13, Night Sky

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Awkward. If I had to chose one way to describe this car ride that would be it. As soon as we both got into the car no one spoke, we just sat there in silence but of course I decided to speak up.

"Why did you touch me?" I looked to his side

"Why did you let me?" he questioned back

"I-I don't know to be honest" 

"Fuck why does he have to have an effect on me"

"I didn't realise I have an effect on you darling" Kaiden smirked

"Oh did I say that out loud" my cheeks turned red from the embarrassment

"Yeah" he chuckled 

I twiddled with my thumbs as the car filled with silence again. Kaiden's question kept on replaying in my mind. 'Why did I let him touch me?' I thought. I guess deep down I liked the fire that he lit inside of me but too bad he's probably had that effect on 40 other girls. I leaned my head on the window staring at the night sky, it was so pretty. I closed my eyes letting the breeze hit my face and at that moment everything seemed perfect until I felt the car stopped and pull up to the side. I tilted my head at Kaiden in confusion.

"Why did you pull to the side? Did we break down?" 

"No don't worry, I just wanted to talk about where - well where we stand" Kaiden hesitated at first

"What's there to know" "Me and you we are just mutual friends connected by my brother" I shrugged

"Why did you let me touch you?" he questioned again

"I already told you"

"No, that wasn't a good enough response"  he said as he grabbed my face to look at him. 

"Laila" he said softly

"I really liked you Kaiden but - but we're just friends" I admitted

"Liked?" he repeated that specific word

"Well yeah I mean we are better off as friends and besides you're with Brittany" 

"I'm not with Brittany, I want you"

"You know Kaiden this is getting really tiring, you can't keep playing with girls hearts like that" I said removing his hands from my face

"Laila I need you to believe me" he said hopeful

"Words aren't enough Kaiden"

After I said that Kaiden couldn't help but smirk and before I could react he gently cupped my face connecting our lips once again. It started off slow, passionate and soft until we both craved more. He licked the bottom of my lip wanting to get permission to enter my mouth and I granted it to him. It because quick and rough as we both fought over dominance and of course he won. He swiftly unbuckled my seatbelt placing me onto his lap gripping onto my ass as he rolled my hips back and fourth causing me to release a moan and I felt him smirk against my skin. He pulled away looking it to my eyes as his hands continues to cup my face.

"Was that enough for you?" he smiled

"I guess" I blushed

"Laila Brittany doesn't mean anything to me I promise"

"So why are you with her?"

"Look she is has something on me and she is threatening me with it but don't worry I am figuring it out". He sounded honest and sincere. "Look just trust me on this please"

"Okay" I gave him a soft smile

"Come I want to show you something" he said as he opened the door and placed me gently out of the car

He opened the boot taking a blanket out it as he lead us to a field. He placed it on the floor dragging us both to the floor causing us to lay down. 

"Look up" He pointed to the night sky

Honestly it was breath taking. From the window it looked pretty but from the field it was stunning and so relaxing. I examined the sky and I found two bight starts right next to each other and it gave me hope for me and Kaiden.

"So what do you take all of your girl toys here" I joked

"No only I know about this place - well until now" he gave me a weak smile which allowed me gain an insight to Kaiden's vulnerable side.

"Well I'm happy you feel comfortable enough to share it with me" I pecked his lips

"You're the only person I trust to share this with"

He pulled me into his warm body as we continued gazing at the night sky. He was my safe place for me to be honest and I felt safe enough that we both eventually fell asleep in each others embrace.

 He was my safe place for me to be honest and I felt safe enough that we both eventually fell asleep in each others embrace

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(Picture of them gazing at the sky together)



Wow we are on a streak guys 2 chapters in 2 days!

Please don't judge me for my short attempt of smut, I tried my best for you guys but I hope you somewhat found it entertaining (LOL).

Laiden is officially starting guysss, we have been waiting for this!!

What does Brittany have on Kaiden?

Do we consider this a date ?

Are you guys Laiden shippers or Lace shippers?

Until the next chapter my luvsss <3

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