Chapter 34

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"That's surprisingly romantic for my brother", Mya tells me, taking a sip from her latte.

"I don't know...", I feel the need to defend him. We're both walking on the streets of Manhattan, drinks in our hands, talking. We didn't want to sit down and talk but take a walk at the same time.

"Trust me, I do. The man has the emotional range of a bug. Of course, that's not when he's..."
I look at her confused. She must have realized something, since she continues: "Racing. That's not when he's racing."

"Does he still race?", I ask.

Mya partly nods, partly shakes her head. "Not officially. And not racing. But he and his best friend meet up sometimes to drive. I think you might have met him if you've been to the Prix. His name is Levi." I nod, showing I know the guy. Mya continues: "Anyway, Lewis always lets Levi win when they drive together. Cause Levi keeps asking Lewis to return on the grid for a while now, yet he always refuses."

I can hear it in her voice she isn't a fan of the idea. "And you don't agree..."

Mya raises her shoulders. "I don't. Racing is what he loves. Has always loved. I get why he quit, but I don't get why he's still not racing now."

I want to ask what happened, but I feel that this is not the right time.

"I like your account, by the way", she says all of a sudden.

This time, I really look at her surprised. "You've seen my account?"

"Obviously", she replies. "And I love it. Why don't you keep posting as much?"

"Work", I answer, as if that would be the answer to everything.

"Do you miss it?", she asks me.

I've never thought of that. "Sometimes. But I still post from the races and during the week, so it's not a big problem."

"Do you want me to give the whole talk with it's important to do what you like to you too?"

I have to chuckle. "I think I'm good, thanks."

She looks at me smirking. "Anytime." She seems to think a bit about something, then she lets out a laugh, and adds in an amused tone: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so serious. That's usually Lukas' job. He's my boyfriend. Well, my best friend."

"The one who let you drive?", I ask her, enjoying seeing her happy.

She smiles as she nods. "He knows I love it. Everyone expects him to drive me, since he's a gentleman and all, but he lets me drive, knowing I love it."

"Sounds like you two form the perfect couple", I tell her.

"Well, that's what we're hoping for", Mya answers. It's then she winks at me. "Not as perfect as you and Lewis though. You guys seem to be made for each other."

And it might be the fact that it's the first time someone has told me this, or the fact I'm feeling extra happy at the moment, but I confess: "I know. I feel that way too. I've never felt something like that for anyone before. But with Lewis... I know I want him for the keeps. I can feel it. Through good or bad, I know he's worth it."

Mya froze and is now staring at me.

"Did I say something wrong?", I ask. I'm actually panicked now.

"You said nothing wrong", she answers me with a smile on her face. "You said everything right." We start walking again, both silent. After some time, she meets my gaze again and asks: "Hey, Aria"


"Do you have anything planned for the weekend?"

"No", I answer. I should have been at a Grand Prix, yet Lewis decided we'll skip this one and go to the next one, since the situation is under control there.

"Do you want to go shopping with me? I have a party coming up at school and I really need to buy a nice dress. Won't hurt having a fashion expert with me."

"I'm not a fashion expert", I answer chuckling.

She hits me in the ribcage. "You are. And besides, I love hanging out with you." She looks at me, determined for me to come. "Will you come?"

"Are you sure I'm allowed?"

"Mom and Dad know you, you're basically family. And Lewis wants you as family. It's fine."

"Mya", I can't help but shout.

She smirks at me. "It's settled then. Saturday is shopping day."

"Will there be coffee?", I ask.

Her smirk grows brighter. "You're with me. There will be a hell lot of coffee."

"Alright then", I tell her, smiling too now. "I'll be there."

"Wonderful", she replies. "We'll find the best gown this world has ever seen."

I don't know why I get the feeling she means it literally.

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