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The girl had already left by then. It's now 8:47 in the morning, Seulgi still had to deal with customers coming in and out every second, the café was full then, she decided to bid her goodbyes to the older so she could get to back to school.

As she walked back to her school she saw the same girl again, but she wasn't alone. It looked like she was with her friends, so they're all pretty. Jinsol glanced at the girl who seemed to be in a better mood now, better than earlier.

She was walking through the halls with her schedule on her hands, seeing that she has math for her first lesson made her groan. Not paying attention to where she's going, she bumps into someone, again.

She actually took some real damage this time, before looking infront of her she was wishing it would be the girl again. Not that she has a crush on the girl, she just likes bumping into her better. She finally opened her eyes looking infront of her, unfortunately it was a man. "Watch where you're going, punk", he hisses, spitting on Jinsols face before pushing her out of the way.

What a douche.

Jinsol makes her way to her first lesson, mathematics. As she walked into the classroom, it revealed some familiar faces. No sign of that girl though. Hyunjin was there though, waving at Jinsol signaling her to sit beside her, "Jinsol I didn't know you were gonna be in my class?" Hyunjin says, looking confused for a split second, but then changes into a calm expression as Jinsol sits herself down on the chair beside Hyunjin.

"Oh Jinsol, I forgot to introduce you to my .. friend", Hyunjin says, pausing before she says the word 'friend', was she unsure that they were friends or not? "Jeon Heejin, meet Jeong Jinsol, Jeong Jinsol, meet Jeon Heejin." Hyunjin introduces the two to eachother, Heejin smiling at Jinsol "Are you clumsy girl?", Heejin says, chuckling, "Clumsy girl? Well I guess i'm pretty clumsy but how'd you know?" Jinsol questions the girl, curious.

"Oh, you haven't heard? everyones talking about how you bumped into Jungeun yesterday, and how she didn't get mad at you and all.." Heejin says, with a worried look on her face scratching her nape. 'So her names Jungeun..' Jinsol thinks to herself. "Ah.. yes, why is everyone talking about it exactly? is it rare here to have someone bump into a person?" Jinsol asks sarcastically, "Well not really but it is rare for someone to bump into Jungeun, and the fact that she didn't display any anger? psh, thats not so Jungeun of her." Heejin rambles, "Oh? I guess she was in a good mood then," Jinsol replies, chuckling at her response. "Hm.. Guess so" Heejin responds.

"So you're saying you, Jinsol unnie and Sooyoung unnie have been friends for nine whole years?" Heejin asks Hyunjin, looking amazed the fact that the trios friendship is still going strong after nine years.

Jinsol suspects something between Hyunjin and Heejin, and she's sure its not just friendship. The two of them have been touching eachother in a way that only couples do. And the way that the two of them look eachother just shows a very visible spark.

After the math lesson ended, Jinsol checked her schedule to see what lesson she has next, following the two girls. "What do you guys have next?" Jinsol asks the two, "Oh she has chemistry and I have a free period, want me to walk you to your lesson?" Heejin says pointing at Hyunjin, "Definitely! I'd love that Heejin, unless your little 'friend' here wants you to walk her instead" Jinsol says, smirking making air quotes while saying 'Friend', making the two of them blush. "A- whatever, I don't wanna go with you anymore Jinsol unnie, let's go Hyun" Heejin says sarcastically, rolling her eyes at Jinsol, making Jinsol chuckle and walk away, "See you two later at the party," Jinsol says as she walks away.

It was already 4:37 in the afternoon and the huge welcoming party for Jinsol starts at 6:30, she has plenty time to get ready, she still didn't have her clothes ready, and that night she wanted to look her best, thinking she'll accidentally run into a specific someone.

She finally got back to her dorm, her clothes still in her bag since she didn't have time to unpack at all, lazy to go through all her clothes she decided to go on her phone and play games.

' 'lippieqt6' joined the server. ' on the bottom left corner it pops up. Jinsol chuckles at the nickname, Jinsol was then trying to find Lippieqt6 around the server so she could play with someone because it was just the both of them in the server.

'Hi! Lippieqt6, where are you?', Jinsol enters in the chat, trying to converse with the other player.

A few minutes later, no response.

After a few minutes of walking around the server Jinsol finally found Lippieqt6 building a house made out of red and white wool.

'Hello!' Jinsol enters on the chat once again, 'Nice house your building there.' Jinsol says being a little giddy thinking Lippieqt6 is a child.

'You're*' Lippieqt6 enters on the chat, correcting the girls spelling, Jinsol scoffs then later chuckles at how she got corrected by a child.

It was now 5:42 and Jinsol was still on her butt wasting her time on games. She had to get ready by 6:15 so she could walk to the venue of the party, which was Haseuls strangely large house.

"Shit! I have to get ready," Jinsol says, realising how much time she wasted. She throws her phone on the bed running to get her bag thats full of clothing.

All that time to get ready, only for her to waste it on games and wear relax fit jeans and a white vans tee with black adidas shoes.


Jinsol checks her phone receiving a message from Sooyoung. 'Where are you? Can you go by my dorm? I need a ride :,)' .

Sooyoungs dorm was on the 2nd floor while as Jinsols was on the 3rd floor, it would only make sense for Jinsol going by Sooyoungs.

'tok tok tok..' Jinsol knocked on Sooyoungs door since it was locked, normally she would just bust in there like she owns the place, but no, Sooyoung decided to be safe today locking her door.

"Yo i'm outside!!" Jinsol shouts trying to get Sooyoungs attention so they could finally get going. Jinsol checks the time on her wrist watch, it was already 6:07, damn time goes by quick.

'TOK TOK TOK!!' Jinsol knocks louder, "SOOYOUNG OPEN THE HELL UP!" Jinsol shouts forgetting it was a dormitory. "Coming!!" Sooyoung shouted back.

"Let's get going!" Jinsol says enthusiastically being excited for the party.

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