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"Ahh, I'm so full," Hyunjin groans patting her stomach, "I feel like my stomach is about to rip open.." Sooyoung adds trying to stand up but collapsing in the process, making everyone giggle. "I'm never doing this again.. God.." Jungeun says gagging, "Can we have the bill please!!" Haseul shouts.

The waiter handed Haseul the bill showing a long scroll of their orders. "This looks like a family of tens winter stock food." Jinsol says chuckling. "How much is it?" Jinsol asks, sweating after all the eating. "Let me see..." Haseul says trying to reach the bottom of the recipt, it seemed a never ending scroll. "WHAT THE FUCK" Haseul shouted out loud making everyone else around the table stare at them, "How much is it!?" Beomgyu moved from his seat, anticipating the shocking price. "It's over a hundred..." Haseul gulps. "I'll pay for it," Jinsol and Jungeun says at the same time. "No, let me pay for it Jungeun," Jinsol gives the lady a sweet smile. "No way, I'm paying. You have no choice Jeong." Jungeun says nonchalantly, folding her arms. Jinsols cheeks turned into a pinkish tone finding out that the younger girl knows her surname. But that wasn't the point now. She's supposed to have a battle of who will pay for the meal with the woman in front of her. "I'll make a choice." Jinsol talks back. "No you WON'T. I'm paying and thats final." Jungeun says in a very sassy tone. As the two argued the others just laid back in their seats trying to catch their breath after all the food they consumed.

After Jinsol felt defeated, she finally gives up, "Fine.. but i'm paying you back." Jinsol says, chuckling at the younger girls stubbornness. Jungeun smirks in victory, placing the cash in between the tiny pamphlet.

"Are you guys done, I'm ready to leave.." Heejin says, with her eyes closed. "Yep, do you guys have any plans today?" Jinsol asks. "Well not really, but I think i'll just stay home for the rest of the day. I'm tired as fuck." Heejin groans. "Alright, I'll get going then. Are you guys okay?" Jinsol says, "Yeah, we're totally fine. Thank you for last night Sol!!" Haseul says trying to stand up, "How about you Jungeun?" Kahei asks the younger girl beside her. "Oh, I think i'll get going too," Jungeun says standing up dusting her shirt. "Do you have a ride?" Jinsol asks Jungeun, "Yeah, I think my boyfriends picking me up.." Jungeun says pulling her phone out of her purse in the process. "Oh, great. I'll go.. then?" Jinsol says smiling at her friends as she walks away taking one last glance at Jungeun.

She gets in her car and puts the seatbelt on. Jinsol's confused. She's totally not into the girl but the only thing thats on her mind has been Jungeun. She sighs as she turns the engine on, eventually she starts driving.

Jinsol does have an apartment of her own but she decides to use the dorm because the drive from her apartment to the school is a waste of gas. It was saturday afternoon so she decided to visit her loft.

She flips the light switch turning the main light of the loft on, she stares at the area. It was completely unmoved the last time she was there. Which was last week. Although she didn't get to stay long because she only took some of her clothes to bring to her dorm. She looks at the large framed image thats hung up on the wall, it was a painting created by Jinsol back when she was around 15. It was a painting of a womans side profile, it wasn't a model. It was a girl from Jinsols dreams, every night she keeps seeing the same girl in her dreams. The girls face was always blurry, so she could never make out the face of the girl.

It wasn't someone she's met before. The woman stays unknown for now.

She plops onto the leather sofa turning the large flat screen tv in front of her. A few minutes later you could hear the girl snoring.


Jungeun was walking out of the restaurant with the others, "Jungeun, where's Junseo?" Hyunjin asks the older girl. "He said he's going to be here in a few minutes," Jungeun says adjusting her posture. "You know you can come with us?" Haseul says, looking concerned. "No it's fine guys, really. Thank you." Jungeun smiles at them reassuring that everythings going to be okay. "Alright then, take care Jungeun!" Haseul replies, "Message us when you get home, alright?" Kahei adds, making Jungeun nod.

No ones really sure why everyones so scared of Jungeun at school. She's nothing but a sweet angel. She's quiet, smart, polite AND dates the most popular jock in their school. Maybe it's just a cliché for the girlfriend of a jock to be mean and scary, so they classify Jungeun as intimidating and scary.

'Beep! Beep!' the car in front of Jungeun beeps loudly making her realise that she's been spacing out the entire time. "Get in!" Junseo rolls down the window screaming for Jungeun when she's literally in front of him. She opens the front door of the car entering the vehicle. "Thanks.." Jungeun whispers, glad that the guy actually came to pick her up. "Where's the necklace i gave you?" Junseo clicks his tongue, "Oh, I left it at home." Jungeun replies stiffly. "You're so ungrateful." Junseo states, making Jungeun jerk already irritated by the man. Jungeun sighs not wanting to respond.

Jungeun internally celebrates when she arrives back at her house, "See you monday," Junseo states, not sparing a glance at Jungeun, "See you."

Jungeun opens the door of her bedroom, sighing. It's only 1 in the afternoon and it already feels like 6 in the evening. Jungeun is tired. She had an amazing time with the others but something still felt off. She shrugs the thought getting up from her bed, she's just tired.

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