when he misses her (part 4) | KTH

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Taehyung entered the imposing glass doors of his office building, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within him. The usual symphony of greetings from his employees was met with a curt nod, his gaze distant, lost in the labyrinth of his own thoughts. A heavy weight settled on his shoulders, a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil he'd been grappling with since the early hours of the morning.

His colleagues, accustomed to his quiet demeanor, exchanged worried glances. Today, the air crackled with a tension that went beyond his usual stoicism. A shadow seemed to have settled over their usually charismatic boss, his face etched with a weariness that went deeper than lack of sleep. The reason for this sudden shift remained a mystery, a private storm brewing behind his guarded eyes.

He reached his cabin, a sanctuary of sleek furniture and panoramic views that offered no solace today. His secretary, Min-seo, a woman known for her unfailing efficiency, entered with a notepad in hand.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim," she greeted, her voice laced with a concern that cut through his fog. "Here's your schedule for today."

Taehyung barely registered the words as she went over his meticulously planned day. A breakfast meeting with potential investors, a presentation to the marketing team, a conference call with overseas partners, a late lunch squeezed in between meetings, and a never-ending stream of emails and reports demanding his attention.

Each item on the agenda felt like a brick added to an already unbearable burden. The frenetic pace of his usual workday, a welcome distraction in the past, now loomed like a relentless assault. He longed for a moment of quiet, a chance to process the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to consume him.

But the demands of his empire, a constant tide, wouldn't allow for such a reprieve. With a nod and a murmured "thank you," he dismissed Min-seo, the weight of responsibility settling on him like a suffocating cloak. He forced himself to straighten his tie, a mask of composure replacing the raw vulnerability that threatened to break through. The day stretched before him, an unrelenting marathon, and he, a weary warrior, was forced to take the first step.


The relentless conference call finally sputtered to a close, the disembodied voices fading into a comforting silence that felt deafening in its intensity. Taehyung slumped back in his chair, the tension draining from his shoulders like floodwater receding. For a stolen moment, he allowed himself to close his eyes, a semblance of peace washing over him.

The quiet, however, was shattered by a soft knock on the door. "Come in," he mumbled, his voice raspy from disuse. Min-seo entered, a brown paper bag clutched in her hand. She placed it on his desk with a gentle smile, a beacon of warmth in the sterile confines of his office.

"Your driver dropped this off for you, Mr. Kim," she explained.

Taehyung frowned, confusion creasing his brow. "My driver? I didn't order anything." The thought of lunch held little appeal - the gourmet spreads his usual clientele demanded had lost their flavor in the face of his emotional turmoil.

Min-seo offered a knowing nod, a silent language passing between them. "It seems your wife thought you might be running late again, sir."

A jolt of warmth, unexpected and electrifying, shot through Taehyung. "Y/n?" he breathed, a flicker of hope igniting in his chest, pushing back the shadows of doubt that had been clinging to him.

"Yes, sir," Min-seo confirmed, her smile widening. "She called earlier, worried you hadn't eaten breakfast."

He dismissed her with a murmured thanks, his fingers already reaching for the bag. Inside, nestled in a colorful cloth napkin, lay a lunchbox. The familiar scent, a symphony of spices and comfort, hit him like a wave of nostalgia, transporting him back to mornings filled with sunshine and the sound of your laughter.

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