Chapter 33: Sacred

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Location: Kristien height, Grimil kingdom, Parpaldia empire
3rd September, 1632, 10:20 PM

85th Armored Cavalry, hidden behind rocky mountain spots and in the darkness of the night. They finally located the landmark of American base, however it doesn't look like something from 2032. She's expecting herself to find advance fighter, futuristic looking structure and so on but this? What years do they think this is? 1980 or something?

"Uh.. the enemies"


"They're not something I'm expected"

"Oh, you overestimated the enemies? Sound like you Major" the gunner joked.

"Shut up"

She continues to observe American troops, F-15.. C-130.. all the iconic vehicles and what the soldiers are carrying is M-16. A goddamn M-16 this is worse than she thought. Her company isn't spotted yet due to the range from the base to where they are, she order the self propelled artillery to aim and take fire of course it very risky but if they get lucky they could get a hold of some American equipment and finally relieved her curiosity.

"Fire!" She shouted.

The artillery roared and shells after shells goes toward American base, everything seem to be going right. The unfinished base exploded into fireworks as the troops scramble for their gears then 2 Apache helicopter emerges from the fires, with a spotlight on in order to conduct a search on an area.

"What the hell is that..?" Her crew asked.

"Don't question it, just get us out from this place before we ended up like the main convoy"

They moved away from the scene as if nothing ever happened, well if it that easy. They were almost seen by the Apache on their ways out from the rocky areas, rotorblade sound is all around until it got silent as they get far enough.

Back at the Kristien base, chaos break loose.

"Put out the fire!"

"Fuck! Medic!"

"The supplies-!"

"Quick! Put out the fires!"

They are shouting in desperation, the result of an attack put the entire base in flames.

That is until the next morning and the fire was put out and the base is in bad shape. The jet fighter is destroyed and transport aircraft reduced to pieces but armored vehicles is left alive however. They abandon the base, destroy equipment that could be essential for the enemies and try to establish a new one else where. Everything went perfect for Celiné with the American troops out she could enter the base without restrictions.

"Oh.. look here our works come to fruitation"

"Haha, we know right?"

It look very bad for an unfinished base. She looked around seeing a corpse of American soldiers laying around mostly burnt or caught in an attack.

"Hm, secure everything that could be useful to us no matter how little it is"

"Understood ma'am"

Her crew was set out to search the base, she walk around checking everything, the uniform of the soldiers, the text on an aircraft or HQ of the base. She is fortunately enough to find some survivor but they were badly wounded.

"You.. you are the one that do all this?" The dying man spoke.

She didn't respond.

"Hah.. not even talking to a dying guy here? How rude.." He cough out blood.

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