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The silhouette of a lady can be visible behind grey curtains as Jinsol walks up the stairs of the 70 story building. She grins, the blue hair flowing as she walks past the air conditioner.

"I've been planning on setting the meeting for tuesday, I will not allow this. Tell him he's FIRED. I want him out." The lady who seemed to be quiet a few seconds ago turned into an infuriating mess as she discusses something with someone on the phone. She sighs, slamming the telephone back in its slot as she rubs her nose bridge, still unbeknownst with Jinsol's presence she stares at the skyline view of the city, smilinh softly as she pulls her phone out dialing a certain blue haired girl.

'Ring! Ring! Ring!', Jinsol's phone ring from the outside, the previous mad woman jumps out of her seat, following where the sound was. As she slides the curtains, she spots Jinsol holding her phone awkwardly as she carries a bag of krispy kreme donuts. "..hey," Jinsol grins slowly as she stares at the smiling but also pouting girl.

"Baby, why didn't you tell me you were here.." Jungeun pouts as she slowly pulls the taller girl closer to her who seemed to be shorter today due to Jungeun wearing heels. "You look cute when you're mad." Jinsol utters as she wipes the girl's cheeks.

"Also why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be helping Heejin and Hyunjin move the new fridge?" Jungeun asks, looking confused. "Well I wanted to see my beautiful and gorgeous wife of course, who's working really hard." Jinsol smirks, pulling Jungeun by the waist as she pecks her lips. "Stop flattering me! I have work to do." Jungeun giggles as ahe softly pushes the pouting Jinsol away.

"I'll see you later then?" Jinsol lifts her head up hastily as she smiles at the girl who was still staring at her, grinning. "Yes you will baby, of course." Jungeun pushes her lips together as she takes a sip of her coffee. "I'll go help them out while you here be hardworking okay princess! Be ready when you get home.." Jinsol snickers as she skips to the door winking at the blonde, shutting the door.

Jungeun stares at the door a few seconds more before looking back at her desk, she smiles warmly, cheeks getting red as she jumps from her seat, giggling. She grabs a pillow from the sofa, shouting as she covers her face with it. "Jeong Jinsol.." Jungeun mumbles, throwing the pillow across the other side of the room. She quickly runs back to her desk, quickly finishing her work so she could get to her wife who was at home. She recalls the words, 'Be ready when you get home,' the pink tint on her cheeks getting lighter, she pushes her lips together.

The two have already been together for almost 6 years, the two had a coincidental double proposal the day they went to paris, as they talked about before. Safe to say the wedding was a huge success with both parents being present and they seemed to enjoy.

Ever since then, the couple had been inseparable, not a day has passed where they haven't begged for each others attention. Recently, they have purchased a bigger loft for if the others wanted to hang out, while as for them, they resided in an alright sized house by the mountains just close enough to see the view of the city. Of course, they have a balcony. Where they usually spend time at.

Jinsol had taken over her aunts restaurant just a few miles away from their house as Jungeun, being the co ceo of their large family company. Both having really good bank they usually travel around the world with their friends, thus their upcoming trip to the bahamas, idea by Jiwoo and Yerim.

"Finally.." Jungeun groans as she shuts the monitor down, dusting her blazer as she grabs her sling bag. She pulls her phone out as she dials her chauffeur, immediately heading home as she promised the elder.


She hangs the sling bag onto the hooks as she carefully takes her heels off, putting her house slippers on she opens the door, revealing a dark room with no one in sight, she raises her eyebrows as she walks up the stairs, seeing the light on the door she slowly walks towards it, grinning, slowly unbuttoning her long sleve shirt.

She opens the door, revealing Jinsol in a tiger onesie, holding an owl onesie as well. She scans the room which now had been filled with plushies and snacks, the TV turned on which displayed Jungeun's favourite show.

She smiles softly, rushing into Jinsol's arms as they both giggle, she tackles Jinsol to lay in the bed with her, snuggling up her. "Welcome home baby, i've been waiting for you." Jinsol utters as she tucks the youngers hair behind her ear. "You're so cute for this Jeong.." Jungeun chuckles, taking her shirt off, revealing her upper half of her body only with a bra on, with the little bow.

Jinsol turns pink, immediately covering her face with the onesies hoodie. "Jinsol, you've seen me naked about a hundred times! Stop that," Jungeun giggles, trying to make the girl to look at her. Jinsol shakes her head. "Oh c'mon don't act like you didn't strip me yourself the other day." Jungeun rolls her eyes as she slowly takes the rest of her clothes off, getting into the onesie.

Jinsol lifts her head, "come here," Jinsol pulls the girl closer, kissing her forehead as she sniffs her head. "You smell so nice." Jinsol mumbles, still pink. "Jinsol, you're changing the subject and it's so obvious." Jungeun states, "Argh! let me change it I can't take this. You look too perfect for me right now Jungeun." Jinsol groans, pinching the girl's cheeks. "Okay, alright, let's just play this! I'm absolutely exhausted and the only thing I want the most right now is to be in your arms as we snuggle with out onesies, watching my favourite show." Jungeun rambles, getting under the covers, Jinsol following her, smiling at her.

The clock hits 2 in the morning, Jungeun's already asleep as Jinsol tightens her grip around Jungeun, she admires the girl's face structure as the TV played in the background. She smiles, kissing the girl's nose.

"I love you Kim Jungeun." Jinsol leans her forehead closer to the girl's forehead. "I love you too.. Jeong Jinsol." Jungeun mumbles, eyes still closed. They both giggle, already sleepy as the noise fade in the background.

A/N: Hello sorry for the late update everyone, I've just been really busy with activities these past few days, mostly related to school but aside from that, what do you guys think about the book? I don't think i've ended it very well considering this was the first ever finished works i've ever created. Thank you for all the comments and votes! They are much appreciated. A new story will be coming soon, suggest tropes? Anyway, thank you lots.

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