Got married to my professor part 4 (re-edited) | KTH

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"I've some work to do. wait for me in the library."

Y/n's heart swelled with anticipation as she read her husband's message, a soft smile lighting up her face. The prospect of spending time together in the library after her work excited her, offering a comforting end to a busy day.

As she gathered her things and looked around, she noticed the room had cleared out, leaving her alone. Turning on her heels, she made her way towards the library, her steps light with eagerness. But her progress came to an abrupt halt when she encountered a figure blocking her path.

Sana stood before her, arms crossed, a chilling smirk playing on her lips. Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she faced the sudden confrontation. The sense of unease grew as Sana's piercing gaze locked onto her.

"Long time no see, Ms. Y/n," Sana greeted her, the words dripping with disdain. Y/n's shock and apprehension deepened, her pulse quickening at the unexpected encounter.

Sana's tone took on a mocking edge as she corrected herself, her smirk widening. "Oh! My apologies. It's Mrs. Kim Y/n, the beloved wife of Professor Kim."

The sinister undertone in Sana's voice sent a shiver down Y/n's spine, her earlier excitement now overshadowed by a creeping fear. Her widened eyes betrayed her anxiety, and she swallowed hard, trying to steady her racing thoughts.

The situation unfolded with a chilling intensity, as Sana's menacing approach sent shivers down Y/n's spine. With each step back, Y/n's fear grew, her heart racing as she faced the unpredictable threat before her. The sharp edge in Sana's voice cut through the air, leaving Y/n trembling in its wake.

"Is your little brain wondering how I got to know about it?" Sana's voice dripped with venom, her eyes locked onto Y/n with a fierce determination. Y/n's breath hitched as she braced herself, her instincts screaming for her to flee, but there was nowhere to run.

Y/n's world tilted when Sana revealed the involvement of Jake's gang, her words striking like a thunderbolt. The realization that they knew about her connection to Taehyung sent waves of panic crashing through her. Before she could react, Sana's grip tightened around her throat, cutting off her air and filling her vision with stars.

"Sana, please stop. It's hurting," Y/n pleaded, her voice strained as she struggled against the crushing hold on her neck. But her pleas only fueled Sana's rage, her grip growing tighter, causing Y/n's breaths to become shallow and labored.

Y/n's attempts to break free only seemed to provoke Sana further. The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed through the space as Y/n struck out, trying to defend herself. Sana's anger flared at the perceived insult, and her grip on Y/n's throat intensified, her jaw clenched with fury.

"You slut. How dare you touch me!" Sana's words were laced with venom as she choked Y/n harder, her eyes burning with hatred. Y/n's mind raced, struggling to find a way out of this dangerous situation, her thoughts clouded by fear and pain.

The scene was a harrowing dance of dominance and desperation, Y/n's life hanging in the balance as she fought for every breath. The sinister darkness of the moment enveloped her, her heart pounding as she fought to survive against the odds.


The tension in the air was thick as Sana's grip on Y/n's throat loosened, leaving the latter gasping for precious breaths of air. Sana's attention shifted toward the approaching figure, a smirk playing on her lips as she watched her partner in crime draw near. Y/n, coughing and struggling to regain composure, felt the weight of dread sink heavily into her chest.

"Why bother dirtying your hands on her when I'm right here?" Jake remarked with a mocking sneer, his hands tucked casually into his pockets. His gaze swept over Y/n dismissively, his smirk widening as he took in her disheveled appearance.

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