20: Costume Shopping 🔞

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Hours. We have been at this costume shop for hours, and my girl still can not make up her mind on a costume. I don't even need one, I am going as one of my favorite anime characters. The only reason I am here right now is because I feel unbelievably clingy with Jasmine but I don't want her to know that so I am going along with whatever she wants just so I can be near her.

The door to the dressing room opens for about the fiftieth time tonight, and Jasmine steps out wearing an all leather cat suit that hugs her curves. "Do you think this is too tight?" She spins around slowly so that I can get the "full effect" as she likes to put it. My eyes move down to her plump ass.

I lick my lips as I gawk at her. The room has suddenly become ten times hotter. I stupidly let out a gasp. Any time she knows something she has done affects me, she goes all out teasing me. Although now I am all in for that.

"You just gonna stare at me all night, or are you gonna say something?" Jasmine raises her eyebrows at me.

"I-I um... I don't think it's too tight." She looks at herself in the full-length mirror behind her. No matter how hard I try, I can not get myself to stop taking glances at her ass. The way my jeans are starting to feel tight is telling me that I should most definitely stop.

"Enjoying the view?"

My eyes meet hers in the mirror. To my surprise, my face doesn't flush. I actually do not feel any nerves at all, I feel a bit more dominant in my attraction to her.

"I am enjoying it..." Her eyebrows raise. "I am enjoying it very much."

We continue to stare at each other through the mirror. Her mouth opens momentarily as though she is about to say something, but she abruptly walks back into her dressing room, closing the door behind her.

Did I Carter Grayson just silence THE Jasmine Davis? I smile at myself in the mirror across from me.

Jasmine re-emerges from the dressing room now back in her regular clothes. I watch as she puts the cat suit back on a return rack.

"You're not going to get it?" I ask.

She shakes her head at me. "I've decided on Red Riding Hood."

"Seriously?!" I exclaim. "That's the second one you tried on fifty costumes ago!"

She laughs, "Leave me alone! I wanted to be sure I got the right one. There were a lot of good ones. I sort of liked the catsuit, but the way you were looking at me made me feel like it may be a bit too much."

I smirk at her, and she punches my arm.


She heads for the front of the store to checkout, and I follow behind her. I wait while she pays for her costume, and then we make our way outside headed for her car.

"Remember our first kiss in the 5th Grade?" I ask randomly.

"That was not a kiss." She laughs, unlocking her trunk and placing her costume inside.

"How was it not?"

She leans against her car door while I stand in front of her.

"Because it was a dare, and it was hardly a peck! Mostly done by me, by the way."

"I was nervous, okay! I was like eleven!"

"I was a better kisser than you then, and I still am now." She pokes a finger at my chest. "So it really doesn't matter."

"I could become better with more experience." I shrug while eyeing her up.

"Best get to fluffing your kissing pillow then." She laughs.

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