3, Ignoring each other

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My alarm started going off so I knew it was time to get up. I grabbed my phone to check the time it was 7:00am. I was able to take my time today as I didn't have to rush. I done my usual morning routine include having a shower, applying my natural make-up look and actually putting effort into my hair this time. I looked through my closet finding the right outfit for today. I quickly checked myself in the mirror before going to check if my brother was awake.

(My outfit)

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(My outfit)

"Get up idiot, you have 15 minutes" I said throwing one of his shirts at him

"What! why didn't you wake me up earlier" he got up panicking

"So I could watch you react like this" I laughed

"You're lucky I have things to do otherwise I would be chasing you with a knife right now" Amarni said playfully

"Yeah, yeah love you too" I chucked walking down

I put two poptarts in the toaster for me and Amarni since thanks to him we won't have time to have a proper breakfast. Well it was actually kind of my fault but it was totally worth it. Amarni came down 10 minutes later.

"For you" I said as I put the poptart into his mouth

"Ooo poptarts, thanks" he said taking it out his mouth acting excited like he has never seen food in his life.

I pulled out my phone checking the time. Shit it was 8:10am.

"Great, we are late because of you" I rolled my eyes at Amarni

"I blame you" he grumbled back

"Let's just leave you idiot" I grabbed his hand leading him to the car

Thanks to Amarni we were late and ended up getting an after school detention. I walked into maths and unfortunately only Kaiden is in my maths class. He was at the back as usual with the only empty seat being next to him. 'Yay' I told myself sarcastically. I went over and sat down. He didn't speak and nor did I. 'Maybe he didn't see me' I thought trying to convince myself. I just got on with my work as me and Kaiden still didn't acknowledge each other. I knew it was my fault why we weren't talking, because of yesterday, so I decided to talk first.

"You okay?" I asked looking at him

He didn't say nothing, 'maybe he didn't hear me?' I thought.

"Kaiden?" I spoke louder incase he didn't hear me the first time.

Nope, he was definitely ignoring me. Fine two can play it that game, if he wants to ignore me so will I. I ignored him for the rest of the lesson too but as I continued with my work, I could feel him staring at me but I pretended he didn't exist. As soon as the bell went, I quickly made my way to the cafeteria since I didn't want it to become anymore awkward. I decided to get salad for lunch since my boyfriend told me that my body was 'changing' a few ago. His words got to me and since then I haven't really been eating that's why when my mum offered me breakfast I just took an apple. I found our table with Amarni, Avani, Jordan, Kaiden, Hunter and a few more of the football team and cheerleaders. I took the seat that was in between Hunter and Avani and opposite Kaiden with my brother next to and Amarni being opposite Avani.


Armani   Kaiden   Jordan    Others

 Avani         Me        Hunter     Others

Everyone was eating and talking as I just picked at my salad. I didn't feel like eating at all. I could feel Kaiden staring at me again but I still continued to ignore him. Without saying anything he swapped our lunches. I look up at him with confusion. He now had my salad and I had his burger and fries.

"Eat" he told me

He finally spoke to me.

"I - I" I stuttered because I still had Hunter's words in the back of my head

"You're not actually going to eat that" Hunter interrupted sounding disgusted

"Shut the fuck up" Kaiden told Hunter

"Laila, please eat" he said softer to me this time

I looked at Kaiden then I looked at Hunter not knowing what to do.

"Hunter fuck off" my brother told him

"What-" he started before my brother interrupted him again

"Or you're ass will be benched for the next game" Amarni replied

My brother realised what was going on so he decided to get involved and since he is the captain of the football team he threatened Hunter. Hunter decided to take the smart decision but he decided he wanted to make a scene of it by storming off. I softly smiled at my brother and he smiled back.

"Princess, eat" Kaiden decided to say it again

After ignoring me for most of the day, he cared enough to made sure I ate. Maybe deep down he's not a jerk, who am I kidding myself 'he probably just wanted to have one over Hunter' I tried to convince myself so I didn't feel sorry for the man whore.

I decided to eat a bit of it so everyone would get off my back. After I finished eating I went to go find Hunter to make sure he wasn't pissed. I didn't need another tantrum from him. I went to a few classrooms and then I decided to check the P.E office. I opened the door and.....



Third chapter guys! Give me some feedback on the story so I can make improvements to make it better for you guys!

What do you think Laila saw ?

Does Kaiden really care ?

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