Chapter 21

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"What are you doing?", I ask Lewis as I open the door and see him in a pair of jeans, a dark blue sponsor T-Shirt from APOLLO, a black cap on his head with the team's logo, a pair of sunglasses in the same color as the cap covering his eyes, and some sneakers. Nothing like the tuxes I am used to.

"Get dressed", he says, handing me a plastic bag. I look at it and see another team T-Shirt. "And be out in ten", he continues.

"Where are we going?", I ask him, still confused.

He hands me another thing. A VIP Paddock Pass.

"I'm going to the Prix?", I let out surprised.

He shakes his head. "We're going to the Prix. I figured you never really got an introduction to F1. So, since we're technically off work thanks to your little spontaneous outing, we can attend the Prix as guests today."

I look at him like struck by lightning.

"You really mean it?", I ask him surprised.

He nods.

I let out a squeal and tugging on the T-Shirt in my hands, I look at Lewis one more time. "Give me ten minutes."


We look matching as we walk along the paddock. Him with his APOLLO look from before. Me in the team T-Shirt, a pair of sunglasses on my head, my hair in a messy bun, a pair of short jeans and some white sneakers.

We couldn't be more matching if we tried.

I know Lewis spent a bit too much time assessing my outfit as I went out of my room, yet I didn't break any law and I don't care if he would be annoyed.

Apparently, the cap and sunglasses he's wearing are so that people don't recognize him. He still has a reputation and if people knew he was here, they would jump on him to make him return to APOLLO as a driver.

"So, these are the garages", Lewis says. I nod, having figured out that much. The passes he got us must be extra fancy, cause when he strolls inside the red ASTORIA garage, no one tells him anything.

"My man", a by now familiar voice says.

I turn around and see Fabio, smiling bright as ever as he notices us. "How did the guards let two people as APOLLO-coded as you walk into our red empire?", he jokes. He comes and presses my glasses on my nose, letting out a chuckle as I sigh annoyed.

"Leave my girl alone", Lewis tells him.

I must have misheard that. Fabio makes a face as confused at me. However, since Lewis doesn't say anything else and I am more mature than to ask my boss what he meant by calling me "his girl", we continue talking as if nothing happened.

"Where's Chris?", Lewis asks after him and Fabio share a handshake.

"Out being pretty", he answers. He must have noticed my raised eyebrow since he continues. "Pre-race interviews. Where I was heading to as well before I spotted two of my favorite people."

"We're your favorite people?", I can't help but ask, since my mouth works without my brain.

"Your standards must be so high", Lewis mutters. I can't help but let my mouth twitch at that.

"Alright, we're done here", Fabio says, throwing his arms in the air. "You're impossible." He is walking away as he turns around once more to look at us. "Meet you at the podium?", he asks.

I look at Lewis confused. He starts nodding to Fabio. "We'll be there."

"Perfect." Fabio turns to walk away one more time. Yet he can't make a few steps before he stops, looks at Lewis and tells him: "It was nice seeing you in APOLLO gear again, man."

The look on Lewis' face as Fabio leaves says enough.


"So, now the cars gather for the race to start", Lewis tells me as we're standing next to each other close to the railing of the Paddock Club, looking over the race

"Why is the grey car first?", I can't help but ask, assessing the different positions. Levi's black car with dark blue margins is second. After him come Chris and Fabio's red cars. And after them comes a white car I don't recognize. I think that's from Magnus. Mara's husband.

Then another grey car. Then black again, with John.

"Cause fucker got first", it's all Lewis tells me.

I have a feeling he's talking about that Johnathan Dott.

"Can we win?", I continue.

Lewis looks at me with a cocky grin. "I like the use of the personal pronoun we there. Starting to be a part of the team already."

"Well, of course", I reply, my cheeks a bit blushing. "We're a team."

Lewis looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "Maybe not we", I correct myself. "You're my boss. But like us as in APOLLO."

Lewis swallows hard and opens his mouth to say something. He closes it again, then opens it. It's then he points with his fingers at the cars, saying: "The race is about to begin."

The lights go on and the crowds start cheering. I can see the countdown, then the signal, then the cars speeding down the track. Metal clashes with each other, the smell of engines fills the air along with a loud nose of tires on the road, crowds shouting names of the drivers...

I wasn't lying when I said I loved it.

"This feeling was the best", I can hear Lewis say, in a very low voice. "The moment the race started. When it was just you and the wheel, the nerves crawling through your spine. You knew you couldn't fuck it up. And it was terrifying. Yet it was almost the most exciting feeling ever."

He looks away from the cars, suddenly interested in the clouds.

"That's why I always stay in the garage", I can hear him confess. "You only hear the team radio from there."

I don't even know how to answer to that.

I've always seen Lewis Cunnan as this untouchable guy with no feelings. Someone who feasts on other's people pain and someone who would rather torture you through his sushi preferences.

But maybe he's just a broken soul like the rest of us. A soul trying to heal.

"Do you want us to go back?", I ask him.

He looks at me, and something seems to light up. "I don't mind being here. I don't mind being here with you."

I gasp. Someone needs to tell my brain to start working again, for it does not.

"Mr. Cunnan, I...", I let out, my voice shaky.

He comes closer to me to the railing, and I might have imagined it but his thumb brushes over my skin once. Once, but enough to make my body be set on fire.

I don't know how he does. I've been touched by guys before. I've made out with guys before. And one hookup with them gave me less butterflies as a freaking brush with a finger.
It's not that I want to fall for Lewis Cunnan.

It's not that I like Lewis Cunnan.

I blame my hormones and that very tight T-Shirt he's wearing, glued to him like a second skin, making any guy here look less attractive by hundred levels.

The least.

"Look. A red car", I say, hearing myself like the dumbest person on Earth.

In my defense, I was aiming for a topic change.

The fact it didn't work, that's the second part.

Lewis throws his head back and starts laughing. It sounds new, him laughing for me, but at one point, I start enjoying the sound. Like it's not something weird. But something I could get used to.

We continue watching the race, none of us saying anything else than mere comments about the different cars.

Yet the spot his finger brushed my skin.

That tinny whinny spot.

I might need to check a doctor for that spot makes more heat in my body than the sun warming my skin.

And my heart goes tick-tick-boom.

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