New neighbor | Part 4 | KTH

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Three years had painted the world in vibrant hues for you. Under Taehyung's patient guidance, you blossomed from a curious child into a beautiful, young woman of twenty-two. The once shy girl who couldn't read or write was now a confident individual, her mind brimming with knowledge and her heart overflowing with a love for learning.

Taehyung had been your rock, your constant companion on this incredible journey. He had tirelessly tutored you, his gentle encouragement pushing you past every hurdle. You devoured books, each page unlocking a new world, a new perspective. You discovered a passion for writing, pouring your emotions and experiences onto the blank canvas. The once hesitant words stumbled out with increasing fluency, weaving stories that reflected the depth of your newfound maturity.

But Taehyung's influence went far beyond academics. He instilled in you a sense of self-worth and independence. He taught you the value of kindness, of compassion, and the importance of fighting for what you believed in. He challenged you to think critically, to question the world around you, and to forge your own path.

The age gap, once a source of tension with your mother, had faded into the background. She saw the positive transformation in you, the way Taehyung had nurtured your potential and awakened your inner strength. Their initial apprehension had evolved into a grudging respect, a silent acknowledgment of the profound impact Taehyung had on your life.

Your relationship with Taehyung, however, remained a delicate dance. The innocent affection of your younger years had morphed into something deeper, a connection that resonated on a physical and emotional level.

Taehyung, ever the protector, kept his feelings tightly guarded. He cherished the bond they shared, the way you looked up to him, relied on him. The thought of jeopardizing your innocence, of sullying the purity of your love, held him back from expressing his true desires.

Yet, the unspoken yearning simmered beneath the surface, a constant undercurrent in your interactions. A lingering hand on yours that lingered just a beat too long, a stolen glance filled with unspoken emotions. These were the silent conversations that spoke volumes about the love story unfolding before your very eyes, a love story waiting to be written.

And through these three years, the undercurrent had manifested in countless stolen moments. Sleepovers at his house were a regular occurrence, the excuse for movie marathons often dissolving into comfortable cuddles on the couch, his arm wrapped protectively around you. The late-night conversations, fueled by mugs of hot chocolate, would inevitably lead to playful pillow fights, the laughter echoing through the silent house.

He never missed a chance to shower you with affection. Gentle forehead kisses as greetings, quick pecks on the cheek throughout the day, all delivered with a tenderness that both warmed your heart and sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You, in turn, reciprocated with an innocent affection, oblivious to the deeper meaning behind his touches.

These were the threads that wove the tapestry of your relationship, a tapestry waiting for the final, defining act. You, the beautiful, young woman you had become, stood poised at the precipice of love, waiting to claim your happily ever after. But would Taehyung, burdened by his protectiveness, take the leap with you? Or would your love story remain a melody waiting to be played, a love letter waiting to be written?

The memory of your most recent sleepover flickered in your mind like a cherished film reel. Rain lashed against the windows, creating a cozy rhythm that lulled you deeper into the plush cushions of Taehyung's couch. You were nestled between him and a mountain of fuzzy blankets, a steaming mug of chamomile tea warming your hands.

Taehyung, ever the movie buff, had curated a marathon of classic romances, each one seemingly filled with more dramatic declarations and passionate embraces than the last. You giggled as the latest on-screen couple confessed their undying love in a pouring rain scene, complete with soaked hair and theatrically windblown clothes.

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