8, Jealousy both ways

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Everyone has already made their ways to the field and was already on the stands either here to support us or the other team. As the game started off me and the girls began cheering for the team, I guess you could say our cheers motivated them because in the next five minutes we scored a touchdown, take that Jace I smirked to myself. We were halfway through the game the score was 36-21, of course we were winning. Kaiden scored a touchdown as his eyes found mine and he winked at me.

"Oh my god he definitely scored that for you" Avani teased

"Shut up" I blushed back

"It looks like Jace won't being winning the bet then" She giggled

"Yeah I did warn him that he would stand a chance" I chuckled 

The game continued as hunter got tackled by a player from the other team. 'Shit he can't be injured' I thought to myself and no before you ask I don't give a shit if he is injured but I hate to admit it he is one of the best players on team and without him Jace might just win this bet after all. Unfortunately hunter was too injured to play the second half so the other team managed to catch up to us and the ties were scored.

There were 15 seconds let to the game and the scores were tied, me and the girls we cheering as loud as we could. Tensions were high, screams were filling around us and sweat lingered in the air. There were 4 second left and luckily Armani managed to scored the final touchdown, the crowd screamed with happiness. Me and Avani ran over to Amarni to congratulate him, I was so proud of how far my brother had made it.

"Congrats Amarni" Avani said

"Thanks love" he flirted 

"You did good Amarni" I said as I messed up his hair

"Thanks" he replied leaning it to hug me

"No, no hugs, you're sweaty" I backed away

"Well in that case-" he started as he began to chase me in attempt to hug me

"No, Amarni I'm being serious" I laughed running away

He eventually caught me and pulled me in for a tight hug, contaminating me with his sweat. 

"You idiot" I playfully pushed him back "I will be back I'm gonna go congratulate Kaiden" I told both Avani and Amarni. They nodded and I began to look for him across the field. Just as I found Kaiden and was about to make my way over to him his ex Brittany jumped into his arms kissing him. 'So they did get back together' I told myself hurt. It hurt to say but he was just playing me this whole time and me being me, I fell for it. I was filled with rage, confusion and anger because before I knew it I was walking over to where Jace was. 

"Hey" I smiled

"Hey, so I guess I won't get to being taking you out" he joked

"Yeah, I told you that you would lose the bet" I laughed "But if you're still up for it, I wouldn't mind going out with you" I continued

"Seriously, yeah sure, okay" Jace said shocked "Can I get your number then?" he asked

"Yeah, of course" I replied as I handed him my phone "Talk to you later" I told him

"See you later gorgeous" He smiled back

I know I fucked up, but if Kaiden was allowed to fuck around then so was I. Besides Jace is a good looking guy and he has a great personality so why not give him the chance I shrugged to myself. 

Avani skipped over to me like a little girl smirking.

"What" I looked at her

"So what happened between you and curly" she laughed

"Even though he lost the bet, I thought why not give him the chance" I admitted

"Hmm interesting"

"Yeah, yeah shush" I pulled her arm as we walked back over to Amarni

Me, Avani and Amarni were laughing and making jokes when we heard a big commotion going on. I turned around to see Kaiden on top of Jace. Shit. We all ran over to where the fight was happening. Amarni tried to stop the fight but it was too loud so Kaiden didn't hear him. Again, I decided to do something stupid and went into the middle of the fight pushing Kaiden back.

"Kaiden stop" I gently said

He stopped as I assumed he didn't want to hurt me

"Calm him down" I told my brother

"I'm so sorry Jace, are you okay?" I asked him concerned

"Yeah I'm fine" he said holding his face "but you're name came up in the argument?" he questioned confusly

"Oh" I said confused myself "It's probably because he got protective since I am like a little sister to him" I responded hurt to the thought that, that is all I am to Kaiden.

"Oh alright"

"If you don't want to go out with me anymore, I completely understand" I said

"No, don't worry love, that hasn't changed anything" he smiled " I'll message you later" he winked as he made his way over to his team "Bye"

"Bye" I smiled back

I went over to Kaiden and Amarni who was currently calming him down. I nodded to Amarni, indicating for him to leave so I could talk to Kaiden alone.

"What was that about?" I questioned Kaiden annoyed

"Nothing, just something from the past" he said coldly

"Don't lie to me, he told me that my name came up" I argued back

"Not everything is about you Laila"

His words hurt me. He had me lost for words to be honest.

"Shit I didn't mean it like that" he regretted

"Fuck you Kaiden" I mumbled getting away from him. As I kept walking I heard him shout "Fuck" making me turn around but I just saw him storm off as if he was in the wrong.

"Amarni can we go home?" I asked .................



Eighttttttt!! I think this chapter is an average length ?

So much drama I guess.

Is Kaiden back with Brittany?

Will Laila actually go out with Jace?

Why did Kaiden storm off?

So many questions to be answered. Well come back in a weeks time for your answers.

Love yaaaaa

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