2, Back at home

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I made it through the first day thankfully. Me and Avani headed home early since the boys had football practice so they would be home later. I made my way up to my room while Avani was downstairs finding something to watch. I wanted to get comfortable so I put up my hair into a messy bun and changed into more comfortable clothes. I kept my make-up on because I wasn't wearing much anyways. As I was about to head down I got a message from my brother 'btw the whole football team is coming later so don't destroy the house' that was followed by a smiley face. I replied back 'we both know you're the messier one' followed by a the winking emoji. The football team do this things where they take turns at each others houses after practices. 'Why did it have to be our house first?' I thought very much annoyed.

I went back down feeling so free and comfy in my clothes.

I went back down feeling so free and comfy in my clothes

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(My outfit)

I took a seat next to Avani, resting my head on her. She was still flicking through Netflix looking for something to watch. 'By the time she finds something I will be sleeping' I laughed to myself.

"What's funny" she said in a babyish voice

"Nothing, you're just struggling to find a film" I chuckled

"Well I don't see you giving me suggestions" she rolled her eyes

"A cinderella story" I shrugged my shoulders

We both agreed on the film so Avani played it. We were half way through the film when I began to get hungry. I decided to get a few snacks so I walked over to the kitchen. I grabbed a couple of drinks from the fridge and chocolate because of course you need something sweet. I was forgetting the most important thing, "popcorn" I said in a duh tone. I looked in a few cabinets and I finally found it on the top shelf. I tried my best tiptoeing to reach for it but it was hopeless, I was too short. I suddenly felt a presence behind me as they reached for the popcorn. 

"You're so short" Kaiden laughed at me

"No your just a giant and don't sneak up on people like that" I snarked back

"So no thank you princess?" he pouted

"Shouldn't you be with the rest of the boys?" I questioned him changing the subject

"Shouldn't you being say thank you to me?" he smirked coming closer to me

"Baby" I heard

I quickly pushed Kaiden away to see my boyfriend in the doorway. Before I headed over to hunter Kaiden lowered his head to me and whispered "this ain't over" giving me butterflies. 'No I have a boyfriend, why am I letting him have an affect on me, stupid stupid stop' I debated with myself. Hunter pulled me into a tight hug that began to hurt as his grip was hard. My brother barged into him making Hunter release himself from me.

 "Stop suffocating my sister asshole" Amarni warned Hunter

My brother was always there for me. I know he hates my boyfriend but for my happiness he tolerates him where he has too. However at this present moment he decided not to tolerate him. I came back into the living room to see it contaminated with all the boys. I eyed them confused.

"The boys took over" Avani told me "This is my cue to go home" she laughed

"You're gonna leave me with these idiots" I joked

"Yep, goodluck" she winked as she left

I decided to go to my room to chill since I did not feel like being around a bunch of sweaty dudes. I went to my ensuite to removed my make-up and do my skin care routine since I was just going to be in my room for the rest of the day. I came out shocked to see Kaiden sitting on my bed getting comfortable.

"Can I help you?" I said annoyed

"Yes you can, I am still waiting on my thank you" he beamed proudly

"Kaiden grow up" I laughed

"Can I ask you a question?" he asked seriously

"I guess" I replied unsure whether I want to hear it or not

"Why you with that piece of shit?" he said honestly with a straight face

"I - I" I stuttered at first not knowing what to say but then I gained my confidence back "it's none of your business" I finally responded

"Deep down you ain't happy" he continued

"Why are you so invested into my love life?" I questioned him getting annoyed

"I ain't"

"So shut up" I argued back

"You wanna make me" he smirked

Why is he acting like this all of a sudden. Calling me names like 'princess' and continuously flirting with me. My mind was everywhere and he was starting to get on my last nerve.

"Get out my room" I said raising my voice at him

He looked hurt. Shit now I feel bad. He didn't respond, he just got up and left without arguing back. He was already pissed in the morning which I was suppose to ask him about to make sure he was okay but I just made him feel worse. I screamed in frustration having all these thoughts in my head. I decided to go sleep feeling to overwhelmed thinking about all these problems. I will deal with tomorrow when it comes I thought as I drifted to sleep.



Second chapter guys!! It might seem a bit boring at the moment but I promise it will get better, thank you again for reading my book.

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