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It's a month since the event that occurred in the photography club room. Jinsol and Jungeun had still been discreet about their fling ever since. They haven't even told their own friends yet. It's been bothering them so much that they just wanted to tell the entire campus of their little fling due to the fact that there was gonna be a huge valentine party coming and everyone in the school had to bring a date. This romantic upcoming event had lead to ALOT of proposals for Jungeun and even for Jinsol.


"So how's you and Chaewon?" Jinsol asks, smirking at the girl across from her's sudden shift of expression as she stirs her cup. "Well..." Hyeju grins, closing her eyes. "Oh c'mon spit it out already Hyeju!" Sooyoung adds, playfully pushing the girl beside her as she munches on her glazed donut. "I heard they held hands the other day." Hyunjin interjects as Hyeju was about to speak. "Where'd you get that from?" Hyeju pauses, raising her right eyebrow. "Heejin," Hyunjin responds blatantly as she takes a sip from her drink.

"What are you guys talking about?" Seulgi kneels down, staring at the four girls. "Hi unmie, we're currently talking about Hyeju's love life with Park Chaewon." Sooyoung confesses, grinning as Hyeju elbows her. "Oh Chaewon?? I know that kid! She goes here every saturday afternoon!" Seulgi exclaims enthusiastically, staring at Hyeju.

The youngers face light up at this new found information that was definitely gonna be useful. "Didn't know Hyeju here was such a lover girl," Seulgi winks, elbowing the girl like an old man. Hyeju chuckles at the woman, the others scrunch their faces telling the woman to stop reminding them of how old she was.

"Okay go on tell us!" Jinsol exclaims, after Seulgi left they sat in silence for a whole minute before the raven haired girl spoke up. "I mean we've been playing video games together, that's the main thing.." Hyeju says, the pink tint on her cheeks getting brighter. The others nod, signaling for Hyeju to talk more, "Well we DID hold hands, Hyunjin is correct." Hyeju confirms, the other girls squeal at this, hitting eachother as they giggle. "But that one only one time!!" Hyeju defends herself. "We're glad you got close with Chaewon without help from any of us." Sooyoung smiles, "Aside from the inviting part you somehow just slid yourself in." Jinsol adds. "You two really bond with video games." Hyunjin states.

"Well what about you Jinsol unnie?" Hyeju smirks, trying to get Jinsol to slip. The raven haired girl firms her posture, staring at the girl in front of her as she awkwardly giggles. "..single for now." Jinsol answers, smiling. Technically Jinsol wasn't lying, her and Jungeun never became a thing, but also, keyword; 'yet.'

Hyeju raises her right eyebrow, as she takes a sip from her cup. "What about you and Ju-" Hyeju states as she puts her cup down but being cut off by the elder who shouts out for Seulgi. "SEULGI UNNIE CAN WE HAVE THE BILL." She exclaims loudly, everyone in the café staring at her direction. Hyeju rolls her eyes. "What were you gonna tell us Hyeju?" Hyunjin asks, a confused expression plastered on her face.

Jinsol calms down, sighing as she's about to confess a crime she's done. "Promise you wont snitch to any of your girlfriends!" Jinsol exclaims, staring the two girls in their eyes. The two quickly nod as they anticipate for the response. "I've been having a fling with Jungeun." Jinsol states slowly, but proudly. Hiding her face as her cheeks heat up thinking about Jungeun. The two girls stare at her, baffled. "JUNGEUN..?" they exclaim, looking back at eachother then to Jinsol. "You've GOT to be lying." Hyunjin states. "My exact reaction." Hyeju says calmly as she wipes her mouth. "I'm not lying!" Jinsol widens her eyes as she tries to prove them. "That girl is not one of us." Sooyoung raises her right eyebrow, still looking dumbfounded. "Well she is and SHE'S the one who gave me these 'hair curler' burns." Jinsol states, furrowing her eyebrows, getting pissed when she get's violated when she tells the truth. "Have you even noticed my hair being curly?" Jinsol asks the two who was now contemplating if their friend was really telling the truth or not.

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