53: Sequences

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Christmas came and went with its merry feelings of bliss and holiday happiness. It was the best Christmas I have had in a while and the first Christmas I've had as Carter's girlfriend, which made it all the more special. I am also now the proud owner of a white perisian cat that I have yet to name. But it has to be something fancy, of course. Carter had suggested naming her JC after our first initials, but I shook my head at that and told him to get his own pet and name it JC.

New Years almost surpassed Christmas because of our last-minute decision to take our private jet and fly to New York so we could ring in the New Year while watching the ball drop. Seeing some of my favorite performers up close and in person, being surrounded by my best friends, even kissing Carter at midnight while confetti rained down on us was not enough to make me put New Years as my number one favorite holiday last year. Lord knows Halloween was a disaster that I hope to make up for in this now new year.

The highlight so far was definitely prom. You would think mine and Carter's first Valentines together or him dressing up as a leprechaun on St. Patricks Day and showing up to my house, kidnapping me while yelling, he found his booty, to which I told him only pirates call it booty, not leprechauns. With all that being said, I really did not believe he could have outdone everything he had planned for me on Valentines Day or the craziness that was St. Patricks Day. I quickly found myself to be in the wrong after the unforgettable prom we shared alongside our best friends and the intimate moments Carter and I had alone once prom night came to its end and he surprised me with a romantic night's stay at an Airbnb that had a hot tub. The things we did in there, my late grandmother would say were "positively shameful." But what can I say? The two of us happen to get pretty naughty at times.

I was surprised, though, to find out that my mom helped him with our secret night's stay. She made sure not to let my dad in on it even though the tensions between him and Carter continue to become less and less. I suppose we still have to take precautions. But, the more the two of them spend time together, the better they get along.

"I can't believe I have to wear this stupid hat! It is going to ruin my hair."

Kelly pouts looking at her phone before placing it along with her purse down into the plastic container to be checked by the school security guard before she walks through one of the metal detectors that were installed last fall after the exploding vehicles incident. We had no school for almost four weeks after, and when we eventually returned, metal detectors greeted us along with two security guards and a half hour of assembly where we learned all of the new safety measures and rules. I also had to endure the silent whispers and tall tales about what happened regarding Morgan, Carter, and I. It is amazing just how terribly people can twist a story. If it was not for my friends doing damage control and having my back at all times, I most likely would have finished the rest of my senior year at home.

I had once overheard Lola pretending to know nothing about anything. Obviously, she does not want to be associated with an almost murderer, but the least she could have done is apologize for her snake like behavior. Especially after she found out that my intentions were never to "steal" Carter from her.

"Jasmine?" Kelly gives me a look, "are you listening to me?"

I get my own bag back from the guard after stepping through the metal detector. "Yes, I'm listening to you, Miss Drama queen." I loop my arm through hers as we head towards our lockers. "We all have to wear these ugly hats and these even uglier gowns." I point at the photo on her phone, "but at least we get to take them off after the ceremony, right?"

"I guess," she sighs heavily. Her demeanor tells me that this is about more than the cap and gown we have to wear for our graduation ceremony that is just around the corner.

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