13: Boxing Day 🔞

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My head pounds while I listen to Ben telling an over attentive Ralph about the events of last night. Whether or not everything he says is true, I have no idea. In all honesty, my memory today has been fuzzy. The last thing I remember clear as day is Angel calling me a bitch to Jasmine and saying how I can't handle her. I didn't mean to overhear their conversation, I had seen Angel head her way when her and Kelly headed for the bathrooms, so I followed just in case she may need my help. After I heard part of their conversation, I went back to our booth and downed the new round of shots Aaron had ordered. I was not about to let that fucker Angel be right about me.

When I heard Swag Surfin come on, that's when I decided to get out of my head and just let loose on the dance floor. After that is when my memory gets fuzzy. I am pretty sure I danced with Jasmine, and I think we kissed. I don't know if she kissed me or I kissed her first. One thing I do know is I will never let myself get that drunk again when Angel is around. I was too disoriented to fight him. My only thought was that I had to keep him away from Jasmine.

"Bro, she backed it up into me on God," Ben tells Ralph. "I've been sleepin on Kelly this whole time cause she is fine as fuck."

"I should have just gone with you guys." Ralph whines, "Being grounded would have been worth experiencing that."

"Ugh having a girls ass grinding on your dick is the best feeling." Ben groans.

"I want to experience it!" Ralph yells up at the sky while shaking his fist.

Ben and I both laugh. The three of us are waiting outside together for the girls to come out of school. It is time to head home, and I asked Jasmine this morning on our way to school if she would drop me off at the gym for my boxing session today. As if they could read my thoughts, the girls all come filing out of the entrance.

"How's your head?" Jasmine asks me as she comes to stand in front of me, a look of concern on her pretty face. I lean down and kiss her forehead.

"Better now, baby, thank you." She smiles at me, and I return it.

"Aight, y'all, no clubbing on school nights again because I feel like shit." Bianca says while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Agreed." Kelly and Jasmine say in unison.

Ben stands awkwardly beside Kelly, stealing glances at her. In all honesty, the two of them look like they could be cousins with their matching blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Last night was fun though, you know," Kelly says, "before Angel ruined it."

"Yeah, I hate that guy." Ben shakes his head, and Kelly agrees with him.

I look to Jasmine, who purses her lips at them. I wrap my arm around her shoulders reassuringly, and she gives me a grateful smile.

"Mk, I got to go, babes. Aaron's here to pick your girl up."

"Use protection!" Kelly yells after her.

"Love you, babes." Bianca yells waving a hand behind her, Jasmine and Kelly yell it back.

"We have to go too, I gotta take the champ to his boxing session." Jasmine says, and I roll my eyes.

"I can take you home if you want Kels." Ben speaks up, clearing his throat. "You live near Ralph, right?"

"Yeah, like only five houses down, actually." She answers.

"Okay, cool, I'm dropping him off so you can come to if you don't have anyone else picking you up." He says it more as a question than a statement.

"There is no one else." Kelly smiles at him, "a ride would be nice."

Both of their faces blush at the same time. "A ride in your car is what I mean."
The words rush out of her, and I hear Jasmine quietly giggle.

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