12, Double date (2)

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Laila's Pov:

Me and Jace arrived at the restaurant first as Kaiden was still parking up. We decided to go in without them to confirm our reservations. The waiter led us to the table and placed the menus onto our table. Jace kindly pulled out my chair for me showing me the gentleman he is.

"Thanks" I smiled

"Of course"

Jace placed himself opposite me as Kaiden and Brittany entered and made their ways to our table.

"Lailaa why didn't you wait for me, us girls need to walk in together to give a goof impression" she batter her eyelashes.

I did not even respond.

Kaiden sat next to me while Brittany just looked at him in disbelief. 

"Kaiden you're supposed to pull my chair out for me" she complained

"You have arms don't you?" Kaiden said unbothered 

Brittany huffed as she pulled out her chair and sat opposite Kaiden.

We were all having a civil conversation at first about the upcoming trip we had in a months time but somehow that turned into a debate of how many loose of us that goes on that trip will loose their virginity. 

"I'm just saying why would you want your first time to be in a forest" I shrugged

"Lala sex does not have to be special" Cruella responded

I cringed at the name she called me.

"That says a lot" Jace muttered making me laugh

Finally the waiter came to take all of our orders. Jace and Kaiden both ordered a stake with salad and fries on the side, Brittany ordered a lobster salad and I ordered a chicken alfredo pasta.

"Laila how are we supposed to hold you at the top of the pyramid if you are eating all those carbs" Brittany smiled innocently

"Shut up Brittany" Kaiden said in attempt to shut her down.

Instead of letting it get to me I simply replied by saying "Don't worry, you won't have to. For the next game I want you standing on the side holding a sign" I winked at her.

"What you can't do that" she screeched

"Then watch your mouth" I smirked

Our food arrived and we all continued our conversations of different topics. We began to finish up and surprisingly it all went well so far however I spoke too soon. All of a sudden Kaiden's hand found its way onto my thigh under the slit my dress had. I knew it was wrong to let him touch me like that when we were both on dates with other people but damn his touch felt so good. 

He hand travelled more up as he rubbed his hand up and down my upper thigh. He wasn't doing much but his touch had such an effect on me. I bit my lip as I felt myself whimper the tiniest bit and I could see a smirk forming onto Kaiden's lips. He knew the effect he had on me and he used that to his advantage.

"Are you okay Laila?" Jace asked concerned

I couldn't tell him the real reason obviously so I had no other choice but to satisfy Brittany.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just that Brittany was right, I should not have had that pasta" I forced a smile

"See I am always right Lala" she beamed proudly

"Sure" I rolled my eyes

Kaiden's hand was still on my thigh but I knew I had to move it off of me before it became obvious of the real reason why I whimpered. Kaiden looked at me confused but I just quickly turned to Jace starting a random conversation with him.

"Alright I think our night has come to an end sadly" Jace pouted

"I had a good time" I smiled

"Me too" he returned the smile

"Awhhh aren't they just they cutest" Brittany said as she linked arms with Kaiden

Kaiden quickly removed his arm from hers as he nodded in response to her comment.

"Jace would you mind dropping Brittany off as you past her house on the way, it would be easier for the both of us" Kaiden changed the subject

I looked at the side of his face confused while he waited for a response from Jace

"Sure no problem" "Bye beautiful, I hope to do this again with just the two of us next time" he pecked my cheek as I softly smiled back.

"Well we best get going, Armani is going crazy since I didn't bring her home at the time I promised" Kaiden said pulling me towards the car.

"Bye" I waved at Jace and even Brittany

"Kaiden I could have just went home with Jace"

"I promised your brother I would get you home safe"

"Mhm" I hummed as I rolled my eyes while he opened the door for me.

Kaiden got into the car and boy did the tension rise......



Guys I am backkkk!! I just want to say sorry as I had major writers block but seeing how much love my book has been getting recently by all of you has motivated me to continue writing, so I personally want to thank all of you.

This chapter is quite short but it is all worth it in the end :)

Things got quite intense between Kaiden and Laila.

Will this intensity continue during the car ride home?

Find out in the next chapter!!

Love ya all !!

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