Chapter 41

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"You're perfect", Lewis tells me as he's holding my hand before we enter in the opera. I look up at him worried. He nods encouraging and gives me a kiss on my lips. "Gorgeous", he whispers again, spinning me around once.

I put on a smile and as we let go, I let him place a hand on my waist and lead me inside.

Turns out the drivers had one more event to attend in Austria before they could go on break. One day after the Prix and we're in front the Vienna Opera House. The team principals, the drivers (and somehow Lewis), got invited to a night of show and good food. That's where we are now.

I still don't know how Lewis got us these invitations. Anyway, I am more than glad I'm here with him.

My man is wearing a beautiful tux that shows off his athletic body, and looks like a character from a billionaire romance. I guess I'm living one.

We both enter the Opera and someone takes our coats and brings them in the garderobe. Another person leads us inside the big room they have as lobby, with a bar serving the fancy champagne from the races and other drinks. We find Duncan standing at one of the tables, together with a man I don't recognize. Lewis must have known it, since after greeting the two men, he introduces him to me. "Sweetheart, meet Antonio De Luca, the team principal of ASTORIA. Toni, meet Aria Grant, my girlfriend."

Did he just say-

I guess I'm blushing as I reach out my hand to greet him. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. De Luca."

"Please, call me Toni, Miss. The pleasure is all mine", he replies, giving a kiss on my hand. As we're done with the introduction round, Lewis exchanges a few words with the two men, at one point asks where Levi, Chris and Fabio are. We're pointed towards another corner of the room, so Lewis' hand returns on my waist as he leads me to our friends.

"There you are", Levi tells us as he spots us, coming to have me in a hug. He then follows to give Lewis a bro hug, while I greet Chris and Fabio. "Bella", Fabio whispers in my ear, as he's close to me. I can't help but chuckle.

We go sit around one of the tables, and I am the first one to speak: "Your team radio went viral."

I am the one in the group who usually brings the guys up to speed with what happens online. Levi looks at me surprised, and I wink at him: "Congratulations, you just got yourself a theme song."

"Guess I'm part of the cool kids now", he answers, smirking back at me.

A voice interrupts Lewis as he wants to say something, and we all turn around to see a guy with a microphone in his hand, followed by a camera man.

"Guess I got the right table", he tells us a bit nervous, realizing he just came in the middle of something.

Lewis looks at me worried, but he doesn't seem worried for his first media appearance after a long time, but for mine. I look at him telling him it's okay, and slide an inch closer to him as no one notices.

"Lewis Cunnan, Levi Dyer, Chris Graves and Fabio Rossi", he says for some reason. "What a sight."

"Keep staring and we might begin to ask for taxes", I can hear Levi mutter. I have to let my mouth twitch at that.

The reporter turns to Levi and Fabio, "Congratulations for podium today." He then turns to Lewis: "And such an amazing team radio. Although, I must confess, I miss the ones you were the one driving. Will we get a new one soon?"

"I'm only there to support Levi and these two I'm afraid."

The reporter got it's the end of that talk, and his gaze now lands on me, giving me a full body-scan. "And you must be...", a bit disappointed.

"Watch your tone", Levi hisses at him.

"She's my girlfriend", Lewis adds, voice protective.

I flash a polite smile.

The reporter glows with joy now, since he just got the new scoop. "I've heard rumors, but didn't believe them. Looking at you two now, wow."

Lewis pulls me closer to him, brushing a kiss on my temple.

"I'm the lucky one to have her."

Not caring about the reporter, I turn to whisper something in his ear. "Babe, I am as lucky."

To stop this from getting awkward, Chris starts a talk with the reporter, which quickly becomes about the upcoming trip to Las Vegas of the three. They are only stopped by the hosts informing us the show is about to begin.

"Thanks", I tell Chris on the way to our seats.

"That's what friends are for", Chris replies.

I am smiling above both ears.

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