Chapter 20

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(The next day, hotel)

Nareum's pov

To my horror, the clock showed 8.45am. I was supposed to be downstairs with the others by 9.

Get ready in 15 minutes?! A nightmare.

I chucked my phone away and ran to the bathroom to shower.

I panicked as I ran out, digging out of my suitcase for something to wear like a mad woman, not even thinking about makeup.

I cuss myself as I left, going over to the lift. I reached downstairs and checked the time.


"Eunseo, why didn't you wake me up? You were right next door"
I rested a band on her shoulder.

"Our rooms aren't connected though. I'm connected with my desk mate"
She said sincerely.

"Really? It's fine then. But I'm barefaced now. I didn't have time to bring down my makeup"
I said, upset.

I never go out barefaced at work.

"You don't even need it. You're already so pretty, Nareum"
She complimented me.

I gave a weak smile.

I nodded and a few moments later, a loud voice was heard. The tour guide arrived. Everyone was instructed to follow him closely to the exhibition.

Five minutes into the walk, and I see a large banner. That must be it.

He gave us another briefing on the activity we were going to do.

I paid close attention, but I felt someone staring at me from my peripherals. I shifted my eyes in that direction and saw Jake looking at me.

I averted my gaze from him, watching the tour guide's demonstration at the front again. I kept being reminded of what he did everytime I looked at him.

"It's a pair work. Let's do it together"
Eunseo snapped me back to reality.

"Oh okay. Wait, could you repeat what he was saying?? I was zoning out"
I felt sorry.

"Because of.."
She glanced at Jake.

"Don't even start on it. I just need to be preoccupied with these things. I mean, we came here for work after all, right?"
I lifted my brows.

She trailed off.

"Is something wrong?"
She sounded a little strange.

"I haven't talked to Jungwon these past few days..I miss him"
Her voice got softer and softer.

"Am I stopping you from seeing him? You're dating him, go ahead and talk with him, just not about what know"
I replied.

"Thanks, okay let's start this before we lag behind"
She pointed to the stuff laid out in front of us and I agreed.

Please, just let this day end smoothly.


We went to a restaurant across the street to have our lunch so everyone took their seats. It was weirdly empty.

"Jake rented it for today. He didn't want a hard time finding a place for us to eat. I heard from my desk mate"
Eunseo told me quietly.

"Oh, okay"
I replied, acting unbothered.

Everyone ordered their food and the kitchen got to work I guess. To cook for this many people is tough.

40 minutes later.

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