Unconscious girl

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"I didn't know you were friends with.. Kim Jungeun," Hyeju says abruptly, pausing in between her sentence. "Well kinda, but what's the big deal anyway, people always exaggerate the way she is," Jinsol says as she pops a fry into her mouth. "Well have you not SEEN how she looks like when she's walking down the halls? Pure fucking evil," Hyeju says shrugging the feeling off, "Oh now you're totally exaggerating, well I mean, she is pretty scary and intimidating but still! She's really nice once you get to talk to her," Jinsol says, smiling while chewing on her tendery chicken, "Oh yeah sure like talking back to the teacher for every minor convenience is nice, and I can never forget when she pushed this one guy into another person who was carrying a cigarette in SCHOOL somehow, creating a LARGE domino effect." Hyeju yaps, slightly shocking Jinsol, "You see that building thats under construction in campus?" Hyeju asks Jinsol, "That's the building that Jungeun burnt down by pushing a guy for a bag of chips." Hyeju says, rolling her eyes as she chuckles at the ridiculous situation the school was in. "Woah fuck.. did she get in trouble?" Jinsol asks, peculiarly. "She didn't, literally no one told on her, they're all fucking terrified. I'm telling ya," Hyeju responds as she sips her medium sized drink filled with Dr Pepper.

"Is everyone just ignoring the fact that one cigarette put the entire building on fire, no way it was the cigarette." Jinsol adds, being defensive already. "I wasn't there, though everyone kept saying Jungeun DID cause the fire," Hyeju states, "Ugh see you weren't even there, how would you know!!" Jinsol says rolling her eyes. "A bit suspicious how you're the only one who's defending her." Hyeju raises her eyebrow. "I'm just caring for a friend because a girl like Jungeun would definitely not cause that fire," Jinsol says, as she stands up already finished with her meal. "Where you heading to next?" Hyeju asks, wiping her mouth with a piece of tissue as she stands up.

"..Not sure yet, It's five in the afternoon, I don't wanna go back to the dorms yet." Jinsol says as she puts her jacket on. "Well I'm going back to the dorms, I'm tired as fuck." Hyeju groans, causing Jinsol to groan because the younger didn't wanna stroll around outside for a while.

"Fine, but can I crash at yourself for a while? I'm bored," Jinsol states, the two exiting the fast food restaurant. "Where did you park your car?" Hyeju asks Jinsol who was on her phone, "In the parking lot," "Well duh, but it's fucking ginormous how are we gonna find it," Hyeju rolls her eyes, "Why did they think installing a big parking lot for a KFC was smart," Jinsoul mutters, "Probably cause fat people mostly eat here, and fat people literally do not walk at all.", Hyeju replies, "Totally." Jinsol snorts.

"Finally here it is," Jinsol cheers as they finally found her car in the land of parking lot.

"My legs feel so fucking weak.." Hyeju groans, her legs shaking. "Get in, stop complaining." Jinsol chuckles rolling her eyes at the younger girl.


"So this is my dorm, mi casa es su casa." Hyeju welcomed the raven haired girl into her dorm room. Jinsol hurriedly sits on Hyeju's couch being comfortable immediately. "Fuck this sofa is soft." Jinsol says as she closes her eyes resting. "You know, I really like bonding with you Hyeju, I know we've only met today but I feel like I've known you for ages." Jinsol abruptly confesses to the younger girl.

"Thanks? The feeling's mutual." Hyeju questioned the sudden sentimentality of the woman on her sofa. Jinsol softly smiles at the girl, a one sweet friendship has yet begun for the two. "Come here and watch me kick your ass at mario kart!" Hyeju calls for Jinsol only for her to jump from her previous position. "I'm gonna fuck you up." Jinsol says as she smirks.


Time has passed, Hyeju's already knocked out on the floor as Jinsol woke up from the sound of her phone ringing.

She sits up from her sleeping position to check her phone. 'No Caller ID'. Jinsol was still half asleep, she couldn't process what was going on at all, she probably doesn't even know where she is.

The ringing was never ending, Jinsol's now fully a hundred percent awake. She walks to Hyeju's bathroom so she could answer the call in hopes of not waking up the girl on the floor. "Hello?" Jinsol spoke up, immediately being greeted with a woman on the other line. "Fuck, Jinsol??", it was Jungeun. "Jungeun??", Jinsol closed the bathroom door frantically. "You're the only one who's awake at the moment, I tried calling everybody. I just saw Junseo with an unconscious lady on his arms. Please come to me now, I'll send you the place." Jungeun says, she panics. Why didn't she call the police? Why Jinsol?

'Fuck.' Jinsol whispers under her breath, immediately leaving the bathroom. "Hyeju I have to go, I'll leave you my number." Jinsol says as she writes her number down on a piece of paper leaving it on Hyeju's counter. She rushes out of the door thanking Hyeju for the afternoon they had. "Fuck fuck fuck.." Jinsol repeatingly swears as she runs to her car.

Jinsol was now at the place Jungeun had told her to go. She spots the blonde girl standing by herself. Jinsol rushes to her side worried about the unconscious lady. Fucking Junseo, was he dropped when he was a baby or what?

"Jinsol.. You came," Jungeun exclaims, obviously panicking in the situation. "Fuck where is she? Are you okay?" Jinsol asks Jungeun, in a really concerned tone. "They're right by there, I think he's taking her home with him." Jungeun says, pointing at the benches where the man and the unconscious woman is. "And yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry I called you in such a rush. Were you awake?" Jungeun asks, "No I just woke up actually," Jinsol replies, scratching her nape smiling. "Fuck, sorry." Jungeun apologises digging her face into her hands. She was so obviously nervous. It's like she's gone through this before.

"Fuck they're moving." Jinsol says, eyeing the couple. "We need to follow them." Jungeun says, causing Jinsol to agree.

The two started walking down the street trying to blend in with the crowd. The crowd being; multiple senior citizens with walking frames. "Shit he looked at us," Jinsol whispers, looking at the ground.

Good thing they both had hoodies on. The man and fhe woman was now heading towards their direction. Or if I may say man where as the woman is still fucking unconscious. "Shit shit shit he's coming this way," Jungeun whispers once again, causing Jinsol to take action on this.

She pins Jungeun to the wall, connecting their lips, Jinsol rests her arm onto the wall behind Jungeun so Junseo wouldnt suspect a thing. Junseo walks past the couple, totally thinking nothing of it. He continues his journey of bringing the unconscious woman back to his place.

Now that Junseo was gone, Jinsol pulled out from the kiss, leaving Jungeun pink and flustered. Jinsol didn't know what she was thinking a few minutes ago. She was surprised she even had the balls to kiss a girl, and the fact that Jungeun kissed back was pretty fucking intense for Jinsol to process. "S-sorry," Jinsol stutters, causing Jungeun to giggle, "No, if you didn't do that he could've caught us. Jinsol now had no idea why they had to hide, they could've just punched him then and there but no, she decided to be extra.

"Shit he's gotten away, run." Jinsol says, running to the direction where the duo went. "I see them, distract him, I'll take care of the woman." Jinsol explains her plan.

Jungeun ran in front of Junseo, causing him to be surprised, immediately dropping the woman in his arms. "Jungeun..?" Junseo says, his voice creaking. "Junseo.. I miss you baby.." Says Jungeun, her voice being sensual as ever. 'Fuck If i was a guy I'd have a boner' thinks Jinsol. But now was not the time, she had to get that woman out of there. "Jungeun, I missed you t-", Junseo gets cut off as Jinsol throws a punch. The man immediately being knocked out somehow. "Fucking rapist." Jungeun steps on his head, spitting on his face. "Let's get her out of here." Jinsol says, as she carries the unconscious lady who seemed to be a teen. The lady was now a teen.

"She's probably underaged. This sick fucking bastard." Jinsol says, carrying the girl. "Go call the cops and get this guy arrested." plans Jinsol once again.
Jungeun nods, immediately pulling out her phone.


The police had now already caught Junseo. They were now investigating the public security cameras to make sure if the accusations of the women were right. And they were. Junseo was now sent to the police station totally unconscious. As for Jinsol and Jungeun. Jinsol brought Jungeun back to her house, waving goodbye from the car window, "Take care Jungeun, I'll see you when I see you.", Jinsol smiles at her.

The blonde woman had now left the area. Jinsol looks at her car mirror revealing a mark on her lips. A bloody one. Jungeun was hungry.

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