When he accepts your child | KTH

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A joyful shriek pierces the air, a five-year-old comet streaks across the schoolyard, a tiny sun radiating pure, unadulterated happiness. It's him! Your son, a whirlwind of a boy, propelled by the sheer force of seeing his mother. His grin could light up a stadium, his eyes, sparkling pools reflecting the immensity of his love for you.

With a joyous yelp, he launches himself into your arms, a missile of pure affection. You catch him, this precious piece of your soul, your heart overflowing with a love so fierce it could melt glaciers. You close your eyes, inhaling his scent, the sweet nectar of childhood and pure, unadulterated joy. Five long school hours melt away in the warmth of his embrace.

"Mommy!" you exclaim, pulling back slightly, your voice thick with a love that threatens to spill over. "How was your day, my little star adventurer?"

"Amazing, Mommy!" he chirps, his voice high-pitched with excitement. "Teacher Taetae said I was a math whiz!" Giggles erupt from him like popcorn kernels, a symphony of pure, unbridled delight.

A surge of pride washes over you. "Oh, honey, that's incredible! I'm bursting with pride!" You lean down, pressing a kiss to his forehead, the warmth radiating through you.

But a wrinkle appears on his brow, a tiny shadow momentarily eclipsing his sunshine smile. "But why were you late, Mommy?" he asks, his voice laced with a hint of concern.

Your heart skips a beat. "Oh, sweetheart," you say, a touch of apology creeping into your voice. "Teacher Taetae... well, he couldn't leave because he was... um... keeping me company!" he declares with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Honey, I'm so sorry," you reply, gently cupping his cheek. "Mommy got a little caught up at the cafe, but I promise, this won't happen again. Okay?"

He beams up at you, his forgiveness as vast as the summer sky. "Okay, Mommy," he chirps, squeezing your hand. "But let's thank Teacher Taehyung together, alright?"

You stand, his tiny hand nestled securely in yours. Together, you walk towards the future, a portrait of love, laughter, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her sun.

The school doors whispered shut behind you, a gust of cool air whipping around your face. But the chill couldn't touch the warmth that bloomed in your chest as you saw him. There, bathed in the golden afternoon sun, stood Taehyung - a statue carved from pure charisma. His hair, like spun moonlight, cascaded down his forehead, framing a smile that could melt glaciers.

A giddy wave crashed over you, pulling a matching grin onto your face. You practically skipped towards him, hearts drumming a happy rhythm in sync. "Mr. Kim!" you chirped, voice bubbling with relief and gratitude. "I'm so sorry I'm late, but thank you endlessly for watching Jinyoung!"

He chuckled, a sound like wind chimes dancing in a summer breeze. "No need for apologies, Ms. Shin," he reassured, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Jinyoung and I had a blast, didn't we champ?"

Jinyoung, perched on Taehyung's hip like a tiny prince, beamed, chubby cheeks dimpling with delight. He bobbed his head enthusiastically, a chorus of giggles escaping his lips.

Suddenly, a jolt of excitement jolted through you. "Tomorrow is PTM, right? I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

A satisfied smile curved Taehyung's lips. "That's great to hear then. See you bright and early, Ms. Shin."

Just as your heart settled back into its comfortable rhythm, Jinyoung's tiny voice shattered the peace. His lower lip trembled dramatically. "Teacher Taetae," he whined, clinging onto Taehyung's shirt like a koala, "Can't you come pway with us at home?"

Taehyung knelt down, his face dissolving into a gentle warmth. "Jinyoung, as much as I'd love to, my parents are visiting today. But," he winked, "how about I come play tomorrow after school?"

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