Ice cream

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"Bring me where you live," Jungeun abruptly states, after minutes of silence as the two stared at the view that was displayed beneath them. "Well technically I live at the dorms, although I have a loft and if you're talking about where I grew up I-" "Just take me to your loft," Jungeun cuts off the girls rambling. "Well alright then, I bet you'll like it." "What if I won't?" "Let's just hope!" Jinsol exclaims, smiling at the girl, as she pushes herself off from the railing, entering back into the room. Jungeun puts her cigarette out following the raven haired girl who was now adjusting her jeans.

The two girls exit the said music room, walking down the stairs. The house was quiet, no other people were inside aside from them and the cleaners.

And like yesterday, Jinsol opens the passenger seat for Jungeun. She gets flattered by this gesture, of course. But she doesn't display any satisfaction to humble the girl who was now beside her.

"I'm craving ice cream," Jungeun utters, catching the attention of the elder. "Literally same, what ice scream shop do you usually go to?" Jinsol asks, staring at the girl with puppy eyes, her adoration for ice scream is something else. "Well usually me and my friends go to Merveilles de glace on the south of the city, it's not that far from here I think," "Oh yeah! I know that one, It's near my loft! I've never been in there though." Jinsol responds ardently. "Oh my gosh really? How lucky we are," Jungeun smiles, staring at the girl who was no focused on the road, the street lights reflecting on her face as the music fill Jungeun's ears, captivated by Jinsol's beauty.

Jungeun has never acted or felt this cheerful around someone aside from her close friends. Of course she'd had smiles and giggles with her past lovers, but no one has made her feel this happy in a really long time, or ever actually. With Jinsol; It's all just so natural. The joyful tenderness she has when she's with her flows easily as she talks with her, or even to look at her, god she's fucking gay.

"Jungeun?? Are you okay?" Jinsol waves her hand, causing for Jungeun to get back to her senses. "Oh, sorry, hey yeah I'm good," Jungeun giggles awkwardly after realising she's been staring at Jinsol the entire time. "Well we're here," Jinsol announces staring at the huge sign. "Oh yeah hold on, stay there." Jinsol exclaims, unbuckling her seatbelt, running to Jungeun's side of the car. "Here you go madam," Jinsol bows, receiving a giggle from Jungeun.

"Shit these are expensive for ice cream," Jinsol curses, staring at the large menu poster on the wall. "Believe me, they're worth the price." Jungeun replies, smiling at the girl who was dumbfounded by the ridiculous high prices of the sweet treat.

"Alright then, which one do you want? I'm paying." Jinsol says, turning to the girl as she tilts her head. "No I'm paying, you always pay it's unfair!!" "Are you sure?" Jinsol asks, "Well of course it is? It's not like I don't have a weekly allowance of like, a thousand." Jungeun brags, causing for Jinsol to chuckle and roll her eyes. "Alright then, I want cookie dough, it's the best ice cream flavor there is." Jinsoul states, "Well no! It's actually cookies and cream." Jungeun replies, "You're so fake for that." "Whatever," Jungeun glares one last time before heading to the counter.


"Fuck this is good," Jinsol mumbles, the ice cream on her mouth melting. The two were now walking back to the beach since Jinsol's loft was literally on the shore. "Let me try yours," Jungeun says, staring at the other girl's cup. "Okay say ah.." Jinsol utters, putting her little spoon into Jungeun's mouth. It takes for a few seconds for Jungeun to actually respond to the new taste. "What the hell.." "What??" "This is so... good.." Jungeun sobs, staring at the ground. "I TOLD YOU!!" Jinsol exclaims, chuckling. "I want some more.." Jungeun mumbles.

The two were now sat on large rocks on the shore of the beach. It wasn't too dark then since they had street lights all over the place. "You want some?" Jinsol asks, staring at the other girls eyes seducingly. "Y-yeah.." Jungeun stutters, her cheeks getting lighter than they already are. At this moment Jinsol grabs her spoon eating the ice cream, giving the girl beside her a peck on the lips. "Yummy?" Jinsol asks, Jungeun wiping the melted ice cream on the corner of her lips as she nods. Jinsol giggling at the younger girls cuteness.

They just sit there, giggling but not saying a word, as they give eachother kisses on the lips.

As they strangle eachother and suffocate eachother with their kisses they stop for a second to appreciate eachother's beauty.
This causes for Jungeun to turn pink, very obviously. "You're so pink.." Jinsol giggles, tucking Jungeun's hair behind her ear as she leans on one of the flat rocks, Jungeun being the one on top of her.

"You're seeing things Jeong..." Jungeun hides her face, turning even more pink than before.


"I see them.." a man with a black cap utters to his accomplice, "Take the picture and send it to mr Lee quick!" "We should make sure it doesn't spread first, we wouldn't want our Jungeun to get hurt.." the man smirks, licking his lips as he stares at the smiling Jungeun. "You're right." "One day we'll have you Jungeun." He chuckles loudly, causing for the two girls to look around the area. "Shit we gotta go."


The couple were now walking on the tide of the sea, their bare feet getting wet by the water. The moonlight reflecting the two of their faces. Suddenly Jinsol decides to splash a bit of water onto Jungeun.

"Hey!!" Jungeun shouts, smiling as she splashes back, making Jinsol giggle. The two kept on splashing eachother with water as Jungeun squeals every time. Now they're sitting by the shore, their legs in the water. "It's a bit cold now.." Jungeun shivers, "I agree, wanna go to my loft now? I can lend you some clothes." Jinsol softly smiles, staring at the girl. "Yes please.."


The raven haired girl unlocks the door, revealing a huge loft with not much mess. "Woah," Jungeun smiles, staring at Jinsol, then stares back at the area with adoration. How simple but so lively.

Although one thing stands out most out of all of the other furniture. It was the large painting placed in the center of the wall, where you could immediately see access to as soon as you open the front door.

It didn't have a face on it but it resembled Jungeun, she thinks to herself, but then she thinks that she's being to narcissistic about everything.

"Who's that on the painting?" Jungeun finally decides to ask, her back facing Jinsol who was taking her shoes off. "Oh that lady? Uh.. I'm not really sure, It was a girl in my dreams when I was around 15?" Jinsol answers, calmly. Jungeun nods, not moving from her position. Finally, Jinsol stands up as she stares at the painting then Jungeun's back. Holy shit they were identical.

Jinsol now feels shy due to the discovery because Jungeun might think she was stalking her, how identical they were.

"My bathroom is upstairs, I'll lay the clothes on the bed and I'll get you a towel really quickly," Jinsol says, giggling awkwardly, signalling for Jungeun to go upstairs.

"The painting is gorgeous," Jungeun smirks, giggling at the flushed Jinsol as she ran up the stairs, leaving her sling bag on the sofa.

Jungeun found Jinsol's loft cozy, she felt at home. The atmosphere of the area felt familiar to her, feels like she belongs there. Oddly enough she also knew where to go to find specific rooms.

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