Chapter 2

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(The next day)

Jake's pov

I walked into my office, taking a seat on the swivel chair. 

“You have quite a few things planned out for today, sir”
My assistant said.

“Jungwon, you can't cancel even one thing off the list?”
I asked, pissed off.

“I'm sorry sir, but you have no choice. It's your father's orders”
Jungwon replied calmly.

“What's first?”
I asked reluctantly.

“Some paperwork. They're all in this file”
Jungwon passed me a thick file.

I mentally curse myself as I open up the file to see hundreds of documents that I have to read through. Jungwon was just standing there, observing me.

“What are you waiting for? Get my coffee”
I glared at him.

“Yes sir”
He quickly left the room.

I don't know why my dad thought it was a good idea to leave me with his company.

Ever since my dad retired, he just left me with his company to take over. I failed to be defiant against him. His tactics made me fall right into this trap.

Sure, I earn a grand amount from all this, but I'm boring my *ss out here. 

Paperwork, meetings, collaborations… every. single. day.

I get sick and tired of sitting on this damn chair I just wish I could destroy. Not to mention Jungwon. Gosh he's almost useless.

He's been my best friend since we were kids, and now my dad got him involved with me about work life. Now look at his miserable self walking to me with a pathetic cup of coffee in his hands.

“Here you go”
He placed the coffee on my table and I hummed, taking a sip.

“You should try and hurry, you have a meeting with the ceo from **** at 10.30am”
He advised.

“The heck does Mr Park want again? I already turned down his deal thrice”

“He said that it wasn't about that deal again. Something better apparently”
Jungwon replied.

I sighed and just got back to my paperwork.


Jungwon and I headed to the cafeteria because I was just too lazy to head out of the building for lunch.

I get my own tray of food and sit down on a table with Jungwon. As usual, all the employees suddenly repel away from me. They start shifting to other tables, whispers filling the air.

I wanted to quickly finish my meal and leave. Suddenly, someone's voice caught my attention.

“It's such an empty space, let's just sit down”
A woman was pulling her colleague along to sit down near our table.

I unintentionally stare at them because I've never seen them here before.

“Those are our two new employees. They were the ones whom you skipped past their job interviews”
Jungwon let me know.

“Oh. How have they been so far?”
I asked out of curiosity.

“Okay. I heard Mrs Hong showed them around”
He replied and I nodded.

“I'm sorry, but could you stop staring?”
One of the women said to me.

I looked away, taking a bite of my food. 

Oh? You're not going to apologise? What is up with people being so ignorant nowadays?”
The woman complained.

“I only stopped staring as you asked”
I responded, still looking down.

“But it's out of basic respect that you apologise”
She stared back at me.

I didn't bother to argue, and she just continued conversing with her friend.

“The same thing happened yesterday. That man was rude enough to drive off without picking up his trash. But fine, I was petty when I was drunk. ”
The woman told her friend.

My ears perked up.

“Jungwon, what's her name?”
I glanced to the same woman.

“Yun Nareum. The other is Min Eunseo, if you wanted to know”
Jungwon replied softly.

Nareum…one with an attitude.

I was watching her and her eyes met mine for a split second before she looked away again. I tilted my head, and just finished up my food before leaving with Jungwon.

“What do I have now?”
I asked him.

“You have to come up with ideas for the next promotional activity for our new product”
He said, looking at his tablet.

“What do my employees do if I'm the one coming up with these things?”
I asked, waiting for the lift.

“I could make it their task, if you want”
Jungwon said.

“Obviously? You know what, leave it to that Nareum and her little friend. If they didn't go through the interview, they have to prove that their worthy of working here”
I door opened and I entered the lift.

“As you wish, sir”
He replied.

A bitter taste of your own attitude.

Mr Sim's Spell | Sim Jaeyun ♧Where stories live. Discover now