Chapter 12

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(A week later)

Nareum's pov

Jake texted me to dress up casually earlier this morning. I was actually quite curious as to what he had planned for us. I gave him a hard task.

I was waiting for the lift but when it opened, I saw Jake and Jungwon inside.

“Do you want me to get Eunseo?”
I asked directly.

He was hesitating so I just ran to the office and dragged Eunseo with me into the lift with the other two.

“Oh, are we not going to work today?”
Eunseo asked, looking at everyone.

“Nope. I'm going on a date with him And..Jungwon was basically begging me to bring you along”
I lied playfully.

“N-no! I wasn't”
Jungwon looked flustered from my lie.

“Ohh, it's okay. I like hanging out with you
She stepped closer to Jungwon.

She was smiling at him and Jungwon's ears turned red. 

Eunseo was a huge ball of sunshine, she'll burn even brighter around Jungwon.

“I can't stand seeing him like this”
Jake muttered to me, talking about Jungwon 

“Honestly, neither can I stand her acting like this”
I said, referring to Eunseo. 

We all got to Jake's car and settled into our seats. He already told me that we were going to a very free and windy place so he was also dressed up casually, very different from his usual formal ones.

20 minutes later 

When we all got out, Jake opened the trunk of the car and there was a huge storage box. He opened it and took out some wooden sticks, strings and pieces of fabric.

He then laid out a picnic blanket on the grass before placing all the materials down as well.

“We're flying kites today. And I didn't spend money! These were my mom's”
Jake revealed his surprise.

“Okay, agreed. Let's start putting it together”
I said excitedly and we all rushed to sit down.

“You know how to make a kite?”
Eunseo asked.

“Mhm. I've only done it once, but it was memorable for me and I remember exactly how to do it”
I said proudly.

Eunseo nodded and I offered to help her with the kite. I kind of realised that this unintentionally became a double date.

I looked over to see what the murmuring was all about and I saw Jake with Jungwon arguing over a video tutorial of how to build a kite.

“I don't know how those two have been living all their life”
I told Eunseo.

“But look at Jungwon, he's like a baby cat trying to tie the strings”
Eunseo giggle softly.

“You have feelings for him? You know what, fine. I hope you're happy with him”
I decided not to ask further because she was looking at him with heart eyes.

I sat back and waited for a while to let Jake finish but he was struggling with the kite.

“I'll go and try to fly mine”
I got ready to stand up.

“No! I'm not done”
Jake looked at me.

“You're so slow”
I sat in front of him and took the materials from him and helped.

He watched how I pieced it together.

“Final knot, and okay. Let's go fly them”
I got my kite and we both go towards an open space.

The place was rather empty, there were only three other groups of people having a picnic here. I threw the kite upwards and it launched into the sky successfully.

“How did you do that??”
Jake went to me.

I asked him to hold my kite and I took his and did the same, letting it drift in the wind. We then switched back and Jake observed the kite fly.

“Is this your first time?”
I asked.

“Yes, I don't have time for all this when I'm young”
Jake replied.

“Oh, right. You graduated at the top of your cohort”
I said rolled my eyes.

“Wow, you actually did memorise everything about me”
Jake sounded impressed.

“You have no idea”
I scoffed.

“Nareum! We're done making our kites”
Eunseo came running to me and I saw Jungwon following behind her.

“Try flying it”
I said, giving an encouraging smile.

Her technique was kind of wrong, but Jungwon lent a helping hand. He managed to get the kite into the sky which caused Eunseo to cheer. Jungwon smiled at her in adoration.

“You need to learn how to smile”
I turned my head to Jake.

“I know how to smile”
He then gave a forced smile.

“With your eyes, you look horrific oh my god”
I focused back on my kite.

“I'm just not used to it”
He replied.

“Okay and I'm guessing you won't look good in a smile either”
I just wanted to joke around.

“I look good in anything, shut up”
He said defensively.

“That's not how you talk to your girlfriend, is it?”
I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Give me a break, you're my first”
He told me.

“Wow, what an honour. What a handsome and rich boyfriend I have”
I put a hand under his chin and squished his cheeks between my fingers, teasing him.

“There are people around, Nareum”
He pulled my hand away from him.

I giggled at his serious face. I turned to the other side and the other pair was gone. I looked around and saw them at a food truck nearby buying something. They sat down at the table to eat together.

“We should get a snack too”
Jake said.

“Hm? What did I say about spending money?”
I tilted my head.

“It's just a cheap one”
Jake said.

“I need to train you to stop being so tempted to spend”
I said.

He groaned and walked towards our picnic mat, pulling his kite along. I trailed behind him and we sat down, reeling in the kites.

“Flying kites wasn't such a bad idea though. It felt nice”
I put down the kite.

“That made me feel so much better”
He said sarcastically, laying down on the mat.

Aww really?
I played along and rubbed under his chin like you would do to a cat.

He looked at me threateningly, a look of utter disbelief on his face. He suddenly sat up like he was gonna attack me which caused me to back up with a cheeky smile on my face.

“Okay okay sorry”
I giggled.

Don't treat me like a baby”
He warned me, lying back down.

I dragged the word.

I'd say he is still one. He's been working too hard since he was young, he didn't have a proper childhood.

Mr Sim's Spell | Sim Jaeyun ♧Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin