Chapter 1

831 14 4

(Monday, 9am)

Nareum's pov 

“Sorry, excuse me”
I said every time I pushed my way out of the busy subway.

I spot the tall building, making my way inside. The air was filled with a luxurious smell as I walked towards the front desk, calling out the lady.

“Hello, I'm Yun Nareum. I'm here for my job interview?”
I introduced myself, slightly short of breath.

“Oh okay, let me call up the office first. Give me a moment”
She picked up the phone and dialled a number.

I waited patiently then noticed that the lady seemed shocked while talking to the other person on the line. She put back the phone and felt unsure as she spoke.

“You're hired. We're just in need of more staff, according to boss”
The lady told me.

“Oh…that's good. Do I start right away?”
I asked.

“I suppose you could. Here, this is your office landyard. Take the lift to level three, take a left and occupy any empty desk there is”
She directed me with her hands.

“By the way, make sure to get a proper guide of what to do from your manager. She goes by Mrs Hong”
She said before I could turn around.

“Okay, thank you so much”
I bowed and made my way up to my new office.

Most people were busy typing away on their computers when I entered the office. Among the empty desks, I chose to sit at the one beside the window.

I set down all my things and went to find Mrs Hong. I glanced at the names pasted on the wall of everyone's office space and I finally spotted ‘Mrs Hong’. I shyly walked towards her.

She was surprisingly kind and was in a good mood as she welcomed me to my new job. She was smiling most of the time as she explained my role at the company, making sure I had a good understanding of everything.

“I appreciate your warm welcome, Mrs Hong. I look forward to working together with you”
I returned her smile.

“Not a problem at all. We can have lunch together, okay. At 1pm, cool?”
She offered.

I snapped my fingers.

She left to continue her work and I immediately get to mine. It was going quite smoothly, although I still wondered how I was accepted that easily.


“Oh, hi! Are you new?”
A woman asked as I walked out of the office.

She looked about the same age as me, and had quite a friendly aura.

“Yeah, how'd you know?”
I turned to face her.

“I've never seen you before. But, I'm quite new too. I joined the company one week ago. I'm sorry if this is sudden or invasive, but can we stick by each other?”
She asked with puppy eyes.

“Why not? I need some company too”
I laughed.

“Thank you. My name is Min Eunseo. Just Eunseo will do”
She said.

“Okay. I'm Nareum. I hope we can be good friends”
I gave a small smile.

“Of course. Well, to you wanna go for a drink? It's on me”
She asked

“Should we? I haven't had some in a while”
I was suddenly in the mood now that she mentioned it.

“Yes! Let's go, it's nearby”
She exclaimed, locking arms with me.

She brought me all the way to the shop. The place was packed with customers, but we were lucky enough to get a seat for the two of us.

“Auntie! Two bottles of soju please!”
Eunseo shouted.

The auntie immediately brought us the bottles and shot glasses. Eunseo and I clinked out glasses as we drank up. 

That bitter taste felt refreshing for a mini celebration.

“How'd you get into the company?”
Eunseo asked.

I explained everything and we started to learn about each other. Eunseo seemed like a complete sunshine as she rambled on about her life that I just found myself listening to her most of the time.

I poured the last drop of soju into my shot glass and gulped it down. I slammed it down on the table, resting my hand on my cheek.

“Nareum, are you okay?”
Eunseo asked, her voice sounding unclear.

No yes no yes
I answered back, shaking and nodding my head all at the same time.

“We should get back home. You'll be okay right?”
She asked, smiling like a fool.

I nodded, and she paid before leaving the place. I tailed behind and decided to let my legs take me home to sober up.

I felt myself losing balance as I walked, so I used the wall of shops to prevent myself from falling. My house shouldn't be that far from here.

I was so wrong, it felt like centuries walking home.

As I started to drift from all the shops, I had no support and just shoved my hands in my pockets. I still felt dizzy, but conscious enough to walk properly.

From a distance, I saw a black car parked by the side of the road. It was right in front of my house, and the window was rolled down.

I got closer and something was thrown out the window into the grass.

Why is this driver littering?

“Yah! You!”
I pointed at the person while shouting.

I squinted my eyes and could tell that it was a man in the car, alone.

“You can't just throw things out in front of people's houses! You! You'll be fined!”
My eyes were half closed as I scolded him in a drunken tone.

It was silent between us.

“Why aren't you answering me? Pick up your rubbish”
I pointed to the ground.

“Just go back home”
He clicked his tongue.

Oh? Just go back home? Not before you pick up this right now”
I said firmly.

He refused by staying quiet. Not being in the right state of mind, I grabbed the door handle of his car and opened it.

“Pick it up!”
I whined.

“What do you think you're doing? Gosh, what a noisy lady”
He slammed his door back shut.

I heard the engine suddenly start and he started to roll up his windows. I was too late and ended up banging on his window to get his attention.

“Yah! You're just going to leave this here?!”
I shouted although I couldn't even see through his tinted windows.

The car suddenly drove off, leaving me there in an angry mood.

“Where are you going?! What a jerk”
I frowned.

I picked up the piece of trash, and threw it in the bin myself. I entered my house and dropped down onto the couch, immediately passing out.

I'll catch that litter man tomorrow!

Mr Sim's Spell | Sim Jaeyun ♧Where stories live. Discover now