Chapter 56: Perspective

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Location: Rodenius sea
25th July, 1633, 9:00 PM

The moonlight reflected off the waters surface as group light cruiser sailed through it. Spotlight shined everywhere, competing with the moon itself. The group spotted a suspicious cargo ship in a distant, there shouldn't be any cargo ship sailing around at this time especially with the new aggression of those pirate. Loud voice ran out of the speaker and stop the ship right in its tracks.


Rodenian maritime police approached the cargo ship as they repeated the orders. They stopped just short only 380 meters away.


The cargo ship then responded back with an encrypted message. They are allowed to search the ship. They went closer and slowly surrounding the suspected ship before sending a team of officers on a speed boat toward it. The team quickly board the ship and start asking the crews of the cargo ship questions.

"So, why were you traveling through this uncharted route at this time? You know how dangerous it is right?" Sergeant, Milip ask the crews.

"Yes officer, i understand your concerns but it is a very urgent matter for this so we're in quite a hurry.."

Milip stared at the guy before taking notes, he was quite skeptical about this.

"Hurry..? Can you answer me what is in the cargo?"

"It a classified information sir, please. We need to carry these goods to the nation near Third Civilized area" The man replied.

"We can't let you pass like that.. but well, did you made an appointment with Parpaldia? Or any nation in the region? If so then, can i see the papers?"

The crews complied with his request, he look into it before the realization hit him.

"You are from Milishial..?"

"Yes sir"

"You're sending these goods to Calamique? How is that closed to Third Civilized area?" He asked.


Milip certainly wasn't looking for a trouble, one wrong move then Milishial would be on them. Rodenius became much more stronger both militarily and economically. It could considered them as a superpower but they wouldn't wished to anger Milishial by any mean, their capabilities is simply not enough.

"I will let you pass as an exception. Good luck on your trips sir"

He walked out of the bridge and went straight for the speed boat. He swore he could smell a bunch of magic gems and some form of fire from those cargo, however, they did investigated the cargo and all they found was housewares and essential resources. He couldn't knew where those smell came from within the ship and then try to forget it all together. Milip finally called off every officer on the scene to return to their respective cruisers.

The suspicious cargo ship turned out to be that of a "Holy Milishial empire" was let off free by Rodenian police.

Location: Ring Island, 1,400 kilometers northeast of United States, Uncivilized area
27th July, 1633, 9:30 AM

Transport helicopter taking off from the carrier and toward the lands out front. Both American and Parpaldian troops participated in Calamique civil war. The wind were cold but that doesn't deterred American soldiers one bit. It took them entire day to get here, the distance wasn't like Earth and it will be long before they got used to it. Parpaldia empire also utilized their airship since it would be a waste to leave a large amount of them unused in the hangars.

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