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Jinsol steps out of the vehicle entering the local pharmacy, as she enters she quickly runs to the counter asking for paracetamol from the woman behind the counter.

She thanks the woman for giving her the paracetamol, exiting the shop immediately after. She walked in and walked out of the store in a span of 5 minutes, rushing to get back to Haseuls place, being worried about Jungeun.

Driving her vehicle as fast as she can she shuts the front door of the car and runs back inside the house. As she enters the house her eyes quickly searches for Jungeun. She spots Jungeun immediately speed walking to the sitting girl with a paper bag on her hand. "Here, do you have any water to down this?" Jinsol asks quickly holding the pack of paracetamol up for it to be visible to Jungeun. Jungeun was stunned, "Where did you get that?" Jungeun asks, "I bought it just now, i'll be right back stay here," Jinsol says handing Jungeun the paracetamol pack skipping away.

Jungeun thought it was cute that Jinsol actually left her own party just to get Jungeun paracetamol, the thought of it made Jungeun smile.

"Here you go," Jinsol hands her the glass of water, Jungeun downs the pill drinking the glass of water. Jinsol places her hand on the bottom of the younger girls chin so the water wouldn't spill on Jungeuns clothes. Jungeun hands Jinsol the glass of water so Jinsol could put it away. "Thanks.." Jungeun hesitates, "No problem, I understand the pain." Jinsol smiles at Jungeun causing Jungeun to blush.

"Hey it's too loud in here, wanna go upstairs?", Jinsol asks the girl, Jungeun who's much more better after downing the pill nods at the idea.

The two girls ran up the stairs, none of them noticing the two of them were gone because it was a friday night and everyone was getting drunk.

"Do you feel any better, Jungeun?" Jinsol asks, "I feel so much better than earlier, thanks for the paracetamol, you really shouldn't have bothered yourself," Jungeun says smiling at Jinsol. Jinsol finds the view beautiful, the moon light reflecting on Jungeuns face makes it even better. Jinsol could see stars in Jungeuns eyes as the younger girl stares at them. "No I get how painful period cramps are, you shouldn't have bothered going," Jinsol said trying not to sound rude. "Ah, thats enough we've been talking too much about this.." Jungeun groans making Jinsol giggle at the youngers reaction.

The two girls stand in silence as they watch the night sky, stars twinkling right before them. The two find the view calming and quiet. They couldn't hear anything from up there aside from the faded music downstairs. "So, you go to our school now?" Jungeun breaks the silence asking the older girl, "Yeah, pretty much.. want me to leave?" Jinsol says sarcastically making Jungeun push her in a playful manner, "I saw you earlier." Jinsol spat out making the younger flushed at the tone, Jungeun finds Jinsols serious voice attractive in some way. "Where?" Jungeun finally makes out after spacing out for about 20 seconds, "Bae's café, near our campus," Jinsol says looking down at the younger girl, "Oh yeah, I go there sometimes for coffee, they are the best café i know, and lucky me it's near our campus," Jungeun replies, "You seemed pretty upset, didn't you see me?" Jinsol asked sounding a bit disappointed, "Well, I did. You're hard not to notice. I was just a bit shy because of what happened the other day," Jungeun responds shyly, "Shy? I was the one who bumped into you I should be the one who's shy!" Jinsol says giggling, "Did you hear people talk about us?" Jungeun asked the older girl, "No, though Heejin talked to me about it earlier, no wonder people were giving me dirty looks this morning." Jinsol says looking confused.

As Jungeun was about to reply to Jinsol, the door behind them unexpectedly opens ruining their cute moment. "Ah! Jungeun, there you are!" It was a guy who Jinsol wasn't very familiar with, he was a bit bulky and much more taller than Jungeun, he walked up closer to Jungeun tucking her hair behind her ear, "Are you okay?" the man asks Jungeun looking worried. Jinsol just standing there awkwardly not knowing what to do next, "Yeah.. i'm fine," Jungeun responds, Jinsol has noticed the shift of Jungeuns tone, it went from, sweet and bubbly to disappointment. "Let's get you home," he says putting his arms around the smaller girls shoulders, Jungeun smiles at the taller girl mouthing 'Thank you', the only thing Jinsol was able to do was to smile at her and wave goodbye.

As the sound of footsteps fade Jinsol sighs, looking back at the gorgeous view laid infront of her. She takes a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket, trying to smoke the thoughts away.

Jinsol throws the nearly finished cigarette off the balcony walking back downstairs, as she enters the living room, everyone was wasted, now her mission was to take care of her friends. Great.

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