Chapter 28: Hunts

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Location: New Hilkiga, Valgrin's territories, Parpaldia empire
28th August, 1632, 10:28 AM

"Lord Valgrin! Lord Valgrin!" The messenger run up him, out of their breath.

He turn around and look at the messenger for a second before speaking.

"What is it Charles?"

"We have a special guest!"

"Who might that be?"

Charles gone silence try to get his courage up infront of such powerful figure. He maintain his composure and tell Valgrin.

"It's emperor Ludius, his carriage will arrive soon! He want you to greet him personally, lord Valgrin!"

"What!? So sudden! Fine i will go greet him. Make sure the servant treat him well" he said as he walk away.

On the road, luxurious carriage is moving through escorted by three more carriage. Surrounded by beautiful nature of eastern alps there's no wonder why Parpaldia is called 'treasure of the world'. On the sky above the convoy laid a flying spheres, their little propeller made a sound of a sewing machine. It is yet another pieces of machine they found from the ruin of the ancient one.

In a few minutes, the carriage halt it's advance infront of a mansion. Emperor Ludius step out and walk toward the door, the servant were there to greet him. They all bowed down and lead him inside, in the middle of a hallways stood one figure.

"Greeting brother" Valgrin said.

"Well it's been a while since we last met isn't it? Have you been informed about the situation in the south?"

"Yes, i do. Those so called American took over Vincent and now threaten Tenasea himself"

"That's the reason why i want to meet up with you today. You're the youngest one of all, Valgrin. Your faces is still inexperienced"

"I know that all too well"

"I have considered the use of ancient weapon, many people think the same. The problem is we don't have many of them in our arsenals, moreover they're hard to operate but on the strategic location of yours. We could make it to uses"

"Strategic location? My territories?"

Emperor Ludius think for moment before continuing.

"Of course, your kingdom is filled with forest, hills and all sort of natural fortification. Along with that Ganzir bastion you're so proud about"

"I understand but will i fails?"

Silences fill the scene. No one replying, Ludius was the one to break the silence.

"It depends. Will you fight?"

Yet another impossible question, playing trick with one's mind. The answer is close but untouchable, many strategic staff fails to answer this question themselves.

"I would say that i will be fighting to the last man. On the other hand, i held the guts feeling telling me to turn around. The enemies this time is not normal" Valgrin finally answer.

"Precisely, they're different from those native we usually face in the east. It best to not confront them directly, take my word. Use it as your own"

Valgrin nods his head to the advices before saying goodbye to Emperor Ludius. That advice carved into his mind. Not confronting them head on, but rather use the natural walls to take advantage over surprise element. He order his army to initiate self defense act and all he had to do is wait.

Location: Lord Grimil's territory, Parpaldia empire
28th August, 1632, 8:20 AM

After the sabotage on Maraya railroad, US troops begin their advances. Through the wheat field many soldiers is walking, M16 in hand. Wind blow through. On the opposite side, in the camp of Parpaldian scouting unit, auto mobile in the camp stood majestically as the men walk around chit-chatting.

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