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It was already 5 in the afternoon by then, Jinsol is still on the sofa snoozing. 'Ring! Ring! Ring!' her phone went off, immediately making her jump from her previous.. odd position of sleeping. She checks the caller ID, thinking it was gonna be Sooyoung or Hyunjin, but it wasn't.

'No Caller Id', Jinsol thought to herself who could it be, so she didn't answer the phone, waiting for the call to end. The person from the other line finally gave up, deciding to not call the girl anymore. Although she did receive a text. 'I'm coming for you.' the text spelled out, making Jinsol giggle having a dirty mind. But soon she realised that someone was AFTER her. She jumped from her seat, looking around the loft. Eventually she shrugged the anxious feeling thinking it was some prank call.

She checks the time, realising she hasn't eaten dinner yet. The girl was hungry, she wasn't content with what she ate earlier considering she didn't eat that much as the others. She made her way to the kitchen to see if theres anything to eat. None. The cupboards were just filled with cans and seasonings, nothing easy to cook. After a few minutes of pondering, she decided to eat in a bakery.


She steps out of her car, immediately spotting the bakery her and Hyunjin used to go to every weekend. She hasn't been in the bakery since she came back from the states, she missed the sweet smell of the area.

'Cling~' the bells of the bakery chimed as the black haired girl entered the shop, her eyes lighting up looking at all the food displayed on the counter. "It smells so good in here.." she whispers to herself, sniffing the air. She walked to the counter spotting woman on the cashier. "Hi!" the girl exclaimed excitedly, "Can I get one of those crepes and a bowl of croutons?" Jinsol asked, showing off a smile making the younger girl in front of her flustered. "Ah yes! Would you like any drinks with that?", "Oh, a caffè macchiato please," Jinsol stated in the process of pulling out her wallet. "Is that all for you, miss?" the cashier asked, "Yes please," Jinsol says scanning her card on the machine, 'Approved', the machine displays, "Thank you! you order will be served to you in a minute~" the younger girl said in a flattering manner, winking at Jinsol making her confused.

As Jinsol sat herself on a chair, she could see two figures outside of the shop talking. It seemed to be a woman and a man arguing, Jinsol was intrigued by the situation, not seeing their faces. She was looking at the two like it was a drama, she was giggling as the woman slapped the man causing him to trip. "Here's your order, ma'am!" the same enthusiastic girl from the cashier served her food to her. Jinsol was a bit confused seeing free waiters chilling by the counter, why did the cashier serve her food. "Ah, thank you miss." Jinsol thanked the younger girl making the girl flushed. It was a bit awkward because the girl just stood there staring at Jinsol, "Are you okay miss..?" Jinsol asks the younger, "Oh! yes i'm so sorry." the girl giggles skipping away. 'Strange' Jinsol thought but shrugging her shoulders a few seconds later.

As the waiter skipped her away back to the counter Jinsol could finally get to see the fighting couple outside. As she looked back, the man was holding onto the pole rubbing his chin, the woman was no where to be seen. A few minutes later the man started walking towards the bakery, Jinsol having a perfect view of the man who was slapped.

It was Jungeuns boyfriend?

Jinsol was wondering if it was Jungeun whom he fought with. Well obviously it was, who else would it be? But it didn't look like Jungeuns shadow at all. She scratched her nape trying not to think much of the situation that she's not apart of anyways.

The girl has finally finished her meal, heading back to her vehicle to drive back to the dorms. As she was walking to the parking lot she could see the same silhouette of the couple arguing earlier, the male who seemed to be Jungeuns boyfriend.  This time Jinsol had a perfect view of their faces, it was Jungeuns boyfriend and another woman. Jinsol immediately hid as the man pinned the girl against the wall aggressively kissing her. "Stop!!" the girl shouted in between the kisses, catching the attention of Jinsol. "Shhh, shut the fuck up.." the man shushed the girl covering her mouth. The girl was obviously struggling to breathe. That was when Jinsol decided to take action.

"Hey get off her." Jinsol exclaimed leaving the hiding spot she was previously in. "Who said that?" the man turned around, trying to spot Jinsol, "Me, now scram," Jinsol threatend the man, "And who are you to tell me to scram, woman?" the man walked towards Jinsol, leaving the girl, as Jinsol signals the girl to run away.

"And who are you to assault a woman?" Jinsol exclaims, obviously triggering the man in front of her. "Come here you little!" the man ran towards Jinsol throwing a punch, Jinsol dodging it. Thank God Jinsol took that self defense and taekwondo class in the states. As the guy misses his shot Jinsol kicks his legs causing him to fall and slam his face onto the pavement. "Ah.. what the fuck." the guy tried standing up. Jinsol stepping on the guys back to make him fall back down, causing him to bang his head on the ground. She holds his head down the ground, "Don't ever think of going near that girl again, and cheating on your girlfriend? pathetic." Jinsol stands back up spitting on the guys face.

She gets in her car finally driving back to the dorms. She unlocks the door walking to her bed, absolutely exhausted. The girl falls asleep the second time this day.

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