Got married to my professor part 2 (re-edited) | KTH

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The next day dawned with a soft glow, casting a warm, golden hue across the campus as Y/N sat in her class, admiring the view outside the window. The world seemed so peaceful from her vantage point, her mind briefly taking solace in the distant landscape.

Meanwhile, the classroom buzzed with the chatter of her fellow students. Gossip floated through the air, mixing with laughter and whispers. Sana, seated at her usual spot surrounded by her friends, drew their attention as she flaunted a pair of glistening, expensive earrings.

One of her friends, intrigued, leaned closer and asked, "Why did you wear this today? I mean, is there anything special?"

Sana's smile softened, and a hint of bashfulness crossed her usually confident demeanor. "Of course, there's someone for whom I've worn this," she responded, her words hinting at a secret she couldn't wait to share.

Her friends erupted into excited teasing, their voices a playful crescendo. "Oooo~~~ who's that lucky guy?" they chimed, their curiosity piqued by Sana's coyness.

Y/N listened from a distance, her gaze still fixed on the outside view. The lively conversation blended into the background, her thoughts turning inward as she tried to focus on her own day ahead.

"There's someone who's head over heels for me but just too shy to confess it, you know?" Sana's tone was filled with self-assuredness as she pouted dramatically, drawing her friends' attention even closer.

"But I'm bold, so I took the initiative and gave him a love letter," she boasted, a proud grin spreading across her face.

"Oh! Wow! That means you won't be single anymore... Ommo!!" one of her friends exclaimed in excitement.

"Yeah! Of course," Sana replied, her tone dripping with confidence.

Y/N let out a quiet sigh, trying to block out the conversations around her. The absurdity of Sana's words irked her, the audacious claims about Taehyung stinging her with their baselessness. Sana's obliviousness and arrogance made her blood boil. The truth about her own relationship with Taehyung weighed heavily on her mind, yet she couldn't bring herself to correct them or reveal her secret.

Y/N's thoughts were a swirling storm of uncertainty and fear as she navigated the halls of the university. The events of the previous night lingered in her mind, haunting her with unspoken questions and doubts. She remembered falling asleep while studying, only to wake up later in their bedroom without any memory of how she got there. The comforting touch of Taehyung had faded into the distance, leaving her feeling alone and vulnerable.

During breakfast, there had been a void where their conversations usually flowed, a silence filled with the faint echoes of Taehyung's voice on his phone. Y/N sensed his preoccupation, his focus drawn elsewhere, perhaps to matters she dared not imagine. The letter loomed large in her thoughts, a burden she carried silently, uncertain of its impact on their relationship.

As they arrived at the university, neither of them spoke of the letter, a mutual decision to avoid a confrontation neither seemed ready to face. But the silence only fed Y/N's fears, a gnawing dread that threatened to consume her. What if Taehyung truly loved Sana? The idea twisted her heart, causing her to question the foundation of their marriage.

Would she lose her husband to Sana's charms? The fear was a heavy weight on her soul, casting shadows over her every thought and moment. The uncertainty clouded her day, leaving her feeling adrift, her emotions a tempestuous sea she struggled to navigate.

The class buzzed with anticipation as Taehyung entered the room. Y/N, taken aback by the commotion, turned her attention from the window to the front of the classroom. As the students greeted him, she noticed something out of the ordinary—the confident smile on his face. It was unlike his usual composed demeanor, and curiosity stirred within her.

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