Bathroom Hunt

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"Welcome to Block Berry College, miss Jeong," the fairly tall man appeared behind the black haired girl who seemed to be startled by the sudden appearance. "Um, hello.. I assume you're Mr. Kang?" she pauses trying to read the name on the id of the taller man. "You have assumed correctly, your first day is tommorow, yes?", he asks the girl raising his eyebrow, "Yes sir, i've been told to meet you to receive my schedule for my classes?", the girl questions him, "Ah yes, follow me."

"Here you go, miss Jeong," he hands her a piece of paper that would probably be her schedule. "Thank you, sir" the girl bows and leaves the office pulling out her phone to take a picture of the paper that was given to her earlier, afraid she might lose it.

After she took the picture she then decided to call her friend who was probably somewhere around the campus looking for her already.

As she dialed the number, rings were heard for a couple of seconds then someone picks up.

"Hello? Sooyoung? Where are you?" "Ah Jinsol! I was waiting for you to call, I was looking for you everywhere! Where the hell are you?" Sooyoung asks, in an angry tone, sounds like she's tired of walking around campus all day trying to catch Jinsol. "I just got out of Mr. Kangs office, right now I think i'm near the entrance.." Jinsol replies, sounding a bit confused. "Stay there, i'm coming for you now, don't move." Sooyoung says then ends the call, giving Jinsol no choice but to stay, although she really needs to go to the bathroom.

Sooyoung was taking too long, can't blame her the entire campus was huge! Jinsol couldn't keep it in anymore, she seriously had to go.

As she was walking down the halls, looking above trying to look for signs that there's a bathroom near she felt someone infront of her, making her immediately move her eyes to the person infront of her, well more like down. It was a blonde girl, with bright red lip stick, the girl looks stunned, Jinsol thought the girl would go crazy and punch her in the face but no, she was stunned, she stood there still for about a minute, the girl finally came back to her senses as she heard the taller girl apologise. "I'm sorry, I should've looked where I was going." everyone around them were looking at them, having scared and worried expressions on their faces. "Oh.. It's fine, look where you're going next time alright?" the blonde says with a comforting voice accompanied with a smile, Jinsol blushes due to the calm reaction of the girl, "A-alright.." Jinsol says stuttering, obviously being intimidated at the moment because of the sudden change of the girls face.

The people around had now changed from having worried and scared faces to confused faces, everyone whispering as they look at Jinsol. Jinsol didn't like receiving all the stares so she decided to walk away continuing her mission to find a bathroom. Jinsol would lie if she says the girl infront of her earlier didn't fluster her.

"Ah there you are! I was literally from the entrance just now, I told you to stay there, you never listen Jeong Jinsol." Sooyoung says as she puts her palm on her face and sighs sarcastically. "Man you took so long I needed to pee! I still do!!" Jinsol groaned slapping Sooyoungs arm playfully. "You have a bladder of a chipmunk." Sooyoung says as she rolls her eyes. "Hey don't insult chipmunks like that" a girl behind the both of them appeared, "Kim Hyunjin come here!" Jinsol shouts opening her arms, offering to hug Hyunjin.

"And no hug for me huh? Tsk I should've left you wandering around trying to look for a bathroom." Sooyoung mumbles, "Come here you" Jinsol pulls Sooyoung in the hug. "Hyun did you get the ingredients?" Sooyoung asks, "Yep, it's back in my dorm though, i'll go and get it later. The important thing here right now is to feed Jinsol!" Hyunjin says in an excited tone, "Ingredients? what are you guys making?" Jinsol asks, curious what the two are up to, "Remember those 15 cookies you finished in a span of 2 minutes", "Of course I remember them, oh how delicious they were.. I sure do love haseul unnies baking." Jinsol says while rubbing her tummy and sticking her tongue out. "Well, we're having a welcome home party for you! Surprise!!" Sooyoung says dancing. "You shouldn't have!!" Jinsol chuckles and pushes the both of them playfully. "Well it was kind of Kahei unnies idea, she knows how much you've missed out these past few months and she wanted to hold a party, you might not know everyone in the party yet though, we're planning on introducing you to Heejin and Jiwoo, they must've invited some of their friends to come too, for sure." Hyunjin replies.

"So when's the party?" Jinsol asks them, "Tomorrow evening," Sooyoung says, "What! already!? I don't even have anything to wear yet!" Jinsol says in panic, "Don't worry dude, we'll help you out."

"So how's your bladder holding up?" Hyunjin brought up, "Oh shit yeah! Where's the nearest bathroom around here?" Jinsol asks, eager to finally release the liquid that has been in Jinsols bladder for hours now. "This way," Sooyoung walks instructing Jinsol to follow her and Hyunjin.

After leaving the bathroom stall, Jinsol feels relieved, she feels like she could even fly now if she wanted to. As she walks to the sink to wash her hands, she could smell a familiar scent. She looked beside her it was the same girl she bumped into earlier. Jinsol wanted to say 'Oh hey! it's you again', but she wonders how the conversation would keep going after that. So she just smiled at the shorter girl before leaving the bathroom.

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