Hang over

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Jinsol wakes up to the sound of chatter. Not opening her eyes, she stretches her arms and legs making her yawn. As she opens her eyes she sees everyone surrounding her. She forgot how she ended up sleeping in Haseuls sofa because of the booze she drank after tucking everyone in bed. "The bastards finally awake," Sooyoung announces while looking at Jinsol. "says you," Jinsol replies groaning rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?" she asks the others looking like she doesn't even know what day it is.

"It's 10 in the morning, we've been waiting for you to wake up so we could eat out for brunch," Haseul informs the taller girl, "Oh man, how long were you guys waiting?" Jinsol asks, chuckling while scratching her nape. "About two hours," beomgyu scratches his chin not having one single emotion displayed on the boys face. "WHAT!? and you guys didn't even try waking me up?" Jinsol exclaimed, jumping up from the sofa, "We DID." Hyunjin replies, rolling her eyes, making Jinsol curious of how they tried waking her up.

"Let's not blame her for waking up late guys, she's having a hang over and she helped us get into bed last night, let's thank her instead," Kahei says smiling proudly, only to receive boo's from the others, "Well, Kahei unnie is correct, let's just leave this topic for another day," Sooyoung says, looking absolutely wasted after last night. Jinsol takes a good look at each and every one of them, "You guys had two fucking hours to get ready, look at all of you now," Jinsol says sounding annoyed, she chuckles at the scene then walks away not looking back, "I'm gonna take a shower, you guys need a shower too, feels like im in the trenches staying with you guys," Jinsol jokes pinching her nose having a disgusted expression.

"So where are we eating Heejin?" Kahei asks the younger bunny looking girl, "You'll see," Heejin says, looking out the window trying to look mysterious. "Bitch I'm driving all of you where the hell is 'You'll see' " Haseul replies making Heejin stick her tongue out at her rolling her eyes, "Aye, respect your elders!" .


Jungeun felt bad for just leaving Jinsol like that after how the girl helped her, she didn't even know how the boy knew where she was.

"Did that girl do anything to you?" the black haired boy asks curiously, walking Jungeun out of Haseuls house, Jungeun didn't respond. "Hello?? are you deaf or something" the boy shakes Jungeun making her get back to her senses, "Hm? no," She looks at him for 5 seconds looking away slowly. "How did you know where I was, Junseo?" Jungeun asks the taller boy infront of her. "I put a tracker device on that necklace I gave you," he replies so proudly making Jungeun a bit uncomfortable with the current position they were in. Jungeun moves his arm away from his shoulders creating space between them. "So we're doing this again? alright," Junseo clicks his tongue obviously irritated by Jungeuns random switch up, based on 'again' it's happened multiple times. "Just take me home, Junseo." Jungeun pleaded, "Fine." he says, making his pissed tone to an irritated one.


"Here, now get off." He says, not sparing Jungeun a glance, Jungeun wonders how is she still dating this man, she clicks her tongue slamming the car door making the man roll down the window cursing Jungeun off.

Jungeun sighs not turning around to look at the man inside the vehicle.

She plops onto her bed thinking about the horrible day she's had, aside from being with Jinsol, Jinsol didnt give Jungeun a good impression for the first time they met, but Jinsol made it up for showing how caring she is towards someone whom she's not close with.

"Jinsol," the taller girls name slips out of the blonde girls lips, she smiles.


Jinsol gets out of the shower using the same clothes she wore last night, since she forgot to bring extra clothes with her. "You guys better be ready," she says walking down the hall knowing everyone could hear her. "We're all ready!!" Jiwoo shouts smiling, making Jinsol smile at the girls cuteness. She walks over beside Jiwoo since there was a free space beside her. "So where are we eating?" Jinsol asks the others, "Ask Heejin," Haseul says putting her palm onto her face, making everyone giggle at the older girl.

"You'll see!!" Heejin shouts giggling.

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