New neighbor | Part 2 | KTH

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Days turned into weeks, and your visits to Taehyung's place became a cherished routine. You'd spend afternoons filled with laughter, baking mismatched masterpieces and watching silly movies that made you erupt in giggles. You'd help him with his music, suggesting nonsensical lyrics that somehow sparked a melody in his heart. He, in turn, would patiently teach you basic dance moves, his laughter echoing as you tripped over your own feet. Your bond blossomed like a flower reaching for the sun, filled with innocent joy and a burgeoning sense of comfort.

One particularly restless night, sleep eluded you. Tossing and turning in your bed, you missed Taehyung's warmth, the way his smile could chase away any worry. Unable to bear the silence any longer, an impulsive idea struck you. You knew it was a little crazy, maybe even a little reckless, but the thought of seeing him outweighed any concerns.

Tiptoeing to your window, you unlatched it with a soft creak. The night air, cool and fragrant with the scent of blooming jasmine, washed over you. You glanced down at your nightshirt - a soft, silky garment that clung to your curves a little too revealingly, but in your innocence, you didn't think twice. All that mattered was reaching Taehyung.

With the agility of a cat, you climbed down the old oak tree beside your window, a familiar route you'd used for childhood adventures. Reaching Taehyung's house, you found his window, thankfully left ajar on that warm summer night. Slipping inside, you landed softly on the plush carpet, your heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Taehyung sat on his bed, bathed in the soft glow of his laptop screen. The light accentuated the defined planes of his face, the strong jawline and the slight furrow in his brow as he concentrated. But what truly stole your breath away was his chest. The hint of sweat glistening on his skin sent a shiver down your spine, a feeling you couldn't quite understand but instinctively liked.

You watched him for a moment, mesmerized by the way his fingers, strong and long-fingered, danced across the keyboard with a practiced ease. His dark hair, usually styled meticulously, was tousled from running his hands through it in frustration - a frustration that melted away the moment his eyes met yours.

"Oppa!" you whispered, your voice barely audible.

He jumped, his startled gasp echoing in the quiet room. His eyes widened as he saw you, a look of disbelief quickly melting into amusement and a hint of concern.

"Y/N! What are you doing here?" His voice trailed off, unsure of how to phrase his next question without sounding too harsh.

You giggled, oblivious to the slight scandal you'd caused. "I couldn't sleep, oppa. I missed you!"

He ran a hand through his hair, a sigh escaping his lips. He knew he couldn't scold you, not with that innocent smile plastered on your face. "Alright, alright," he said, his voice softening. "Come here, little one."

He patted the space beside him on the bed, and you, with the enthusiasm of a child, hopped onto the plush mattress. Your gaze flitted to the screen, your curiosity piqued by the flashing images.

"Oppa, what are you watching?" you asked, your voice filled with innocent wonder.

He hesitated, a blush creeping up his neck. "Uh, it's... it's nothing, Y/N. Just some work stuff."

"But it doesn't look like work," you countered, tilting your head in confusion. "There are people... cuddling and they're not wearing any clothes."

Taehyung groaned, his hands reaching over his face in a defeated gesture. How do you explain something like pornography to someone as innocent as you?

He decided honesty was the best policy. "Alright, Y/N," he began, his voice low and hesitant. "This is something grown-ups do. It's called... porn."

You furrowed your brow, the word unfamiliar to your ears. "Porn? What's that?"

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