016, 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

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Anna groaned as she woke in bed. She looked to see Ella walking into the bedroom. Ella smiled. "Rise and shine sleepyhead. I need to rant," she told her.

"When don't you want to rant?" Anna asked as she sat up and smiled. She knew how she and Mark had been on call most of the night.

Anna knew their relationship was fragile. She wanted to be with him. But there was too much that had happened. And she felt as though they needed to figure out if they could actually make it work again.

Ella looked to her. "How's it going with you and Mark?" She asked as she smiled.

Anna shrugged. "I don't know. I love him. I know I do. But I'm just worried that it's not gonna work out properly," she told her.

Ella nodded. "I'm the same with Alex. All we've been through. It's so weird. I lost our baby. And I miss how things used to be," she said.

"You and Alex are good together. You're gonna be make it work," Anna told her as she smiled.


Webber looked to the attendings. "I'm throwing down the gauntlet today, people. I've got a $1-million surplus and one department gets it. You know what you need, and I know what you need. Now I want to know what you want. And I'm gonna keep the residents busy, very busy. So that'll give you time to put your best foot forward," he told them.


In the residents lounge, Webber handed them navy blue scrubs. Anna frowned. "Navy scrubs? What the?" She asked.

"Attending scrubs. You are attendings today. Run the cases, take point, but don't be a fool. If you get in over your head, cry uncle. Until then ... Congratulations. You've just been promoted," Webber said as he looked to them.

Lexie raised her hand. "Um, chief webber. Uh, sorry. I-I didn't get any scrubs," she said.

"Oh, this is for fourth-year residents only, Grey. It's just a regular day for you."

Lexie nodded. "Well, fine. Well, if they're gonna be attendings, then that makes me chief resident," she told them all with a shrug.

Alex shook his head. "No. That makes you our scut monkey," he said as he looked to her.

Lexie frowned. "No, it doesn't. Does ... does it?" She asked. She shared a look with Anna.

Meredith rolled her eyes. She sighed. "It doesn't. The attendings aren't going anywhere. We're basically just playing dress up," she told her sister.


Meredith handed Cristina a pair of scrubs. "Here you go," she said.

"Thank you," Cristina said. She was just staring at the scrubs.

Anna turned to Ella. She smiled. "Attendings huh? Could be interesting," she said.

Ella nodded. "Yeah. Kinda worried about this. But I think it's gonna be fine. Alex looks so good though," she said as she bit her lip looking at her boyfriend.

"I don't need to know how you want to screw my brother thanks," Anna said as she grinned.


Mark and Alex were on their way to a patient. Alex looked to Mark. "It's my case. Are you gonna hand me over the chart?" He asked.

"What factors would lead a patient to want breast reduction surgery?" Mark questioned as looked to him.

Alex rolled his eyes and sighed. "Uh, neck pain, back pain, balance issues. Hand it over," he said.

LITTLE KAREV, Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now