Got married to my professor part 3 (re-edited) | KTH

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The moment hangs heavy with vulnerability as she confesses her deepest desire, "I may sound selfish but I don't ever want you to love anyone else." Her eyes drop, lips pressed together as she awaits his reaction. When Taehyung responds with a light-hearted giggle, the tension begins to ease, but her cheeks still flush with embarrassment.

"You were being possessive," he teases gently, his voice warm and playful. Y/n wishes she could vanish, her heart racing. But she finds the courage to reply, "But you wanted me to share everything and so I did," her voice barely a whisper, yet clear enough for him to hear.

Taehyung's smile is tender, full of affection. He inches closer to her, placing his index finger under her chin, guiding her gaze to meet his. His touch is soft and comforting, like a gentle promise that everything will be alright. Y/n feels her heart melt at the kindness in his eyes, feeling seen and understood in a way she never imagined possible.

Y/n listened intently to Taehyung's soothing voice as he spoke words of comfort and reassurance. His gentle touch against her chin guided her gaze to meet his, a tender moment that softened the lingering doubts she harbored. His presence was a balm to her soul, a shield against the fears that had crept into her heart.

"Y/n, you are truly innocent and kind-hearted," he murmured, his tone protective yet gentle. "Sana took advantage of that, feeding you lies and trying to instill fear of Jake. But you don't have to worry about him as long as I'm here. He won't harm you, and you don't need to be afraid."

His finger traced the line of her jaw, bringing a small smile to her lips. His words were a soothing lullaby, dispelling the shadows that had clouded her thoughts. "Don't let others take advantage of your purity and honesty," he continued. "People can be cruel and will seek to exploit those with good hearts like yours."

Y/n nodded, absorbing his wisdom, feeling the weight of his words and the safety they offered. Taehyung then paused, as if gathering his thoughts, and gently placed his palm on her cheek.

"As for Sana's claims about me being in love with her, they're nothing but lies. You don't need to fear her or Jake. And you don't need to fear our relationship falling apart. What you believed was born out of confusion and fear, but know this: I was never forced to marry you."

Taehyung's eyes held sincerity as he spoke, his touch tender. "I was surprised when my parents proposed the idea of marrying you, but I found no reason to oppose it. I asked them to speak with your parents, and you must know that I willingly agreed to this marriage."

Y/n's heart soared with happiness, hearing his honest and heartfelt words. The relief washed over her like a warm breeze, calming her restless thoughts. Taehyung's intentions were clear and pure.

"I've always known that the person I want to love, honor, and cherish with my whole being would be my wife," he said, a gentle smile playing on his lips. Y/n's blush deepened, and Taehyung noticed the sweet flush of her cheeks.

"Together, we will build a strong, unbreakable bond," he continued. "We'll face any challenges that come our way as a team."

In that moment, Y/n realized how fortunate she was to have married a man like Taehyung. His commitment and dedication to their marriage filled her with hope and gratitude. They both recognized the importance of communication, the foundation upon which they would build a loving and enduring relationship.

Their conversation reaffirmed their connection, and they felt an unspoken promise of a shared future, united in strength and love.

As the weeks flew by, the whirlwind of responsibilities and obligations consumed both Y/n and Taehyung. Their separate worlds seemed to orbit in unison, the weight of their commitments heavy upon their shoulders. But amidst the rush and the bustle, there was a secret thread connecting them, keeping their relationship alive and cherished.

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