. Paul, being the Saint that he is, has already told me I can remain with him for as long as I need. It was only a year ago that he talked my mom into moving us in with him. The three of us together felt like such a nice little family. I was genuinely feeling happy for the first time in a very long time, but of course, life had to show its face.

"Hey Moe," Paul whispers into the room from the doorway. "I'm heading to work. C'mon, I'll drop you off at school."

I kiss my mom's hand gently and whisper, I love you before quietly making my way out of the room.

I get into the passenger seat of Paul's truck, and then we're off riding to school in a comfortable silence.

"She looked real good today," Paul speaks up while keeping his eyes on the road. "Got a bit of color back into her cheeks."

My only reply is a small smile. I know what he is doing, but I can not play into it. He has this hope for a miracle that I do not share. I am a realist, and I have learned that life is not kind to anyone. That is unless you're Jasmine Davis, and everything is just handed to you. My life was better before she came into it, but she stole the little that I did have from me, and the part that pisses me off the most is that she didn't even have to try.

"You give anymore thought to nursing school?" Paul asks.

"I've been a little busy with other things."

I am grateful when he simply nods in response. If he were to ask what I have been up to, I have no doubt he would see me in a different light. He just wouldn't understand. It was like fate had suddenly shone its light upon me when I overheard Lola Jefferson reaming Jasmine out from my stall in the girls' bathroom. Jasmine had lost one of her loyal followers, whom I now had the pleasure of claiming as my own. And since Lola is so desperate for attention and acceptance, it was easy for me to gain her trust. She let me in on all of the things her former friends loved to say about me. Granted, they were all true, but I always have my reasons for the things that I do. And my reasons are none of their concern.

My phone chimes, and I grumble at the message on my phone.

A- come by after school

M- why?

A- we need to talk

M- no Angel u agreed we were even if I helped u get into Jasmines party and I did

M- Hello???

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