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For the rest of the evening, Jinsol stayed up thinking about the kiss she shared with Jungeun. She tried getting some sleep knowing she had classes the next day, although all she did was walk around her room not closing her eyes for even a second. She touches her lips, reminiscing the kiss. God, what was Jinsol thinking?

On the other hand, Jungeun did as well. She couldn't sleep. After the kiss they shared she felt a sudden shift in their aura. The atmosphere between them had changed. The drive to Jungeuns place was somewhat uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. It's three in the morning already, Jungeun's spinning around her chair, wondering why she's even thinking of the raven haired girl. Fuck, Jungeun doesn't like girls, what's the fuck is going on.

Jungeun whines, It's already three fucking am and she still can't get some sleep. All because of a kiss she shared with someone? Jungeun feels pathetic, confused even.

She analyzes her desk which was covered with school papers, she slides her chair up to the desk, fixing her posture. Jungeun has now decided to study to keep her mind off the current situation she was in.

Jinsol was again, still laying doen her bed. Not a minute of sleep. She wonders how Jungeun had her number. Weird.

The two spent the rest of the dawn wondering about lots of things.


'Ring! Ring! Ring!', Jungeuns alarm rang, causing Jungeun to stand up from her previous couching position on the chair. "Fuck I haven't gotten any sleep at all." Jungeun groans as she rubs her eyes.

She steps out of her room, looking totally drained from last night. "Jungeun? You look sick, are you okay?", a woman asked her, concerned. "I'm okay miss Kwon," Jungeun smiles at the lady as she continues sweeping the floor. "I prepared your breakfast Jungeun, tell me if you need anything alright?", Miss kwon smiles at Jungeun, pointing at the oddly long table.

Miss Kwon is a maid that works for Jungeun's parents. Since they were never around, always going outside of the country for business trips, miss Kwon has been the one to take care of the girl. Jungeun likes to think of miss Kwon as the mother she's never had, considering miss Kwon and her mother are the same age.

"Thank you miss Kwon, as always." Jungeun shoots a smile back at the polite looking lady. "Now go eat up, you'll need some energy to get going!" the woman cheers.


Jungeun has her own routine each day. She wakes up, which she didn't this morning because she BARELY had any sleep. She greets miss Kwon who has already prepared her breakfast for her all ready, she brushes her teeth and washes her face, change into her usual clothes and wait for her driver. Yes she's that kind of rich, with all the fucking butlers and maids, might as well be batman. All she needs to do now is kill her family. But, for now, she'll stay with her normal 'I-have-a-meeting' family. She did have siblings, but they were all already adults, working within their dad's company. Jungeun's next.

As she arrives at school, she will be greeted by everyone who's met by her. Random kid she didn't even know exist? 'Hey Jungeun!', A teacher? 'Hello Jungeun,' A druggy who wanders around the campus for some reason? 'Wanna smoke a line of coke with me?', nothing new. Always the same.

After the random people, she'll be met by her 'friends', who actually aren't her friends but acquaintances within the campus. They've all never actually hung out outside of school. They're all just friends with eachother because everyone expects them to be. This is one of the reasons why they find Jungeun fucking intimidating, she'll walk with them around campus so she wouldn't seem like a loner. She did have friends like; Heejin, Jiwoo, Chaewon etc. They were in the popular cirlce for sure, but they were never classified as intimidating like her. What has she done to make everyone think she's that fucking terrifying.

"Hey Jungeun, the fuck's up?", a guy from her clique spoke up, who she barely even spoke to, "Oh hey Lucas, I'm good. You?", Jungeun replies, no emotion displayed on her face, at all. "Woah, chill. I was just asking you bitch. You look fucking dead." Lucas snarls at Jungeun, which was lowkey pissing her off, who is he to call her a bitch? Fucking bitch. "Didn't get any sleep last night.", she replies with no emotion once again, "Did you hear last night? Junseo got fucking arrested.", Lucas states, his face shifts from a pissed face to a concerned one, "Yeah.." Jungeun responds, not telling them it's HER who reported the man. "I gotta go now, go do cooking class or something," Lucas murmurs, causing for Jungeun to roll her eyes.


Jungeun spent the rest of her day focused on all her classes, no sign of Jinsol the entire day. She was somewhat eager to see the raven haired girl, but for what? Literally nothing. Why isn't she itching to meet her other friends? It got Jungeun so messed up in the head she decided to go to bae café during her lunch break. Usually she stays in the cafeteria with her ex-boyfriend and his friends. But now, she's free.

The walk from their campus to bae café is about two minutes. Jungeun loves going to the café considering Joohyun was a close relative of hers.

She enters the familiar café, immediately spotting her cousins wife. "Jungeun!" the older woman cheered, "Hi seulgi unnie, how has your day been?" Jungeun tries to converse with the cute looking woman, but then immediately getting interrupted by Joohyun, "Hey, step away from my wife!", she rolls her eyes, wrapping her arms around Seulgi's neck. Jungeun chuckles at the woman, "Hag," she mumbles, "Come here!".

Jungeun takes a sip from her cup as she stares at the couple's bickering, how cute. The sight of the couple makes her think of Jinsol. 'What could she be doing now?'  she thinks to herself, immediately shaking her head trying to dispose the thoughts. A minute later the black haired girl returns to Jungeuns thoughts. 'Fuck go away!' she shakes her head once again. "Jungeun are you okay?", Joohyun asks her, "Oh, yeah I'm alright..", she grins trying to hide that she's totally thinking of Jinsol and she's fucking gay.

"Your face says otherwise, what's up?", she asks again, concerned. "So there's this person..", "You say person like you're talking about a woman," Joohyun chuckles, not taking Jungeun seriously, causing Jungeun to look at her dead in the eyes. "Shit it is a woman?", The woman takes the hint, the look of disbelief on her face. "Never knew you'd like girls," Joohyun says, smirking. "Well I don't LIKE like her.. it's just like, she's different. Her aura and stuff," Jungeun rambles to the woman, "That's so gay," Joohyun giggles, "Shut up," Jungeun rolls her eyes, "Hey! respect your elders. Anyway, what's her name? Do I know her?" Joohyun questions, "Um-" she gets cut off by someone entering the café. It was the raven haired girl.

The appearance of Jinsol caused Jungeun to choke on her drink. "Jungeun? Are you okay?", Joohyun asks, confusion all over her face, until she turned around. "Oh hi Jinsol!", Joohyun waves at the girl, smiling. 'Fuck she knows her?' Jungeun smiles, all the nervousness is piling up. Joohyun turned back around to the now flustered blonde girl, then she smirks. "Ohh so we're talking about her," she grins at her cousins little crush. "Shhh! Keep your voice down!", Jungeun whisperes, covering her cousins mouth.

"Hi Joohyun unnie! Oh and hi Jungeun..", Jinsol says acting like a first grader who just developed a crush on someone. But of course, she denies this, knowing her feelings towards Jungeun is totally platonic.

Jungeun waves at her smiling, being overly flustered with just slight interaction with the girl. Joohyun sees this, she grins as she eyes the two. "Oh have you seen Seulgi unnie?", Jinsol asks the woman, "Oh yeah she's right at the back, you can go," Joohyun smiles at Jinsol showing she approves. "Alright, see you two later. Thanks Joohyun unnie!", Jinsol cheers, skipping her way to the back.

"She's a nice girl, I support you Jungie.", Joohyun states, as she turns back around to Jungeun. "Oh c'mon I literally do NOT like her I just find her... prettier.. than other girls.. and guys.", she pauses between her words, "Ah, you remind me of yourself when I was your age,", the woman says, reminiscing the old days. "Fuck are you THAT old?", Jungeun swears, "I'm 31 years young Jungeun, I'm not that old,", she rolls her eyes at the younger. "Whatever, still old.", Joohyun snarls at her, leaving the conversation, "Fine, I have to go back now, see you later." Joohyun bids her goodbye to her cousin. "Bye," Jungeun waves as Joohyun walks away.

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