Chapter 1

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I sat there, my heart pounding, as the ambulance screeched to a stop, and the paramedics swung the doors open. They rolled him out on a stretcher, and for a moment, I lost my grip on his hand.

Without thinking, I scrambled down and clung to his lifeless right hand, my fingers desperate to hold on. My cry of anguish pierced the sterile hospital air, echoing down the hallway as the nurses pushed the gurney forward.

They pleaded with me to release his hand but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't let go, it was my lifeline. I stole glances at his face, over and over, praying for his eyelids to flutter open, for his voice to break the silence just once.

The nurse blocked my way, refusing to let me in. Still, I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, my gaze locked on his fading figure until the doors closed.

"Please, Lord, just this one time, please let him make it, please." I pleaded through tears, my hands stained with blood as I clutched them together, sinking to the floor.

My hair clung to my skin, drenched in sweat, and the stench of blood enveloped me, but I couldn't care less. Not now. Not when the guy I love fought for his life inside

those hospital doors.


I blinked and found myself in darkness. Pushing myself upright on the bed, i surveyed the room. That night, it still clung to me, haunting my dreams and

invading my thoughts, whether it was day or night. Its memories remained vivid, refusing to fade.

My gaze shifted to the window, where raindrops danced upon the glass. "How did I forget to close it?" I whispered to myself. Tossing the white covers aside, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

The cold tile beneath my feet sent a shiver through me, and the cool breeze brushed against my exposed skin as I walked over to the window.

With a determined pull, I closed the curtains, shutting out the world outside.

I turned, preparing to return to the bed, hoping to escape the relentless memories of that haunting night.

I cast a glance at the lamp stand and flicked it on. I had never been the type to sleep in darkness, but that changed one fateful night, a night etched into my memory.

I reached for my phone, its screen illuminating the room with a soft glow.

It read 3 AM. I sighed and slid back into my bed, pulling the covers tightly around me. I knew what was coming-the same haunting dream, once more.


My legs moved smoothly on the treadmill as I ran, fingers reaching for my Air Pods. With a double tap, I activated them.

"Yes?" My deep voice echoed in the otherwise silent gym.

"Mr. Whitlock, I've tried speaking to the clients repeatedly, but they're still refusing our offer," my assistant's voice resonated through the Air Pods.

I sighed, the weight of the business on my shoulders. "Alright, Schedule another appointment with them for lunch today. I should be in the office in..." I paused to check my wristwatch, "an hour and a half," I concluded.

"But sir, we have a meeting with the head of resources for the upcoming..."

"Cancel it," I interrupted without hesitation.

"Okay, sir," he responded, and the call ended.

I removed my Air Pods and brought the treadmill to a stop, stepping off it.

Grabbing my phone and towel, I made my way out of the gym, wiping away the sweat that had gathered on my neck and forehead.


My phone's insistent buzzing jarred me awake, and I groaned while reaching for it, stubbornly keeping my eyes shut.

"Hello," I rasped, my voice hoarse from sleep.

"Seraphina!!" Clara's enthusiastic yell caused me to yank the phone away from my ear for a moment.

Good morning," I mumbled, choosing to ignore her spirited greeting.

"Where are you? Do you even know what time it is right now? I get that you're a top chef here, but shouldn't you still be here, huh?" She playfully complained, her tone a mix of concern and jest.

I opened my eyes, immediately assaulted by the bright sunlight streaming in through the curtains.

"I'm taking a leave today, Clara. I won't be coming to the restaurant," I said,

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