Chapter 25

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Mimzy's POV:

Why is this happening now? I've been growing closer to Al, and I thought our pretense of friendship was finally going to end. I believed we could be more than friends. I'm exhausted and fed up with being just his friend, and if it weren't for that woman, Alastor and I could already be together. What does she have that I don't?

He claims they kept their relationship a secret to avoid attention, but we've known each other since childhood. I was single back then, so why not me? We've been friends for so long, and I know him better than anyone. I know all his life's secrets from when we were alive. I could make him happy, so why did he choose her? And how did they end up with that child? It doesn't make any sense.

As I pondered these thoughts, the strength of Alastor's daughter became a lingering mystery. "If you think about it, how on earth is that kid so strong?" I muttered to myself, my mind drifting back to the day when Alastor had broadcasted about his daughter. Sitting in front of the mirror in my dressing room, I contemplated how to handle the situation.

Aware that the child didn't like me and feeling that the sentiment was mutual, I found myself in a difficult position. I couldn't stand the child, but I didn't have the luxury of showing my true feelings. There was a need to maintain a façade, pretending to like someone I detested. The thought of Alastor discovering any plot against his daughter sent shivers down my spine. I knew all too well that Alastor despised betrayal, especially when it involved his daughter, and the idea of being the target of his anger was something I couldn't bear.

"I love him," I whispered to my reflection, "but I can't bring myself to see him angry, especially if I'm the object of his wrath." The internal conflict added another layer to my feelings, making the pursuit of my desires even more complicated. As I continued to ponder my strategy, I couldn't help but think that Alastor was like an unsolvable riddle, and the unfolding events were becoming increasingly interesting.

But I'm determined. I'll find out the truth. Just you wait, Alastor. I'll uncover your secrets in no time, and I know the right person who can help me. Y/n William, sooner or later, you'll be out of my way on the path to Alastor's heart.


Alastor POV.

As Mimzy exited the scene, I shifted my gaze to my daughter, watching her as she delicately sipped her drink, her eyes wandering around the room. The conflicting emotions within me intensified – a mixture of joy and remorse. I reveled in the fact that she had not only survived but had thrived in the wake of my demise. Yet, regret loomed, a heavy shadow in the depths of my consciousness, fueled by the realization that I hadn't been there to offer solace to a 13-year-old girl who had witnessed her father's demise firsthand.

"Dad, what's with the long face?" she inquired, her brow furrowed with genuine concern. I sighed, grappling with the dichotomy of emotions. She, my cherished angel, the beacon of light in my otherwise shadowed existence.

"Nothing, my dear. I'm just delighted to witness the remarkable person you've become, and to have you here with me – safe and sound. I suppose your plan worked splendidly, and I've been needlessly wallowing," I responded, pouring myself a drink, my signature smile firmly in place. In public, weakness was a luxury I couldn't afford.

"Of course, Dad. No one's going to take me away from you. I won't let that happen, not on my watch," she affirmed, moving closer to me. "And if you ever think of tossing me away, I'll cling to you like a koala or something."

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