7, The bet

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Today we had our first match of the year so me and my brother had to head to school early to go to practice, I changed into my cheer outfit while most of the girls where on the field warming up. I jogged past the boys to get to the girls when Amarni had to over react and say "If i catch any of you eying up my sister i won't hesitate to beat all of y'alls asses", I just rolled my eyes and continued jogging. 

Me and the girls practiced our routine so we were prepared for when we performed at the game later on today while the boys also practiced. As we were practicing our stunts Kaiden's ex Brittany walked by and was boasting about her and Kaiden. I couldn't really make our what she was saying but my thoughts got the best of me. I had so many questions again, but I just told myself I should believe Kaiden and trust him.

The school day was over and me and the cheer team were in the cafeteria waiting for the boys who were doing god knows what. Me and Avani were sat on a table with just the two and we were both just making jokes and dying of laughter especially Avani. She couldn't stop making jokes about me and Kaiden. She even made a ship name for us, Laiden. What the fuck is Laiden?

"People will think it's a code for getting laid or something" I laughed "You couldn't went with something normal like Kayla?" I responded

"Nope Laiden is unique" she told as she tapped my nose

"Oh my days, there is this cutie totally staring at you" she said all hyped up

"Wait who?" I said confused

"Shit, shit, shit, he's coming over, act normal, act normal" Avani breathed quickly

"You're the one who isn't acting normal" I shrugged

I shook my head in disbelief due to the five year old that had taken possession of my best friends body all of a sudden when a boy with brown curly locks made his way over to him. He had hazel eyes and a beauty mark just above his lip. Fuck, it was the captain of the football team we were playing today.

"Hey, I'm Jace, I don't believe we've met before" he said introducing himself

"Hi, I'm Laila, this weirdo over her is Avani and I actually know who you are" I returned the kindness back all in one breathe.

"Offence taken" Avani said trying to act heartbroken

"Oh you do?" he smirked back

"Well you got to know your competition" "Right?" I smirked back

"Competition?" he replied confusedly "Oh" he finally chuckled as he realised.

He finally noticed that me and Avani were in our cheer uniforms for the 'Red Devils', which was the team he was playing against. Us.

"I don't see you as competition love, I see you as a beautiful girl that deserves to be taken out" he smiled

"Is that your attempt of asking me out?" 

"Was it not obvious enough?" Jace replied nervously

"Well how about we make a deal" I smirked

"Go on" he said intrigued

"If you can beat my team then yeah you can take me out" I confidently said


"Good luck winning against my brother" I chuckled

"Shit Amarni is your brother" He said shocked

Of course he was going to changed his mind after finding out I was Amarni's sister. Everyone was always shit scared of how Amarni would react towards them, well most of them. 

"Well I best get going, the games about to start" he said walking away

I sighed disappointedly at the fact that he lost interest just because of my brother but before I got up he turned around and shouted "Oh and Ross make sure you're ready for our date" he winked. I shook my head in excitement for our bet.

"Well this is going to be interesting" Avani goes again interrupting my thoughts.

"It indeed is" I agreed as we made our way to the field



Short chapter guyssss. No.7

But things are about to get interesting in the next one, may I just hint out jealousy both ways (**evil laugh**)

Who do you think will lose the bet?

Did Laila forget about Kaiden?

Find out in the next readinggg, coming soon!!!

I will also being posting a new chapter every Saturday regularly from now on, so basically a set schedule (Well I will try my best for you guys). Love yaaaa

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